Books by vincenzo cicchelli
PUF, 2024
Qu’est-ce qui fait que nous aimons tant les K-dramas ? Au-delà de leur grande qualité esthétique,... more Qu’est-ce qui fait que nous aimons tant les K-dramas ? Au-delà de leur grande qualité esthétique, ces séries télé, à la différence de leurs homologues américaines, réenchantent le lien social et nous offrent des récits dans lesquels l’amitié, l’amour, les liens familiaux et professionnels permettent de s’épanouir, de faire face aux inégalités et aux discriminations et de surmonter les épreuves de la vie. En accompagnant le lecteur dans la découverte des scénarios de K-dramas célèbres, les auteurs révèlent les trames d’un vivre ensemble désirable, où l’émancipation de l’individu n’est pas contradictoire avec le bonheur collectif.
Palgrave , 2022
This book explores disrupted youth cohesion in France within the context of
multiple ongoing glob... more This book explores disrupted youth cohesion in France within the context of
multiple ongoing global economic, migratory, social, political, and security-
related crises. While these trends can be observed in numerous Western societies, France provides a unique case study of various anticosmopolitan and anti-Enlightenment movements shaping youth conditions and reconfiguring relationships between the individual, the group, and society. The authors undertook in-depth interviews with French young people between the ages of 18 to 30 years old to inquire into how they experience “vivre ensemble” (living together) in a time of rising economic inequalities and multicultural tensions. Through these findings, they invite decision-makers, politicians, educators, and parents to propose a renewed narrative of social cohesion for youth who are not disillusioned, but deeply on edge.
“In spite of political despair, a possibility of change arises if young people’s will to participate in rebuilding solidarity is taken seriously. The book brings hope to the table without turning a blind eye to unevenly distributed structural uncertainties and the simultaneous presence of different suggestions for how to repair fractures in the social fabric—from pressures to assimilate to cosmopolitanism.”
— Anna Lund, Professor of Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden
“The material studied in this book is diverse and gives a nice sociological
dimension to the question explored and in relation with youth and belonging in multicultural and global contexts. It proposes a nuanced account of youth and crisis in multicultural societies.”
— Hervé Tchumkam, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor and Professor of French and Postcolonial Studies, Southern Methodist University, USA
PUF, 2022
Qu’ont en commun le groupe de pop BTS et la série Squid Game ? Tous deux appartiennent à la nouve... more Qu’ont en commun le groupe de pop BTS et la série Squid Game ? Tous deux appartiennent à la nouvelle vague de produits culturels sud-coréens, connue sous le nom de Hallyu, qui déferle sur le monde et surprend par l’engouement qu’elle suscite.
Cet ouvrage, le premier en langue française consacré au sujet, montre comment cette pop culture, fruit de l’écosystème politique et économique sud-coréen, mise sur l’exportation massive de produits culturels à l’esthétique innovante. En s’appuyant sur ces leviers de soft power, la Corée du Sud promeut une globalisation culturelle alternative à l’hégémonie américaine et japonaise dans le domaine des imaginaires juvéniles.
À travers de nombreux entretiens, les deux auteurs analysent la ferveur des jeunes fans français, qui ne s’appuie sur aucune proximité culturelle préexistante, témoigne d’une nouvelle ouverture esthétique et les autorise à imaginer des ailleurs désirables, par-delà les assignations de genre, de classe ou d’origine.
Palgrave, 2021
Combining global, media, and cultural studies, this book analyzes the success of Hallyu, or the "... more Combining global, media, and cultural studies, this book analyzes the success of Hallyu, or the "Korean Wave” in the West, both at a macro and micro level, as an alternative pop culture globalization. This research investigates the capitalist ecosystem (formed by producers, institutions and the state), the soft power of Hallyu, and the reception among young people, using France as a case study, and placing it within the broader framework of the 'consumption of difference.'
Seen by French fans as a challenge to Western pop culture, Hallyu constitutes a material of choice for understanding the cosmopolitan apprenticeships linked to the consumption of cultural goods, and the use of these resources to build youth’s biographical trajectories.
The book will be relevant to researchers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students in sociology, cultural studies, global studies, consumption and youth studies.
This book gives fresh insights into how transnational flows of East Asian media culture have been organized by various social actors and industries, generated alternative media globalization, engendered cross-border dialogues, and fostered a cosmopolitan outlook. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the study of the “Korean Wave,” cultural globalization and mediated dialogue.”
—Koichi Iwabuchi, Professor of Media and Cultural Studies, Monash University, Australia.
“This is an exceptional work about the "Korean Wave" (Hallyu) and multi-polar globalization of culture. While providing the context surrounding the emergence, promotion, and global diffusion of Hallyu, the authors also address it theoretically, tackling such emerging concepts as aesthetic capitalism, sweet power, and the theory of cosmopolitan elective affinities. A must-read book for understanding the past, present, and future of Hallyu!”
—Wonho Jang, Professor of Urban Sociology, University of Seoul, South Korea
Vincenzo Cicchelli is Associate Professor at Université de Paris and Research Fellow at Centre Population et Développement (Université de Paris / IRD), France.
Sylvie Octobre is Researcher at Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques, French Ministry of Culture, and Research Fellow at Centre Max Weber, France.
Consumption Popular culture South Korean culture K-Pop Manwhas K-dramas K-film Cosmopolitanism
L'Harmattan, 2021
La longue suite de crises globales (économiques, migratoires, sociales, sécuritaires et politique... more La longue suite de crises globales (économiques, migratoires, sociales, sécuritaires et politiques) que traverse la France depuis le début des années 2000 a profondément bouleversé le lien social et eu un impact sur la façon dont la jeunesse conçoit le vivre ensemble. Face au creusement des inégalités, à la perte de confi ance dans les institutions démocratiques, à la montée en puissance du communautarisme, à la crise du modèle républicain et au retour du nationalisme, cette génération est plus que jamais en quête d'un récit qui unirait les Français par-delà leurs divisions de genre, d'origines sociales et ethniques. Cet ouvrage alerte sur les crispations des jeunes et invite les adultes (décideurs, responsables politiques, éducateurs, parents) à leur proposer un récit du vivre ensemble renouvelé, avant que leurs inquiétudes ne s'expriment dans les urnes.
Brill, 2023
Call for papers
While an overwhelming number of studies have been conducted in the field of glob... more Call for papers
While an overwhelming number of studies have been conducted in the field of global studies, our goal here is to understand the methodological dimensions of the consequences, for social and political scientists – sociologists, anthropologists, human geographers, linguists –, to address the Global and its consequences linked to epistemological considerations.
The empirical question is one of the most pressing and compelling ones since it addresses the very issue of ‘how’ globalization(s) work(s) and its impact on the craft of the Social scientists in terms of methodological and theoretical tools. Where and when is the global to be observed? What are the indicators of globalization and how to approach these processes? How to measure global flows? What are the relevant scales of observation? How is it possible to integrate various levels of analysis as the Global North/South relations or Eastern/Western divides and a discussion of glocal phenomena? What might constitute (a) global fieldwork(s)? What kind of data (macro and/or micro) should be mobilized? How to better situate social scientist’s positionality in the global economy of knowledge? These are the questions that our edited collection would like to address.
This edited collection aims to present and discuss multi-scalar, multi-level and multi-sited methods commonly used to study the Global or its impacts. It will focus either on comparative objects that have major economic and cultural impacts or on issues, knowledge and goods that are left at the margin of globalization. Like the large field of research that is Global studies, these approaches are by definition multidisciplinary and simultaneously involve researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds and geographical areas. The book intends to discuss various possible approaches among which cosmopolitan sociology, connected history, world history, in light with the challenges posed, on one hand, by globalization and, on the other, the need for situated standpoints and knowledges claimed by feminist, postcolonial, decolonial, or post-western approaches for the last 30 years (Stoetzler and Yuval-Davis, 2002; Santos 2007; Mignolo 2000).
ISSA - Brill, 2020
This reference book provides the reader with an exhaustive array of epistemological, theoretical,... more This reference book provides the reader with an exhaustive array of epistemological, theoretical, and empirical explorations related to the field of cosmopolitanism studies. It considers the cosmopolitan perspective rather as a relevant approach to the understanding of some major issues related to globalization than as a subfield of global studies. In this unique contribution to conceptualizing, establishing, experiencing, and challenging cos-mopolitanism, each chapter seizes the paradoxical dialectic of opening up and closing up, of enlightenment and counter-enlightenment, of hope and despair at work in the global world, while the volume as a whole insists on the moral, intellectual, structural, and historical resources that still make cosmopolitanism a real possibility-and not just wishful thinking-even in these hard times.
Contributors include: John Agnew, Daniele Archibugi, Paul Bagguley, Esperança Bielsa, Estevão Bosco, Stéphane Chauvier, Daniel Chernilo, Vincenzo Cicchelli, Vittorio Cotesta, Stéphane Dufoix, David Held, Robert Holton, Yasmin Hussain, David Inglis, Lauren Langman, Pietro Maffettone, Sylvie Mesure, Magdalena Nowicka, Sylvie Octobre, Delphine Pagès-El Karaoui, Massimo Pendenza, Alain Policar, Frédéric Ramel, Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Hiro Saito, Camille Schmoll, Bryan S. Turner, Clive Walker, and Daniel J. Whelan.
“This landmark collection offers a critical way out of the current global crises of political and epidemiological lockdown.”
– Arjun Appadurai, New York University and The Hertie School, Berlin
“Timely and important, this book stands as a major contribution to cosmopolitanism studies. This is a must read-book.”
– Shujiro Yazawa, Hitotsubashi University and Seijo University, Tokyo
“This remarkable collection challenges us in understanding the world of strangers and sets out the case for a cosmopolitan approach to contemporary global politics.”
– Sari Hanafi, American University of Beirut, President of the International Sociological Association
Brill, 2019
Gathering scholars from five continents, this edited book displaces the elitist image of cosmopol... more Gathering scholars from five continents, this edited book displaces the elitist image of cosmopolitan as well as the blame addressed to aesthetic cosmopolitanism often considered as merely cosmetic. By considering aesthetic cosmopolitanism as a tool to understand how individuals and social groups appropriate the sphere of culture in a global world, the authors are concerned with its operationalization on two strongly interwoven levels, macro and micro, structural and individual. Based on the discussion of theoretical perspectives and empirically grounded research (qualitative and quantitative, conducted in many countries), this volume unveils new insights, on tourism and food, architecture and museums, TV series and movies, rock, K-pop and samba, by providing resources for making sense of aesthetic preferences in a global perspective.
Contributors are: Felicia Chan, Vincenzo Cicchelli, Talitha Alessandra Ferreira, Paula Iadevito, Sukhmani Khorana, Anne Krebs, Antoinette Kujilaars, Franck Mermier, Sylvie Octobre, Joana Pellerano, Rosario Radakovich, Motti Regev, Viviane Riegel, Clara Rodriguez, Leslie Sklair, Yi-Ping Eva Shi, Claire Thoumelin and Dario Verderame.
Pluriel et commun, 2018
We live in a globalized world in which a person in Burkina Faso can identify with Star Wars heroe... more We live in a globalized world in which a person in Burkina Faso can identify with Star Wars heroes, and in which a New York trader drinks the same Starbucks coffee as his Taiwanese counterpart. How are individuals socialized in Rome, Bombay, and Tokyo? To answer this question, a unique investigation has been carried out using two scales of analysis usually tackled separately by global studies: the scale of the cosmopolitan world and its global narratives, imaginaries, iconographies; as well as the scale of everyday life and socialization to otherness. This two-fold perspective constitutes the innovative approach of this volume that endeavors to address an operationalization of the cosmopolitan perspective and reacts to current debates and new research findings
Originally written in French, this book has been translated into English, Italian and Portuguese (Brazil)
Sesc, 2018
Considerando que os conceitos da sociologia clássica não conseguem mais apreender os paradoxos do... more Considerando que os conceitos da sociologia clássica não conseguem mais apreender os paradoxos do mundo contemporâneo, este livro traz a perspectiva da criação de uma sociologia dita cosmopolita, marcada por imaginários e produtos culturais “globalizados”. Vincenzo Cicchelli aborda as atitudes e as relações estabelecidas em um mundo cosmopolita, no qual o plural e o comum são configurações essenciais diante da multiplicação e da coexistência de referentes identitários e culturais provindos de uma realidade e interdependente.
Morlacchi editore, 2018
lI cosmopolitismo - questo antico e mai fugato sogno di abbattere le barriere e costruire una com... more lI cosmopolitismo - questo antico e mai fugato sogno di abbattere le barriere e costruire una comune umanità - ha vissuto stagioni di trionfi e di sconfitte. In un mondo globalizzato quale il nostro, lo spirito cosmopolita non è più un'utopia politica a lungo vagheggiata dai filosofi. Divenuto ormai un orientamento valoriale nonché uno stile di vita, aleggia su gran parte delle sfere della vita contemporanea. Le nostre società sono scosse da rigurgiti nazionalisti, segnate dal ritorno di forze anti-illuministiche e dal sorgere di vecchie e nuove tentazioni xenofobe. Eppure, esse offrono come non mai iconografie e narrazioni condivise, svariate occasioni di contatto, reali o virtuali, con l'alterità tramite i consumi culturali e gli immaginari globali, i media e le mobilità internazionali. Rifacendosi ad una corposa letteratura internazionale tanto teorica quanto empirica, il volume intende tratteggiare i lineamenti di una sociologia cosmopolita volta a capire le dinamiche culturali che plasmano un mondo al contempo e paradossalmente plurale e comune, in cui l'apertura e la benevolenza nei confronti dell'altro vanno vieppiù di pari passo con la chiusura e il rigetto di quest'ultimo.
Brill ISSA, 2018
We live in a globalized world in which a person in Burkina Faso can identify with Star Wars heroe... more We live in a globalized world in which a person in Burkina Faso can identify with Star Wars heroes, and in which a New York trader drinks the same Starbucks coffee as his Taiwanese counterpart. How are individuals socialized in Rome, Bombay, and Tokyo? To answer this question, a unique investigation has been carried out using two scales of analysis usually tackled separately by global studies: the scale of the cosmopolitan world and its global narratives, imaginaries, iconographies; as well as the scale of everyday life and socialization to otherness. This two-fold perspective constitutes the innovative approach of this volume that endeavors to address an operationalization of the cosmopolitan perspective and reacts to current debates and new research findings.
This book was first published in 2016 as Pluriel et commun. Sociologie d’un monde cosmopolite by Les Presses de Sciences Po.
Vincenzo Cicchelli is Associate Professor of Sociology at Université Paris Descartes and Research Fellow at GEMASS, Université Paris Sorbonne/CNRS. At Brill, he is the co-editorin-chief of Youth and Globalization (with Sylvie Octobre), the series co-editor of Youth in a Globalizing World (with Sylvie Octobre), and the series co-editor of Doing Global Studies (with Stéphane Dufoix). He has published (with Sylvie Octobre) Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth. The Taste of the World (Palgrave, 2018).
“Vincenzo Cicchelli has written a new and much needed book. He explores people’s experiences of a shared and plural world, and the tangible, ordinary mechanisms of global society that are shaping the cultural imaginaries and the lives of individuals today. Plural and Shared is a major contribution to understanding the cultural shifts of our time and how cosmopolitanism may be understood in this context.”
– David Held, Professor of Sociology, Durham University
“Timely and important, […] a well-written and meticulously researched monograph that stands as a major contribution to the growing body of literature on cosmopolitanism. It is a ‘must read’ for anyone wanting to understand the historic and modern forces shaping our increasingly globalizing and cosmopolitan world.”
– Elijah Anderson, Professor of Sociology, Yale University
“Cicchelli has written a thought-provoking book about an important and timely topic: how can we come to terms with the cosmopolitan world, which we share but which is inherently plural, composed of different cultures and outlooks on life? To address that conundrum, the book lays foundations for a cosmopolitan sociology and shows how it can be applied to examining the cultural, subjective and experiential dimensions of global society. It is a must read for all interested in global studies and cosmopolitanism.”
– Pertti Alasuutari, Professor of Sociology, University of Tampere
By examining cultural consumption, tastes and imaginaries as a means of relating to the world, th... more By examining cultural consumption, tastes and imaginaries as a means of relating to the world, this book describes the effects of globalization on young people from an aesthetic and cultural perspective. It employs the concept of aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism to analyse the emergence of an aesthetic openness to alterity as a new generational "good taste".
Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth critically examines the consumption of cultural products and imaginaries that provide genuine insight into social change, particularly in regards to young people, who play the largest role in cultural circulation. This book will be of interest to students and academics across a wide range of readers, including cultural theorists, and students engaged in debates on cultural consumption, the globalization of culture and transnational aesthetic codes.
“This excellent book brings together original ideas about globalization and cosmopolitanism in a rich empirical study of the consumption practices of French youth. Because it brings together the sociology of culture with the anthropology of globalization, it will be of great interest to all those who care about the future of transnational cultural practices.” (Arjun Appadurai, New York University, USA)
“The authors offer the reader an original and innovative analysis of contemporary global cultural tastes and passions. The fivefold configuration models proposed in this book will undoubtedly become a template to which forthcoming studies will have to confront themselves.” (Stéphane Dufoix, University Paris Nanterre, France)
“Based on an innovative survey revealing young adults’ cultural preferences, this book sheds unexpected light on contemporary forms of appropriation in a world now structured by the international circulation of symbolic goods.” (Jean-Louis Fabiani, Central European University, Hungary)
Since World War II, cultural products have become some of the most internationally circulated goo... more Since World War II, cultural products have become some of the most internationally circulated goods. The flow of cultural goods between nations has increased dramatically: certain products can be found virtually everywhere on the planet (such as hit pop songs, TV series, blockbuster movies, bestselling books, etc.), and thus help to develop shared cultural imaginaries as well as global awareness. Thanks to the reigning supremacy of mass media outlets, cultural industries and the internet, the circulation of aesthetics and culture has never been freer for young people in Western countries, including in France. Aesthetic and cultural consumption is often the most globalized element of the social lives of young individuals; examining their consumption of cultural products and imaginaries can provide us with genuine insight on social change, especially with regard to young people, who play the largest role in cultural circulation.
By examining cultural consumption, tastes and imaginaries as a means of relating to the world, this book seeks to describe the effects of globalization on young people from an aesthetic and cultural perspective. In doing so, we employ the concept of aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism to analyse globalization as a transnational cultural process which does not erase local cultures, but which transmutes a sentiment of ‘national cultural uniqueness’ (Regev, 2007) through the emergence of an aesthetic openness to alterity. This concept may be defined as ‘a cultural disposition involving an intellectual and aesthetic stance of “openness” towards peoples, places and experiences from different cultures, especially those from different “nations”’ (Szerszinski and Urry 2002).
The originality of this book stems from its presentation of the empirical evidence of the impact of globalization on young people, in their everyday aesthetic and cultural consumption as well as their imaginaries. For the first time in international research on aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism, this book combines:
- a) An in-person survey conducted in France among a representative sample of young adults aged 18 to 29 years old living in France (N = 1,605, stratified by age, sex and size of urban unit), specially designed to understand how young people appropriate internationally disseminated cultural products for themselves;
- b) 43 in-depth interviews of young people regarding their cultural patterns, their global interests and their relationship to the world.
This research was made possible by the founding of the French Ministry of Culture and communication for the quantitative investigation, and by the engagement of the University Paris Descartes and the CNRS for the qualitative investigation.
Come è cambiato il mondo! Come un mantra, questa affermazione ci è troppo spesso propinata da dec... more Come è cambiato il mondo! Come un mantra, questa affermazione ci è troppo spesso propinata da decisori e personale politico, diffusa dai media e ripetuta dalla gente comune. Questo libro ha voluto trasformarla in interrogativo e affidare la risposta a chi scrutando i profondi cambiamenti all’opera nelle società contemporanee ha trovato nel pensiero di Vittorio Cotesta una fucina di idee, spunti e riflessioni per aguzzare lo sguardo.
La grande diversità dei temi affrontati nei saggi scritti in onore di Vittorio Cotesta, nel solco di quelli da lui trattati nella sua lunga carriera, mostra a chi intende vivere la sociologia come vocazione che non vi sono scorciatoie per capire il complesso mondo in cui viviamo e che i migliori risultati si ottengono quanto più gli interessi coltivati spaziano da un’epoca all’altra, da una disciplina all’altra, da un autore all’altro. La raccolta di questi testi è dunque un omaggio, nel duplice significato della parola, insieme atto dovuto di ammirazione per chi tanto ha dato alla sociologia in Italia e all’estero, ma anche dono offerto a chi voglia conoscere meglio e da altre angolature l’uomo Cotesta, la sua storia e le sue battaglie, lo studioso, la sua opera, il suo impegno.
Books by vincenzo cicchelli
multiple ongoing global economic, migratory, social, political, and security-
related crises. While these trends can be observed in numerous Western societies, France provides a unique case study of various anticosmopolitan and anti-Enlightenment movements shaping youth conditions and reconfiguring relationships between the individual, the group, and society. The authors undertook in-depth interviews with French young people between the ages of 18 to 30 years old to inquire into how they experience “vivre ensemble” (living together) in a time of rising economic inequalities and multicultural tensions. Through these findings, they invite decision-makers, politicians, educators, and parents to propose a renewed narrative of social cohesion for youth who are not disillusioned, but deeply on edge.
“In spite of political despair, a possibility of change arises if young people’s will to participate in rebuilding solidarity is taken seriously. The book brings hope to the table without turning a blind eye to unevenly distributed structural uncertainties and the simultaneous presence of different suggestions for how to repair fractures in the social fabric—from pressures to assimilate to cosmopolitanism.”
— Anna Lund, Professor of Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden
“The material studied in this book is diverse and gives a nice sociological
dimension to the question explored and in relation with youth and belonging in multicultural and global contexts. It proposes a nuanced account of youth and crisis in multicultural societies.”
— Hervé Tchumkam, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor and Professor of French and Postcolonial Studies, Southern Methodist University, USA
Cet ouvrage, le premier en langue française consacré au sujet, montre comment cette pop culture, fruit de l’écosystème politique et économique sud-coréen, mise sur l’exportation massive de produits culturels à l’esthétique innovante. En s’appuyant sur ces leviers de soft power, la Corée du Sud promeut une globalisation culturelle alternative à l’hégémonie américaine et japonaise dans le domaine des imaginaires juvéniles.
À travers de nombreux entretiens, les deux auteurs analysent la ferveur des jeunes fans français, qui ne s’appuie sur aucune proximité culturelle préexistante, témoigne d’une nouvelle ouverture esthétique et les autorise à imaginer des ailleurs désirables, par-delà les assignations de genre, de classe ou d’origine.
Seen by French fans as a challenge to Western pop culture, Hallyu constitutes a material of choice for understanding the cosmopolitan apprenticeships linked to the consumption of cultural goods, and the use of these resources to build youth’s biographical trajectories.
The book will be relevant to researchers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students in sociology, cultural studies, global studies, consumption and youth studies.
This book gives fresh insights into how transnational flows of East Asian media culture have been organized by various social actors and industries, generated alternative media globalization, engendered cross-border dialogues, and fostered a cosmopolitan outlook. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the study of the “Korean Wave,” cultural globalization and mediated dialogue.”
—Koichi Iwabuchi, Professor of Media and Cultural Studies, Monash University, Australia.
“This is an exceptional work about the "Korean Wave" (Hallyu) and multi-polar globalization of culture. While providing the context surrounding the emergence, promotion, and global diffusion of Hallyu, the authors also address it theoretically, tackling such emerging concepts as aesthetic capitalism, sweet power, and the theory of cosmopolitan elective affinities. A must-read book for understanding the past, present, and future of Hallyu!”
—Wonho Jang, Professor of Urban Sociology, University of Seoul, South Korea
Vincenzo Cicchelli is Associate Professor at Université de Paris and Research Fellow at Centre Population et Développement (Université de Paris / IRD), France.
Sylvie Octobre is Researcher at Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques, French Ministry of Culture, and Research Fellow at Centre Max Weber, France.
Consumption Popular culture South Korean culture K-Pop Manwhas K-dramas K-film Cosmopolitanism
While an overwhelming number of studies have been conducted in the field of global studies, our goal here is to understand the methodological dimensions of the consequences, for social and political scientists – sociologists, anthropologists, human geographers, linguists –, to address the Global and its consequences linked to epistemological considerations.
The empirical question is one of the most pressing and compelling ones since it addresses the very issue of ‘how’ globalization(s) work(s) and its impact on the craft of the Social scientists in terms of methodological and theoretical tools. Where and when is the global to be observed? What are the indicators of globalization and how to approach these processes? How to measure global flows? What are the relevant scales of observation? How is it possible to integrate various levels of analysis as the Global North/South relations or Eastern/Western divides and a discussion of glocal phenomena? What might constitute (a) global fieldwork(s)? What kind of data (macro and/or micro) should be mobilized? How to better situate social scientist’s positionality in the global economy of knowledge? These are the questions that our edited collection would like to address.
This edited collection aims to present and discuss multi-scalar, multi-level and multi-sited methods commonly used to study the Global or its impacts. It will focus either on comparative objects that have major economic and cultural impacts or on issues, knowledge and goods that are left at the margin of globalization. Like the large field of research that is Global studies, these approaches are by definition multidisciplinary and simultaneously involve researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds and geographical areas. The book intends to discuss various possible approaches among which cosmopolitan sociology, connected history, world history, in light with the challenges posed, on one hand, by globalization and, on the other, the need for situated standpoints and knowledges claimed by feminist, postcolonial, decolonial, or post-western approaches for the last 30 years (Stoetzler and Yuval-Davis, 2002; Santos 2007; Mignolo 2000).
Contributors include: John Agnew, Daniele Archibugi, Paul Bagguley, Esperança Bielsa, Estevão Bosco, Stéphane Chauvier, Daniel Chernilo, Vincenzo Cicchelli, Vittorio Cotesta, Stéphane Dufoix, David Held, Robert Holton, Yasmin Hussain, David Inglis, Lauren Langman, Pietro Maffettone, Sylvie Mesure, Magdalena Nowicka, Sylvie Octobre, Delphine Pagès-El Karaoui, Massimo Pendenza, Alain Policar, Frédéric Ramel, Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Hiro Saito, Camille Schmoll, Bryan S. Turner, Clive Walker, and Daniel J. Whelan.
“This landmark collection offers a critical way out of the current global crises of political and epidemiological lockdown.”
– Arjun Appadurai, New York University and The Hertie School, Berlin
“Timely and important, this book stands as a major contribution to cosmopolitanism studies. This is a must read-book.”
– Shujiro Yazawa, Hitotsubashi University and Seijo University, Tokyo
“This remarkable collection challenges us in understanding the world of strangers and sets out the case for a cosmopolitan approach to contemporary global politics.”
– Sari Hanafi, American University of Beirut, President of the International Sociological Association
Contributors are: Felicia Chan, Vincenzo Cicchelli, Talitha Alessandra Ferreira, Paula Iadevito, Sukhmani Khorana, Anne Krebs, Antoinette Kujilaars, Franck Mermier, Sylvie Octobre, Joana Pellerano, Rosario Radakovich, Motti Regev, Viviane Riegel, Clara Rodriguez, Leslie Sklair, Yi-Ping Eva Shi, Claire Thoumelin and Dario Verderame.
Originally written in French, this book has been translated into English, Italian and Portuguese (Brazil)
This book was first published in 2016 as Pluriel et commun. Sociologie d’un monde cosmopolite by Les Presses de Sciences Po.
Vincenzo Cicchelli is Associate Professor of Sociology at Université Paris Descartes and Research Fellow at GEMASS, Université Paris Sorbonne/CNRS. At Brill, he is the co-editorin-chief of Youth and Globalization (with Sylvie Octobre), the series co-editor of Youth in a Globalizing World (with Sylvie Octobre), and the series co-editor of Doing Global Studies (with Stéphane Dufoix). He has published (with Sylvie Octobre) Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth. The Taste of the World (Palgrave, 2018).
“Vincenzo Cicchelli has written a new and much needed book. He explores people’s experiences of a shared and plural world, and the tangible, ordinary mechanisms of global society that are shaping the cultural imaginaries and the lives of individuals today. Plural and Shared is a major contribution to understanding the cultural shifts of our time and how cosmopolitanism may be understood in this context.”
– David Held, Professor of Sociology, Durham University
“Timely and important, […] a well-written and meticulously researched monograph that stands as a major contribution to the growing body of literature on cosmopolitanism. It is a ‘must read’ for anyone wanting to understand the historic and modern forces shaping our increasingly globalizing and cosmopolitan world.”
– Elijah Anderson, Professor of Sociology, Yale University
“Cicchelli has written a thought-provoking book about an important and timely topic: how can we come to terms with the cosmopolitan world, which we share but which is inherently plural, composed of different cultures and outlooks on life? To address that conundrum, the book lays foundations for a cosmopolitan sociology and shows how it can be applied to examining the cultural, subjective and experiential dimensions of global society. It is a must read for all interested in global studies and cosmopolitanism.”
– Pertti Alasuutari, Professor of Sociology, University of Tampere
Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth critically examines the consumption of cultural products and imaginaries that provide genuine insight into social change, particularly in regards to young people, who play the largest role in cultural circulation. This book will be of interest to students and academics across a wide range of readers, including cultural theorists, and students engaged in debates on cultural consumption, the globalization of culture and transnational aesthetic codes.
“This excellent book brings together original ideas about globalization and cosmopolitanism in a rich empirical study of the consumption practices of French youth. Because it brings together the sociology of culture with the anthropology of globalization, it will be of great interest to all those who care about the future of transnational cultural practices.” (Arjun Appadurai, New York University, USA)
“The authors offer the reader an original and innovative analysis of contemporary global cultural tastes and passions. The fivefold configuration models proposed in this book will undoubtedly become a template to which forthcoming studies will have to confront themselves.” (Stéphane Dufoix, University Paris Nanterre, France)
“Based on an innovative survey revealing young adults’ cultural preferences, this book sheds unexpected light on contemporary forms of appropriation in a world now structured by the international circulation of symbolic goods.” (Jean-Louis Fabiani, Central European University, Hungary)
By examining cultural consumption, tastes and imaginaries as a means of relating to the world, this book seeks to describe the effects of globalization on young people from an aesthetic and cultural perspective. In doing so, we employ the concept of aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism to analyse globalization as a transnational cultural process which does not erase local cultures, but which transmutes a sentiment of ‘national cultural uniqueness’ (Regev, 2007) through the emergence of an aesthetic openness to alterity. This concept may be defined as ‘a cultural disposition involving an intellectual and aesthetic stance of “openness” towards peoples, places and experiences from different cultures, especially those from different “nations”’ (Szerszinski and Urry 2002).
The originality of this book stems from its presentation of the empirical evidence of the impact of globalization on young people, in their everyday aesthetic and cultural consumption as well as their imaginaries. For the first time in international research on aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism, this book combines:
- a) An in-person survey conducted in France among a representative sample of young adults aged 18 to 29 years old living in France (N = 1,605, stratified by age, sex and size of urban unit), specially designed to understand how young people appropriate internationally disseminated cultural products for themselves;
- b) 43 in-depth interviews of young people regarding their cultural patterns, their global interests and their relationship to the world.
This research was made possible by the founding of the French Ministry of Culture and communication for the quantitative investigation, and by the engagement of the University Paris Descartes and the CNRS for the qualitative investigation.
La grande diversità dei temi affrontati nei saggi scritti in onore di Vittorio Cotesta, nel solco di quelli da lui trattati nella sua lunga carriera, mostra a chi intende vivere la sociologia come vocazione che non vi sono scorciatoie per capire il complesso mondo in cui viviamo e che i migliori risultati si ottengono quanto più gli interessi coltivati spaziano da un’epoca all’altra, da una disciplina all’altra, da un autore all’altro. La raccolta di questi testi è dunque un omaggio, nel duplice significato della parola, insieme atto dovuto di ammirazione per chi tanto ha dato alla sociologia in Italia e all’estero, ma anche dono offerto a chi voglia conoscere meglio e da altre angolature l’uomo Cotesta, la sua storia e le sue battaglie, lo studioso, la sua opera, il suo impegno.
multiple ongoing global economic, migratory, social, political, and security-
related crises. While these trends can be observed in numerous Western societies, France provides a unique case study of various anticosmopolitan and anti-Enlightenment movements shaping youth conditions and reconfiguring relationships between the individual, the group, and society. The authors undertook in-depth interviews with French young people between the ages of 18 to 30 years old to inquire into how they experience “vivre ensemble” (living together) in a time of rising economic inequalities and multicultural tensions. Through these findings, they invite decision-makers, politicians, educators, and parents to propose a renewed narrative of social cohesion for youth who are not disillusioned, but deeply on edge.
“In spite of political despair, a possibility of change arises if young people’s will to participate in rebuilding solidarity is taken seriously. The book brings hope to the table without turning a blind eye to unevenly distributed structural uncertainties and the simultaneous presence of different suggestions for how to repair fractures in the social fabric—from pressures to assimilate to cosmopolitanism.”
— Anna Lund, Professor of Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden
“The material studied in this book is diverse and gives a nice sociological
dimension to the question explored and in relation with youth and belonging in multicultural and global contexts. It proposes a nuanced account of youth and crisis in multicultural societies.”
— Hervé Tchumkam, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor and Professor of French and Postcolonial Studies, Southern Methodist University, USA
Cet ouvrage, le premier en langue française consacré au sujet, montre comment cette pop culture, fruit de l’écosystème politique et économique sud-coréen, mise sur l’exportation massive de produits culturels à l’esthétique innovante. En s’appuyant sur ces leviers de soft power, la Corée du Sud promeut une globalisation culturelle alternative à l’hégémonie américaine et japonaise dans le domaine des imaginaires juvéniles.
À travers de nombreux entretiens, les deux auteurs analysent la ferveur des jeunes fans français, qui ne s’appuie sur aucune proximité culturelle préexistante, témoigne d’une nouvelle ouverture esthétique et les autorise à imaginer des ailleurs désirables, par-delà les assignations de genre, de classe ou d’origine.
Seen by French fans as a challenge to Western pop culture, Hallyu constitutes a material of choice for understanding the cosmopolitan apprenticeships linked to the consumption of cultural goods, and the use of these resources to build youth’s biographical trajectories.
The book will be relevant to researchers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students in sociology, cultural studies, global studies, consumption and youth studies.
This book gives fresh insights into how transnational flows of East Asian media culture have been organized by various social actors and industries, generated alternative media globalization, engendered cross-border dialogues, and fostered a cosmopolitan outlook. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the study of the “Korean Wave,” cultural globalization and mediated dialogue.”
—Koichi Iwabuchi, Professor of Media and Cultural Studies, Monash University, Australia.
“This is an exceptional work about the "Korean Wave" (Hallyu) and multi-polar globalization of culture. While providing the context surrounding the emergence, promotion, and global diffusion of Hallyu, the authors also address it theoretically, tackling such emerging concepts as aesthetic capitalism, sweet power, and the theory of cosmopolitan elective affinities. A must-read book for understanding the past, present, and future of Hallyu!”
—Wonho Jang, Professor of Urban Sociology, University of Seoul, South Korea
Vincenzo Cicchelli is Associate Professor at Université de Paris and Research Fellow at Centre Population et Développement (Université de Paris / IRD), France.
Sylvie Octobre is Researcher at Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques, French Ministry of Culture, and Research Fellow at Centre Max Weber, France.
Consumption Popular culture South Korean culture K-Pop Manwhas K-dramas K-film Cosmopolitanism
While an overwhelming number of studies have been conducted in the field of global studies, our goal here is to understand the methodological dimensions of the consequences, for social and political scientists – sociologists, anthropologists, human geographers, linguists –, to address the Global and its consequences linked to epistemological considerations.
The empirical question is one of the most pressing and compelling ones since it addresses the very issue of ‘how’ globalization(s) work(s) and its impact on the craft of the Social scientists in terms of methodological and theoretical tools. Where and when is the global to be observed? What are the indicators of globalization and how to approach these processes? How to measure global flows? What are the relevant scales of observation? How is it possible to integrate various levels of analysis as the Global North/South relations or Eastern/Western divides and a discussion of glocal phenomena? What might constitute (a) global fieldwork(s)? What kind of data (macro and/or micro) should be mobilized? How to better situate social scientist’s positionality in the global economy of knowledge? These are the questions that our edited collection would like to address.
This edited collection aims to present and discuss multi-scalar, multi-level and multi-sited methods commonly used to study the Global or its impacts. It will focus either on comparative objects that have major economic and cultural impacts or on issues, knowledge and goods that are left at the margin of globalization. Like the large field of research that is Global studies, these approaches are by definition multidisciplinary and simultaneously involve researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds and geographical areas. The book intends to discuss various possible approaches among which cosmopolitan sociology, connected history, world history, in light with the challenges posed, on one hand, by globalization and, on the other, the need for situated standpoints and knowledges claimed by feminist, postcolonial, decolonial, or post-western approaches for the last 30 years (Stoetzler and Yuval-Davis, 2002; Santos 2007; Mignolo 2000).
Contributors include: John Agnew, Daniele Archibugi, Paul Bagguley, Esperança Bielsa, Estevão Bosco, Stéphane Chauvier, Daniel Chernilo, Vincenzo Cicchelli, Vittorio Cotesta, Stéphane Dufoix, David Held, Robert Holton, Yasmin Hussain, David Inglis, Lauren Langman, Pietro Maffettone, Sylvie Mesure, Magdalena Nowicka, Sylvie Octobre, Delphine Pagès-El Karaoui, Massimo Pendenza, Alain Policar, Frédéric Ramel, Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Hiro Saito, Camille Schmoll, Bryan S. Turner, Clive Walker, and Daniel J. Whelan.
“This landmark collection offers a critical way out of the current global crises of political and epidemiological lockdown.”
– Arjun Appadurai, New York University and The Hertie School, Berlin
“Timely and important, this book stands as a major contribution to cosmopolitanism studies. This is a must read-book.”
– Shujiro Yazawa, Hitotsubashi University and Seijo University, Tokyo
“This remarkable collection challenges us in understanding the world of strangers and sets out the case for a cosmopolitan approach to contemporary global politics.”
– Sari Hanafi, American University of Beirut, President of the International Sociological Association
Contributors are: Felicia Chan, Vincenzo Cicchelli, Talitha Alessandra Ferreira, Paula Iadevito, Sukhmani Khorana, Anne Krebs, Antoinette Kujilaars, Franck Mermier, Sylvie Octobre, Joana Pellerano, Rosario Radakovich, Motti Regev, Viviane Riegel, Clara Rodriguez, Leslie Sklair, Yi-Ping Eva Shi, Claire Thoumelin and Dario Verderame.
Originally written in French, this book has been translated into English, Italian and Portuguese (Brazil)
This book was first published in 2016 as Pluriel et commun. Sociologie d’un monde cosmopolite by Les Presses de Sciences Po.
Vincenzo Cicchelli is Associate Professor of Sociology at Université Paris Descartes and Research Fellow at GEMASS, Université Paris Sorbonne/CNRS. At Brill, he is the co-editorin-chief of Youth and Globalization (with Sylvie Octobre), the series co-editor of Youth in a Globalizing World (with Sylvie Octobre), and the series co-editor of Doing Global Studies (with Stéphane Dufoix). He has published (with Sylvie Octobre) Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth. The Taste of the World (Palgrave, 2018).
“Vincenzo Cicchelli has written a new and much needed book. He explores people’s experiences of a shared and plural world, and the tangible, ordinary mechanisms of global society that are shaping the cultural imaginaries and the lives of individuals today. Plural and Shared is a major contribution to understanding the cultural shifts of our time and how cosmopolitanism may be understood in this context.”
– David Held, Professor of Sociology, Durham University
“Timely and important, […] a well-written and meticulously researched monograph that stands as a major contribution to the growing body of literature on cosmopolitanism. It is a ‘must read’ for anyone wanting to understand the historic and modern forces shaping our increasingly globalizing and cosmopolitan world.”
– Elijah Anderson, Professor of Sociology, Yale University
“Cicchelli has written a thought-provoking book about an important and timely topic: how can we come to terms with the cosmopolitan world, which we share but which is inherently plural, composed of different cultures and outlooks on life? To address that conundrum, the book lays foundations for a cosmopolitan sociology and shows how it can be applied to examining the cultural, subjective and experiential dimensions of global society. It is a must read for all interested in global studies and cosmopolitanism.”
– Pertti Alasuutari, Professor of Sociology, University of Tampere
Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth critically examines the consumption of cultural products and imaginaries that provide genuine insight into social change, particularly in regards to young people, who play the largest role in cultural circulation. This book will be of interest to students and academics across a wide range of readers, including cultural theorists, and students engaged in debates on cultural consumption, the globalization of culture and transnational aesthetic codes.
“This excellent book brings together original ideas about globalization and cosmopolitanism in a rich empirical study of the consumption practices of French youth. Because it brings together the sociology of culture with the anthropology of globalization, it will be of great interest to all those who care about the future of transnational cultural practices.” (Arjun Appadurai, New York University, USA)
“The authors offer the reader an original and innovative analysis of contemporary global cultural tastes and passions. The fivefold configuration models proposed in this book will undoubtedly become a template to which forthcoming studies will have to confront themselves.” (Stéphane Dufoix, University Paris Nanterre, France)
“Based on an innovative survey revealing young adults’ cultural preferences, this book sheds unexpected light on contemporary forms of appropriation in a world now structured by the international circulation of symbolic goods.” (Jean-Louis Fabiani, Central European University, Hungary)
By examining cultural consumption, tastes and imaginaries as a means of relating to the world, this book seeks to describe the effects of globalization on young people from an aesthetic and cultural perspective. In doing so, we employ the concept of aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism to analyse globalization as a transnational cultural process which does not erase local cultures, but which transmutes a sentiment of ‘national cultural uniqueness’ (Regev, 2007) through the emergence of an aesthetic openness to alterity. This concept may be defined as ‘a cultural disposition involving an intellectual and aesthetic stance of “openness” towards peoples, places and experiences from different cultures, especially those from different “nations”’ (Szerszinski and Urry 2002).
The originality of this book stems from its presentation of the empirical evidence of the impact of globalization on young people, in their everyday aesthetic and cultural consumption as well as their imaginaries. For the first time in international research on aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism, this book combines:
- a) An in-person survey conducted in France among a representative sample of young adults aged 18 to 29 years old living in France (N = 1,605, stratified by age, sex and size of urban unit), specially designed to understand how young people appropriate internationally disseminated cultural products for themselves;
- b) 43 in-depth interviews of young people regarding their cultural patterns, their global interests and their relationship to the world.
This research was made possible by the founding of the French Ministry of Culture and communication for the quantitative investigation, and by the engagement of the University Paris Descartes and the CNRS for the qualitative investigation.
La grande diversità dei temi affrontati nei saggi scritti in onore di Vittorio Cotesta, nel solco di quelli da lui trattati nella sua lunga carriera, mostra a chi intende vivere la sociologia come vocazione che non vi sono scorciatoie per capire il complesso mondo in cui viviamo e che i migliori risultati si ottengono quanto più gli interessi coltivati spaziano da un’epoca all’altra, da una disciplina all’altra, da un autore all’altro. La raccolta di questi testi è dunque un omaggio, nel duplice significato della parola, insieme atto dovuto di ammirazione per chi tanto ha dato alla sociologia in Italia e all’estero, ma anche dono offerto a chi voglia conoscere meglio e da altre angolature l’uomo Cotesta, la sua storia e le sue battaglie, lo studioso, la sua opera, il suo impegno.
Key-words: Aesthetic capitalism; Empowerment; Cosmopolitan emotions; Fans; K-pop
and the temptations of identitarian closures are common Western trends, this paper
will specifically focus on the French case, as its republican assimilationist model has
been very much infused with universalism and endures many tensions facing multicultural
society. By focusing on the arguments mobilized by young French adults
to solve the tensions between republican universalism and national particularism,
as well as envisioning social cohesion, we analyze their narratives and shed light on
four “spirits”: Homo Nationalis, embodying a nationalistic passion for the homeland;
Homo Civicus, expressing deep commitment to the res publica and the common good;
Homo Culturalis, demanding recognition of minority cultures; and Homo Pontifex
(the “bridge builder”), encouraging cosmopolitanism and a love of humanity.
(p. 46).
Call for
or their linguistic dispositions. From the perspective of aesthetic - cultural cosmopolitanism, this text argues that a new figure of the consumer has been born in the age of cultural globalization: the cosmopolitan amateur (Cicchelli and Octobre, 2018). The latter uses cultural content to nourish its relationship to the world, to varying degrees, more or less conscious and committed, and for contrasting results, ranging from openness to critical
distance. The article is based on in-depth interviews conducted with young people in both countries (N in France = 43, N in Tunisia = 35)
Aesthetic-cultural cosmopolitanism, globalization of culture, amateurism, reception, young people, Tunisia, France.
France was affected by an unseen wave of riots in November 2005. This paper comes from a monographic survey made in Aulnay-sous-Bois (a town in the north of Paris). This paper aims to focus on some significant difficulties during the fieldwork. We also attempt to take seriously the discourse of the young interviewees (those actively involved as well as those not actively involved in these events). We have considered our interviewees as “able” to tell their experiences and to give them a meaning. Thanks to this attitude, this survey found out that young people gave several versions of the riots summarised in three great explanations: for them these riots were the result of deviance, protest or a game.
amateurs de la Hallyu, apprentissages qui échappent aux éducations formelles et relèvent le plus souvent, au moins dans un premier temps, d’une auto-éducation. Après avoir fourni au lecteur des éléments d’explication du succès global de l’Hallyu, l’article se penche –à l’aide de vingt entretiens approfondis auprès de jeunes franciliens âgés de 18 à 29 ans– sur les compétences cosmopolites mobilisées par les personnes interrogées dans –et acquises par– la consommation de ces
produits, a priori très éloignés de leur culture d’origine. Finalement, il questionne l’éventuelle transférabilité de ces compétences dans d’autres champs, scolaires ou professionnels, leur usage dans la construction d’une trajectoire biographique avant d’examiner le rôle des institutions scolaires en la matière.
Sylvie Octobre and I are honored to share with you this wonderful news: Youth and Globalization (Brill) is now indexed in Scopus
While this is a great achievement for our journal, we would like to thank everybody for their continued and valuable commitment as guest editors, authors, and reviewers… best to come!
Youth and Globalization is an academic forum for discussion and exchanges, a space for intellectual creativity on all questions relating to youth in a globalizing world. Its aim is to provide an innovative understanding of youth studies in a global context based on multiscalar (both local and global), multilevel (economic, political, social), transnational, and multidisciplinary approaches. Drawing on both theoretical and empirical research, and in addition to and as a complement of the Brill book series Youth in a Globali zing World, the journal explores how young people relate to globality and its outcomes.
Paper’s proposal deadline: 15th January 2024;
An article proposal should include the following: name, affiliation, and professional contact details of the authors, provisional title for the article, research questions, corpus studied and method(s) used, 1-2 pages citing the bibliography. The proposals should be sent to: Judit Vari ([email protected]). Feedback will be delivered by early January 2024;
Paper's submission deadline: March 1st, 2024 (9,000 words max). Papers should be submitted through the platform:
First feedback to authors: May 1st, 2024;
Deadline for the submission of the revised version: June 30th, 2024;
Publication: November 2024
In this issue which focuses on video games and the social skills of the youth and their emotions, special attention is given to the comparative dimension based on field surveys, with sociological, historical, and anthropological aspects. Therefore, the proposed articles could focus on the following issues:
• How do playing styles differ across continents? Do people play the same game in the same way in Japan, France, the United States or elsewhere? Do these styles reflect specific values and social representations? Alternatively, could playing the same game bridge cultural boundaries by sharing similar emotions?
• How do girls and boys engage emotionally with specific games? To what extent do video games reinforce specific emotional dispositions (joy, anger, etc.) depending on the gender and the ethnic and social origin?
• How do young people express their feelings about the aesthetics of games? What are the cultural and social impacts on this perception of aesthetics and young people's emotions? How do video game producers or gaming communities take this into consideration?
• The professionalization of video games, particularly competitive esport, requires emotional control. What form does this emotional control take during tournaments? How do casters and viewers perceive it? How do coaches train players to exercise this control? To what extent do cultural differences play a role?
We are interested in the analysis and discussion of both general, old/new phenomena and specific case studies; with an either (inter/trans)national, intra-regional, or global reach and influence. We expect to receive papers dealing with discourses on multimedia conglomerates, publishing houses,
TV stations, film studios, game studios, single artists or works, located in East Asia or native of it.
We are, for the purpose of this special issue, certainly interested in prosumption/produsage phenomena and fandom studies, be them based either on renown franchises or on nascent grassroots trends. However, we also and mainly expect many proposals and a great deal of emphasis on the
mainstream phenomena of large proportions, with analyses of explanatory and (wherever applicable) predictive value on them, and an attention to the reception and understanding of those phenomena by the broader (national, regional, extra-regional) publics, stakeholders, and policy-makers.
Authors Guidelines
The edited collection aims at being interdisciplinary (it will welcome chapters from social sciences, marketing, media studies, cultural studies, popular studies, Hallyu studies, etc.). Theoretical discussion, as well as fieldworks, are welcome. We also encourage comparative chapters.
The chapters should be between 6000 and 8000 words (including references and footnotes). For editorial guidelines, please see:
• Submission of proposals (500 words maximum): December 2022
• Answer to the authors: February 2023
• First versions of the chapters (6000/8000 words maximum): July 2023
• Remarks to the authors: September 2023
• Second versions of the chapters: December 2023
• Submission of the manuscript to Brill: March 2024
• Date of publication: Fall 2024
The submissions should jointly be sent to
Vincenzo CICCHELLI: [email protected]
Siyeun MOON: [email protected]
Sylvie OCTOBRE: [email protected]
Youth and Globalization publish peer-reviewed articles (8,000- 9,000 words), book reviews (up to 1,200 words), and interviews/conversations (not to exceed 2,500 words). See Author Instructions:
Contributors are: Jorge Benedicto, Maritza Urteaga, Dolores Rocca, José Antonio Pérez Islas, Juan Carlos Revilla, Mariano Urraco, Almudena Moreno, Óscar Aguilera, Marcela Saá, Rafael Merino, Ana Miranda, Carles Feixa, Gonzalo Saraví, Antonio Santos-Ortega, David Muñoz-Rodríguez, Arantxa Grau-Muñoz, José Manuel Valenzuela, Silvia Elizalde, Mónica Figueras, Mittzy Arciniega, Nele Hansen, Tanja Strecker, Elisa G. de Castro, Melina Vázquez, René Unda, Daniel Llanos, Sonia Páez de la Torre, Pere Soler, Daniel Calderón, and Stribor Kuric.
The impulse for this reflection was the research work performed by the authors on a cohort of contemporary youths from seven countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Contributors are: Duncan Adam, Massimiliano Andretta, Roberta Bracciale, David Cairns, Diego Carbajo Padilla, Enzo Colombo, Valentina Cuzzocrea, Carles Feixa, Ben Gook, Izabela Grabowska, Natalia Juchniewicz, Ewa Krzaklewska, Wolfgang Lehmann, Michelle Mansfield, María Martinez, Ann Nilsen, Rebecca Raby, Paola Rebughini, Birgit Reißig, Bjørn Schiermer, Tabea Schlimbach, Melanie Simms, Benjamín Tejerina, Kristoffer C Vogt, and Natalia Waechter.
Young people both are affected by and are the actors of the globalization of everyday life. Mobility (travel, migration, education), multicultural backgrounds, relations to educational and job markets, demands for leisure recognition, transformation of families and of childhood and youth, and the proliferation and development of youth cultures are among the changing factors that Brill Research Perspectives in Global Youth investigates on macro, meso and micro levels.
Brill Research Perspectives in Global Youth welcomes proposals coming from the wide range of the human and social sciences (to include sociology, anthropology, demography, economics, psychology, linguistics, political science, history, etc.).
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts by email to the Editors-in-Chief, Vincenzo Cicchelli & Sylvie Octobre: [email protected]
How widespread are these radical ideas? What are the main characteristics of youngsters who share them? Are there links between religious radicalism and political radicalism? How do young people feel about the 2015 terrorist attacks? How do young people use media and social media to keep abreast of and understand radical acts and opinions? Those are the main questions explored in this book.
Contributors are: Vincenzo Cicchelli, Alexandra Frénod, Olivier Galland, Laurent Lardeux, Anne Muxel, Jean-François Mignot and Sylvie Octobre.
Au-delà des données, nombreuses, qui décrivent les situations de fragilité objectives de certaines fractions de la jeunesse, notamment peu diplômées, voire marginalisées, la voix des jeunes est peu donnée à entendre. À l’aube de ce rendez-vous électoral majeur que sont les présidentielles de 2022, nous avons donc souhaité les écouter, pour comprendre comment ils envisagent le vivre-ensemble.
Participer à la réunion Zoom :
ID de réunion : 853 2214 3742
Code secret : 875882
Online via Zoom [in English]
Vincenzo Cicchelli
– Associate Professor at Université de Paris
– Research Fellow at Centre Population et Développement (Université de Paris / IRD), France
Sylvie Octobre
– Researcher at Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques, French Ministry of Culture
– Research Fellow at Centre Max Weber, France
Shin Dong Kim (Professor, Hallym University)
Doobo Shim (Professor, Sungshin Women’s University)
Seok-Kyeong Hong (Professor, Seoul National University)
Seen by French fans as a challenge to Western pop culture, Hallyu constitutes a material of choice for understanding the cosmopolitan apprenticeships linked to the consumption of cultural goods, and the use of these resources to build youth’s biographical trajectories.
The book will be relevant to researchers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students in sociology, cultural studies, global studies, consumption and youth studies.
With Peggy Levitt, professor at Wellesley College
“Move Over, Mona Lisa. Move Over, Jane Eyre: Disrupting the Cultural and Intellectual Inequality Pipeline”
Viernes 13 de noviembre -12 hs. | Modalidad virtual
La présentation sera suivie d’un débat avec Stéphane Dorin, professeur à l’Université de Limoges.
Gathering scholars from five continents, this edited book displaces the elitist image of cosmopolitan as well as the blame addressed to aesthetic cosmopolitanism often considered as merely cosmetic. By considering aesthetic cosmopolitanism as a tool to understand how individuals and social groups appropriate the sphere of culture in a global world, the authors are concerned with its operationalization on two strongly interwoven levels, macro and micro, structural and individual. Based on the discussion of theoretical perspectives and empirically grounded research (qualitative and quantitative, conducted in many countries), this volume unveils new insights, on tourism and food, architecture and museums, TV series and movies, rock, K-pop and samba, by providing resources for making sense of aesthetic preferences in a global perspective.
Vincenzo Cicchelli est enseignant-chercheur au Ceped. Il travaille sur les jeunes dans le monde global à partir d’une perspective cosmopolite. Il est co-directeur avec Sylvie Octobre de la « Global Youth Studies » chez Brill (Leiden/Boston)
Sylvie Octobre est sociologue au département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques du ministère de la culture et chercheure associée au Gemass. Ses travaux portent sur les rapports des enfants et des jeunes à la culture avec un intérêt particulier pour les inégalités, les différences de genre et les effets de la globalisation de la culture.
Stéphane Dorin est professeur à l’Université de Limoges. Il est spécialiste de sociologie culturelle et de la globalisation.
Vincenzo Cicchelli is an associate professor at University Paris Descartes. He is the former General secretary of the European sociological association, the former founder of the Research Network ‘Global, transnational and cosmopolitan sociology’ (ESA). And the former director of the multi-disciplinary program ‘Sociétés Plurielles’ (Université Paris Sorbonne Paris Cité). He is visiting professor at Roma Tre (Italy), the Universidad de la Republica (Montevideo, Uruguay), the Universidad de Santander (Spain), The University of Salerno (Italy). At Brill, he is the Editor-in-Chief (with Sylvie Octobre) of the ‘Global Youth Studies’ suite (composed of the journal and the book series: Youth and Globalization; Youth in a Globalizing World; Brill Research Perspectives in Global Youth): He is the author of many books and articles, of which the latest are (with Sylvie Octobre) Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth. The Taste of the World (London, Palgrave, 2018) and Pluriel et commun. Sociologie d’un monde cosmopolite (Paris, Les presses de SciencesPo, 2016), translated into English (Plural and Shared. The Sociology of a Cosmopolitan World, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2018), Italian (Plurale e comune. Sociologia di un mondo cosmopolita, Perugia, Morlacchi editore, 2018) and Portuguese (Plural e comum: Sociologia de un mundo cosmopolita, Edições Sesc São Paulo, 2018).
presente e lo sguardo rivolto al futuro. Questa è l’impressione che suscita la lettura del bel saggio di Vincenzo Cicchelli, Plurale e comune. Sociologia di un mondo cosmopolita. Il primo aspetto da segnalare è contenuto già nel titolo del volume: plurale e comune. La traduzione italiana del volume
riprende l’originale francese: pluriel et commun. L’espressione francese è più elegante, certamente, ma la formulazione italiana conserva l’essenziale del discorso dell’autore: l’umanità non può essere intesa solo come espressione dei tratti comuni delle donne e degli uomini della Terra e neppure solo dalle loro reciproche differenze. Una umanità universale è
possibile solo se è costruita sui tratti comuni e, nello stesso tempo, sulle differenze specifiche esistenti tra le donne e gli uomini del mondo"
Keywords: Plural and shared world – pluralism- intercultural future – (Everybody’s) cosmopolitanism - inclusive theory and praxis- contextualism- political philosophy- cultural studies- Cultural globalization- Ethics in International Relations
Call for publication: April 2023
Submission of abstracts (500 words maximum): end of September 2023
Answers to the authors: November 15th, 2023
First versions of the chapters (5000/7000 words maximum): early June 2024
Remarks to the authors: end of September 2024
Second versions of the chapters: end of November 2024
Submission of the manuscript to Brill: May 2025
Date of publication: Fall 2025
For all correspondance: [email protected]
These are examples of questions that could be addressed in this issue, but they do not constitute an exclusive list. We look forward to new research on various forms of new obscurantism appearing in Western societies. Papers that offer new empirical findings or explore new theoretical and methodological frontiers are particularly encouraged.
While in the first volume (entitled “The Craft of the Social Scientist in the Global Arena, to be published by BRILL Publishing in Fall 2023 and entirely open access), we explore how globalization is changing our tools of analysis on an epistemological, theoretical and methodological level, in this new project, we would like to gather proposals addressing more specifically the way in which various disciplines approach globalization, and from-scratch trough more ethnographic field-works, locally grounded.
Please do not hesitate to get back to us with a proposal concerning this new title: "The Fields of the Global".
Looking very much forward
Vincenzo Cicchelli and Isabelle Léglise
Proposals should be no more than 250 words in length and should indicate the theoretical framework, the data used, and the axis(es) in which the proposal fits.
-March 1, 2022: submission of the proposals
-May 2, 2022: selection of the proposals and feedback to the attendees
-December 14-16, 2022: conference in Paris
Paris 14-16 December 2022
Call for papers:
Volume 3 – Issue 2 Gangs and Globalization: Between Resistance and Resilience
Guest Editors: Carles Feixa, [email protected] and José Sánchez-Garcia, [email protected], Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona
Paper’s proposal deadline (abstract and title): December 31st, 2020 The abstract and title should be sent directly to the guest editor: [email protected] Paper's submission deadline: April 15th, 2021 Amended version's deadline: July 15th, 2021
Articles for publication in Youth and Globalization can be submitted online through
Editorial Manager: please click here.
Publication: November 2021
Call for papers Gangs are described as an episodic phenomenon comparable across diverse geographical sites, with the US gang stereotype often operating as an archetype. Mirroring this trend, academic researchers have increasingly sought to survey the global topography of gangs through positivist methodologies that seek out universal characteristics of gangs in different cultural contexts.
Following Thrasher’s classical definition, a gang is “an interstitial group originally formed spontaneously, and then integrated through conflict” (1927/2013, p. 57). This means that a gang is an informal group of locally rooted peers, in conflict with other peer groups, and sometimes with adult institutions. When delinquency was not considered as a fundamental attribute of youth street sociability, other concepts were used such as peer groups, street groups, subcultures, countercultures, lifestyles… reserving the term gang for street youth groups with members from migrant or ethnic minorities background and no for other youth groups. Because of this, when defining what a gang is, it is mandatory to refer both to the use of the term by informants and native actors -to their ‘emic’ meanings -and to their use by researchers and external actors -to their ‘ethic’ meanings. In addition, the terms and meanings may vary according to the geographical locations and subcultural traditions that we consider.
This call for papers invites to present theoretical, methodological and empirical researches on global gangs, in the continuum of resistance and resilience. Resistance we understand as a (sub)cultural movement that opposes the dominant or hegemonic culture. Resilience we understand as an affective, cognitive, relational and behavioural process that combines effective skills as a response to a situation of risk or adversity. Our perspective aims to recognize youth street groups as forms of youth culture for resisting hegemonic discourses and practices and as social resilience institutions for dealing with and fighting stigmatization. The question to answer is how transnational flows affect gang structures and cultures, and what kind of methods do we need to investigate the phenomenon in a comparative way, including the effects of COVID-19 and lockdown on street gang cultures.
About the Journal Youth and Globalization invites contributions from scholars and advanced researchers that promote dialog in a way that resonates with academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and students as well as the general reader. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles (8,000-9,000 words), book reviews (up to 1,200 words), and interviews/conversations (not to exceed 2,500 words).
Such a book would like to provide new insights through short and incisive texts written in the mode of argumentative essays and give a number of answers to such questions as: What will be the faces of this post-COVID world? Will we witness the reign of savage capitalism (Milanovic, 2019), the confrontation of the most powerful in a weakened world, a confrontation that will take the form, in particular, of a conflict between China and the United States (Allison, 2017)? Will we experience a more unequal, more divided, more closed world? Will we see a strengthening of the nationalist, populist, and xenophobic tendencies that are at work everywhere today, so that the ‘next world’ should be thought of as one in which existing trends will be hardened rather than as one of upheaval and renewal? Or, on the contrary, will we be audacious enough to invent new forms of solidarity that will make it possible to better confront the crises that await us and that we already know will be not only health crises, but also ecological, economic, political, as well as social crises?
Of course, no one can claim to predict this today. We are, however, at a crossroads, as we wrote in the preface to Cosmopolitanism in Hard Times. Indeed, one thing is sure: The idea of happy globalization is now definitely behind us. The optimism of Fukuyama predicting the end of history in the 1990s has become foreign to us. In the late summer of 2020, History is more than ever on the move.
Submission of proposals (300 words maximum): end of November 2020
Answer to the authors: mid-December 2020
First versions of the chapters (3500/4000 words maximum): end of April 2021
Remarks to the authors: end of May 2021
Second versions of the chapters: end of June 2021
Submission of the manuscript to Brill: end of July 2021
Date of publication: December 2021
Please send your email to
Vincenzo Cicchelli ([email protected])
Sylvie Mesure ([email protected])
Paper’s proposal deadline (abstract and title): June 30th 2020
Paper's submission deadline: October 30th, 2020 Amended version's deadline: February 15th, 2021 Publication: June 30th 2021
Ce numéro souhaite publier des articles issus des sciences humaines et sociales au sens large (histoire, économie, sociologie, anthropologie, sciences de l’information et de la communication, etc.), qui investigueront, sur la base de données macro et micro, nationales ou internationales, les logiques de production, les logiques de réception, ou les politiques publiques liées à la globalisation de la culture.
-Remise des note d’intention : 4 mai 2020.
Les notes d’intention, d’une page environ, devront préciser la problématique, le cadre théorique et le terrain et les méthodes utilisées.
-Remise des V1 : 1er septembre 2020.
La revue attend des textes de 60 000 signes maximum (y compris tableaux, formules, références bibliographiques). Les normes de la Revue sont consultables à l’adresse suivante :
-Remise des V2 : 1er décembre 2020
-Remise des Versions finales "Bon à publier" : 1er février 2020
- Parution : avril 2021.
Les propositions sont à adresser au secrétariat d'édition de la revue, à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]
Following in the footsteps of Max Weber’s ideas, Eisenstadt was primarily interested in understanding how social change and especially human creativity and its limitations make possible the internal transformations of various societies. In order to answer this query, he identified a dialectical link between the view of the world—or cosmology—and the social order, thereby opening a very broad field of study centered around a long term outlook and an understanding of space as globally-constituted at various historical moments. The type of analysis he proposed means to explain the relations existing among the social division of labor, the functioning of power structures and social institutions, the construction of collective faith and the creation of meaning within a more or less broad structure of solidarity. Eisenstadt has thereby managed to reactivate the explanatory schema of “the axial age” (or Achsenzeit) coined by Karl Jaspers in the immediate post-World War II context and to broaden it to the notion of “the axial civilization”.
Por Gustavo Ranieri
pouvoir scinder en deux leur vie, avant et après leur arrivée dans un pays. Dans mon cas, venir en France signifiait venir faire de la sociologie, le moteur de mon expatriation se résume tout simplement à cela.
Chacun à leur manière, ces articles mettent en lumière les multiples facettes de la globalisation de la culture, à partir de la circulation des produits cultu¬rels, et ouvrent de nouvelles pistes pour des questionnements tant méthodolo¬giques qu’épistémologiques ou théoriques, sur la base d’enquêtes empiriques. Bien sûr, ce numéro n’épuise en rien un sujet dont la période actuelle nous montre l’importance, y compris avec la pandémie de la Covid-19 qui a vu la croissance exponentielle de la circulation des produits culturels sur les plate¬formes globales, mais il voudrait augurer d’une plus grande focalisation des sciences sociales dans l’espace francophone sur ces thématiques
KEYWORDS: Europe; Cosmopolitanism; Cosmopolitan sociology; Cosmopolitan Europe; Citizenship
et un objet de connaissance scientifique. En dehors des liens puissants existant entre ces deux formes de catégorisation de la jeunesse (et qui ne doivent jamais faire oublier l’autonomie du
savoir sociologique), l’ambition de ce numéro est également de faire état des résultats des recherches comparatives portant sur la condition juvénile européenne. Trois thèmes structurent le propos. Le premier se penche sur la façon dont les politiques publiques participent de la mise en forme et de la construction
des contours de la jeunesse, en montrant la variété et l’étendue des dispositifs publics en direction de cette population. Le deuxième traite plus particulièrement des transformations du passage à l’âge adulte des jeunes européens par le biais de la prise en compte des cadres nationaux de socialisation. Quant au troisième, il s’agit de faire à la fois un bilan critique de la littérature sociologique consacrée
à la jeunesse européenne et une analyse de l’objectif des instances européennes de promotion des
politiques publiques en direction de cette population à l’échelon national et communautaire.
émeutes y ont été brutales, dans la mesure où des dégradations importantes ont été commises. Symboliquement, la flambée du concessionnaire Renault dans la nuit du 2 au 3 novembre a attiré les médias internationaux sur Aulnay, la destruction complète d’un magasin de moquettes ou encore d’un foyer de personnes âgées ont été des actes très largement répercutés par la presse. En outre, les émeutes à Aulnay ont été caractérisées pendant deux nuits par des affrontements directs et violents entre les jeunes et la police. Enfin, dernière caractéristique, ces émeutes se sont éteintes rapidement. Elles commencent à décliner le 4 novembre et se termineront quelques jours après. Quand les émeutes se propageront en province, Aulnay sera redevenue une ville calme.
Nous avons essayé de comprendre ces différentes dynamiques, en partant de questions simples : Pourquoi les émeutes ont-elles émergé ? Comment se sont-elles développées ? Comment et
pourquoi se sont-elles arrêtées ? Y répondre demande d’interroger les différents acteurs jeunes, adultes, professionnels, politiques sur leurs perceptions des émeutes et sur la façon dont ils y ont été impliqués, à des titres divers. Cela suppose à la fois de comprendre les processus de mobilisation des émeutiers (les motifs d’implication, les dynamiques d’interaction) mais également les logiques de gestion professionnelle et institutionnelle des émeutes (les modes d’action des différents acteurs impliqués) et les modes de mobilisation sociales (dynamiques associatives, rôle des familles).
Pour se donner les moyens de réaliser ces objectifs, cette expérimentation reposait sur deux axes d’intervention complémentaires : a) développer des actions de formation à l’accompagnement de projets de jeunes en tant qu’outil de leur autonomisation et intégra- tion sociale, d’une part ; b) agir pour une meilleure coordination institutionnelle et associa- tive sur les territoires pour favoriser l’initiative de jeunes mineurs, d’autre part.
The book aims to characterize cosmopolitanism as an enduring and recurrent historical human trait, even while abandoning any naïve notion of “cosmopolitanization” being a linear and irreversible endpoint of human destiny. Rather, Cicchelli argues, cosmopolitanism is best understood through its cyclical comeback in human history, each time under different guises. The inherent complexity of contemporary globalized societies calls for interpretive sociological frameworks that articulate notions of cosmopolitanism which eschew easy generalizations and which at the same time account for the spatial-temporal coordinates of the lived individual experiences in a global society.
whether the social sciences should be developed from within the normative premises of cosmopolitanism. The book adds new empirical evidence highly relevant to interpretations and arguments about cosmopolitanism. The text is supplemented by nearly 100 pages of appendices, some very informative tables and graphs. Throughout the book, the authors offer a meticulous and detailed presentation of information about their survey that echoes Bourdieu’s (1984) work. Their introduction brilliantly situates the book within France’s broader cultural universe, where the empirical exploration of globalization’s impact has been a relatively under-developed topic. The text is basically written for the French audience and the authors discuss at length definitional and conceptual issues that the English-speaking scholarly audience might already be familiar with. Still, it is a useful and even recommended book for Anglophone graduate-level social science seminars on cosmopolitanism.
y el cosmopolitismo, la sociología de Europa, y la sociología de la adolescencia y de la juventud; lo que ha desembocado en la redacción de varios libros, entre los cuales conviene mencionar L’esprit cosmopolite. Voyages de formation des jeunes en Europe (2012) o L’autonomie des jeunes. Questions politiques et sociologiques sur les mondes étudiants (2013).
place, through which processes, which experiences, which sociological tools?
The "global turn" can be defined as the globalization of social science, i.e. of the various disciplinary and inter-disciplinary appropriations of the concept of the global. These appropriations have transformed the scope, the lexicon, the methods of disciplines. Broader transnational processes impact on the social scientists’ craft. As this transformation is hardly ever taken into consideration per se, this new Series wants to make this issue its main foundation.
The scope of the series can be summarized by the three words composing its title. The books published should at least fit into one, and ideally more than one, of the three topics:
Doing: empirical dimension. How to study globalization and the global? It has long been considered that globalization was mostly a theoretical matter. Yet the empirical question is one of the most pressing ones since it addresses the very issue of "how?".
Global: theoretical dimension. What is globalization? How is it to be understood? With which concepts? What are the theories in competition? How global is social science?
Studies: epistemological dimension. How do social sciences react to the rise of the concept of globalization? What impact did the new interest in this topic have onto the disciplinary logic?
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts by email to either the series editor Vincenzo Cicchelli or the publisher Jason Prevost or by mail to BRILL, Attn: Rosanna Woensdregt, P.O. Box 9000, 2300 PA Leiden, The Netherlands.
Political, economic, and social changes and crises around the world are often interpreted through the lens of generational conflict, with some arguing that emerging connections between young people across borders is constituting a new ‘global generation’. Influential voices counter that a focus on generations obscures continuing differences and inequalities, particularly related to class and geographical location. In other words, generational framing is positioned as a type of ‘Northern Theory’ that deemphasises important different within age cohorts and within and between nations. Grounded in an overview of the sociology of generations and these claims of an emergent ‘global generation’, this presentation will look at the way the notion of generations is used in different places in the Asia Pacific, including Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia. I will show how drawing on these diverse understandings of generations can orient youth studies researchers to the effects of social change on the nature of intergenerational relationships, including new connections as well as intergenerational tensions, helping the field move beyond simplistic notions of generations in conflict, and beyond simplistic models of the reproduction of inequalities across time.
Professor Dan Woodman is the TR Ashworth Professor in Sociology at the University of Melbourne. He is immediate past President of Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in Australia, was a two-term President of The Australian Sociological Association and is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association. Dan is co-Chief Investigator on the Life Patterns project, one of the largest and longest running studies of young lives, tracking three generations of young Australians from the end of secondary school into adulthood. He is co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Youth Studies and has written widely on young people’s lives and the sociology of generations (including Youth and Generation, with Johanna Wyn). Dan has also written on generational change and the future work for a popular audience, writing newspaper articles in The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, the Guardian, and The Conversation, and featuring as an expert commentator in articles in The Atlantic, New Scientist, The Times, and El Pais, among others.
By Habibul Haque Khondker
The United Arab Emirates is a test case of national development where globalization, broadly defined, has resulted in remarkable and superlative achievements in economic and infrastructural development. The Emirates of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the economic hub and the political capital respectively are also the two major cities of the UAE. As cities both Dubai, where the tallest building of the world is located and Abu Dhabi, the location of the Louvre, among other cultural hubs have attracted worldwide attention. Using the concepts of globalization and glocalization, the present paper explores the developments in Dubai and Abu Dhabi since the beginning of the new millennium. The main argument of the paper is that Dubai is pursuing globalization as a goal because of the socio-economic circumstances as Abu Dhabi is pursuing the path of glocalization for both economic and cultural developments. The paper, then reflects on the consequences of the two pathways showing some lessons in national developments as well as conceptual refinements.
4th October 2021
2 pm (Paris and CEST time) – 8 am (EST time)
Campus des Grands Moulins, bâtiment C, salle 888C – 5 rue Thomas Mann, Paris 13e
With Brenda S.A Yeoh,
Raffles Professor of Social Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS)
“Transient Migrant Workers and the Spatial Politics of Non-Integration in the Global City”
DISCUSSANT: Delphine Pagès-El Karoui, ERCOM/INALCO, Fellow at the Institut Convergences Migrations (ICM)
ORGANISERS: Isabelle Léglise, CNRS, SeDyL and F3S-IRD and Vincenzo Cichelli, Université de Paris/CEPED
La journée s’organisera en deux temps :
Matinée : Table ronde autour de la COVID et de la globalisation.
Après-midi : Présentation des trois thématiques de recherche du GRIP : Citadinités Globales (Axe 1), Circulations (Axe 2) et Technologies, logiques marchandes et vulnérabilités (Axe 3).
En raison de la situation sanitaire, l’événement se déroulera en visioconférence
Afin de recevoir le lien pour vous connecter, merci de vous inscrire ci-dessous ou d’envoyer un courrier à [email protected]
In this vein, the 10th Congress invites scholars, cultural industry professionals, public officials, and students from around the world to share their analyses of Hallyu's current status, significance, and impact as a ubiquitous phenomenon. Moving away from the analysis that too often pigeonholes Hallyu as a manifestation of Korea's soft power, the 10th Congress aims to cultivate an open space for discussion where overseas Hallyu productions take center stage. The program aims to bring academic inquiry into dialogue with practice-based engagement by bringing together speakers from not only different disciplines, but also different sectors, in the hope that the conference will enact the fluidity with which Hallyu has come to position itself across and beyond cultural boundaries. Considering that Hallyu has long been and is currently being researched in so many areas of the academy without a corresponding degree of exchange between its members around the world, we aim to establish the Hallyu International Conference as a foundation upon which to build a sustainable network between theory and practice.