CERN Accelerating science

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Production and identification of $\mu$s-isomers in fragmentation-like reactions of a $^{112}$Sn beam / Grzywacz, R ; Anne, R ; Auger, G ; Bazin, D ; Borcea, C ; Borrel, V ; Corre, J M ; Dörfler, T ; Fomichov, A ; Gaelens, M et al.
GANIL-P-95-20.- Caen : GANIL, 1995 - 3 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, France, 19 - 23 Jun 1995, pp.561-562 - CERN library copies
Identification of $\mu$s-isomers produced in the quasifragmentation of a $^{112}$Sn beam / Grzywacz, R ; Anne, R ; Auger, R ; Bazin, D ; Borcea, C ; Borrel, V ; Corre, J M ; Dörfler, T ; Fomichov, A ; Gaelens, M et al.
- 1994. - 14 p.
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Identification of the doubly-magic nucleus $^{100}$Sn in the reaction $^{112}$Sn + $^{nat}$Ni at 63 MeV/nucleon / Lewitowicz, M ; Anne, R ; Auger, G ; Bazin, D ; Corre, J M ; Hue, R ; Saint-Laurent, M G ; Grzywacz, R ; Pfützner, M ; Rykaczewski, K et al.
- 1994. - 12 p.
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Identification of the doubly magic nucleus $^{100}$Sn at GANIL / Saint-Laurent, M G ; Anne, R ; Auger, G ; Bazin, D ; Borcea, C ; Borrel, V ; Corre, J M ; Dörfler, T ; Fomichov, A ; Grzywacz, R et al.
GANIL-P-94-23.- Caen : GANIL, 1994 - 11 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 2nd Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Tours, France, 30 Aug - 2 Sep 1994, pp.200-209 - CERN library copies
Identification of new nuclei at and beyond the proton drip-line near the doubly-magic nucleus $^{100}$Sn / Rykaczewski, K ; Anne, R ; Auger, R ; Bazin, D ; Borcea, C ; Borrel, V ; Corre, J M ; Dörfler, T ; Fomichov, A ; Grzywacz, R et al.
- 1994. - 15 p.
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New μs isomers in Tz=1 nuclei produced in the 112Sn(63A MeV)+natNi reaction / Grzywacz, R (Warsaw Univ. and GANIL, France) ; Pougheon, F (IPN) ; Rykaczewski, K (IPN ; CERN) ; Saint-Laurent, M G (GANIL, France) ; Schmidt-Ott, W D (Univ. of Göttingen) ; Tarasov, O (GANIL and FLNR) ; Zylicz, J (Warsaw Univ.) ; Wauters, J (Univ. of Leuven) ; Szerypo, J (Warsaw Univ.) ; Sorlin, O (IPN) et al.
1997 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 55 (1997) 1126-1129 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Decay properties of very neutron-deficent isotopes of silver and cadmium / Schmidt, K ; Divari, P C ; Elze, T W ; Grzywacz, R ; Janas, Z ; Johnstone, I P ; Karny, M ; Keller, H ; Kirchner, R ; Klepper, O et al.
- 1997. - 34 p.
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Intruder states and the onset of deformation in the neutron-deficient even-even Polonium isotopes / ISOLDE Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 1995 - 15 p.
In : International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, France, 19 - 23 Jun 1995, pp.543-544 (short version)
The influence of mixing of $0^{+}$ states on $\alpha$-decay transition probabilities in the A = 180-200 region / ISOLDE Collaboration
In : International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, France, 19 - 23 Jun 1995, pp.529-534
Beta decay of the new isotope $^{101}$Sn / Janas, Z ; Keller, H ; Kirchner, R ; Klepper, O ; Piechaczek, A ; Roeckl, E ; Schmidt, K ; Huyse, M ; Schwarzenberg, J ; Szerypo, J et al.
GSI-94-47.- Darmstadt : GSI, 1994 - 17 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : International Symposium on New Nuclear Structure Phenomena in the Vicinity of Closed Shells, Stockholm, Sweden, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 1994, pp.262-265 - CERN library copies

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