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ScienceMesh: an interoperable federation of EFSS services / Moscicki, Jakub (speaker) (CERN) ; Ferreira, Pedro (speaker) (CERN)
[ScienceMesh]( is an interoperable research platform developed for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), in the context of the [CS3MESH4EOSC]( project. It is designed to be an interoperable research platform for seamless sharing and collaboration on data across different EFSS systems, including major open-source platforms such as Owncloud, Nextcloud and others. ScienceMesh builds on the common experience and contributions from the CS3 community, ranging from interoperable protocols and APIs (OCM, CS3APIs) to service integration for collaborative research: access to large scale storage, Jupyter environments, digital repositories and files transfers. During this presentation, we will provide an update on the progress of the project and outline our plans for 2023 and beyond. For more information visit [](
2023 - 1015. HEP Computing; CS3 2023 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2023 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
ScienceMesh: An Interoperable Federation of EFFS services for European Open Science Cloud / Ferreira, Pedro (speaker) (CERN)
ScienceMesh ( is an interoperable research platform developed for the European Open Science Cloud by the project. ScienceMesh enables seamless sharing and collaboration on data between sites running different EFSS platforms (Owncloud, Seafile and Nextcloud). In this presentation we will give a summary of the status of the integration with EFSS platforms and outlook for 2022..
2022 - 1140. HEP Computing; CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
JupyterLab+ScienceMesh: Collaborative Data Science in sync-and-share environment. / Sieprawski, Marcin (speaker) (Software Mind)
Collaborative Data Science becomes increasingly important, as organizations continue to become more data-driven, and Data Science projects/models become more complex. In the report **Critical Capabilities for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms** (March 2021) Gartner predicts, that in near future collective intelligence in Data Science and cloud-based AI infrastructure will be among key factors for competitive advantage. This talk presents Distributed Data Science environments (part of [ScienceMesh](, which allow collaboration on [Jupyter Notebooks]( in sync-and-share environment. Jupyter Notebook has become No1 platform used by data scientists to build interactive applications and to work with big data and AI. [...]
2022 - 1378. HEP Computing; CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
ScienceMesh: Community Federation / Moscicki, Jakub (speaker) (CERN)
2024 - 1263. HEP Computing; CS3 2024 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2024 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
ScienceMesh for developers: how to contribute to CS3APIs and IOP / Gonzalez Labrador, Hugo (speaker) (CERN)
Information on processes for contributing to the design and development of the Science Mesh
2021 - 784. HEP Computing; CS3 2021- Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2021- Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
ScienceMesh and EOSC / Ferreira, Pedro (speaker) (CERN)
2022 - 637. HEP Computing; CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
Science Mesh -- where we are now with the CS3MESH4EOSC project? / Ferreira, Pedro (speaker) (CERN)
ScienceMesh is an interoperable research platform developed for the EOSC, that enables seamless sharing and collaboration on data between sites running different EFSS platforms (Nextcloud, OwnCloud and Seafile). In this presentation we will give a summary of the status of the integration with of these EFSS platforms into the Science Mesh and outlook for 2022
2022 - 910. HEP Computing; CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
ScienceMesh Demos Introduction / Ferreira, Pedro (speaker) (CERN)
2023 - 161. HEP Computing; CS3 2023 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2023 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
CERN viewpoint / Gonzalez Labrador, Hugo (speaker) (CERN)
REVA is an implementation of CS3 APIs which has become a key component of several systems: 1) CERNBox service (where it was originally developed) 2) Interoperability Platform (IOP) for ScienceMesh with 3rd party connectors to Owncloud, Seafile and Nextcloud 3) Core module and dependency of ownCloud Infinite Scale A roadmap and agreement on governance is needed to define the direction in which REVA will continue to evolve and to ensure that needs and perspectives of all REVA users are harmoniously reconciled: 1) open platform welcoming contributions from the FOSS community at large; 2) vendor-neutral interoperability component for European Open Science Cloud; 3) efficient implementation layer for commercial products supported by interested vendors; 4) efficient implementation layer for specific service deployments in the CS3 community..
2022 - 601. HEP Computing; CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing
CS3MES4EOSC - creating a mesh for Open Science / Ferreira, Pedro (speaker) (CERN)
Over the last decade, several CS3 services at universities, research institutions and NRENs have reliably provided data storage and collaborative services to the Scientific Community, normally through Open-Source on-premise solutions. Examples of such CS3 sites include CERNBox, SWITCHdrive, PSNCBox, SURF’s ResearchDrive, DeiC’s ScienceData, AARNet’s CloudSTOR, WWU's Sciebo, JRC’s Earth Observation Data Processing Platform, and CESNET’s DataCare [...]
2021 - 995. HEP Computing; CS3 2021- Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing External links: Talk details; Event details In : CS3 2021- Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing

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