$\beta$-decay spectroscopy with laser-polarised beams of neutron-rich potassium isotopes
/ Piersa-Siłkowska, Monika (CERN) ; Madurga, Miguel (University of Tennessee) ; Kowalska, Magdalena (CERN) ; Azaryan, Nikolay (CERN) ; Baranowski, Mikołaj (Adam Mickiewicz University) ; Bissell, Mark (CERN) ; Chojnacki, Mateusz (CERN) ; Christie, James (University of Tennessee) ; Fijałkowska, Aleksandra (University of Warsaw) ; Grzywacz, Robert (University of Tennessee) et al.
CERN-INTC-2023-026 ; INTC-P-662.
Neutron emission from unbound states in 135Sn
/ Grzywacz, Robert (Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee) ; Korgul, A (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland) ; Madurga, M (Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee) ; Fraile, L M (Grupo de Física Nuclear & IPARCOS, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) ; Xu, Z (Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee) ; Piersa-Siłkowska, M (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland) ; Benito, J (Grupo de Física Nuclear & IPARCOS, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) ; Algora, A (Instituto de Física Corpuscular, Edificio de Institutos de Paterna, Valencia, Spain) ; Allmond, J M (Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA) ; Bardayan, D (Institute for Struct and Nuc Astrophysics, Dept of Physics, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA) et al.
CERN-INTC-2021-050 ; INTC-P-614.
Production of $^{{129} \textrm{m}}$Xe and $^{{131} \textrm{m}}$Xe via neutron activation of $^{128}$Xe and $^{130}$Xe at ILL-RHF and NCBJ-MARIA high-flux reactors
/ Chojnacki, M (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Kulesz, K (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Michelon, I (CERN ; INFN, Padua) ; Azaryan, N (CERN ; Mickiewicz U., Poznan) ; Barbero, E (CERN) ; Crepieux, B (CERN) ; Lica, R (CERN ; Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Murawski, Ł (NCBJ, Swierk) ; Ziemba, M (NCBJ, Swierk) ; Piersa-Siłkowska, M (CERN) et al.
The long-lived xenon isomers $^{{129} \textrm{m}}$Xe and $^{{131} \textrm{m}}$Xe are of interest for the GAMMA-MRI project, which aims at developing a novel imaging modality based on magnetic resonance of polarized unstable tracers. Here, we present the steps leading to and following the production of these two isomers via neutron irradiation of highly-enriched $^{128}$Xe and $^{130}$Xe gas samples at two high-flux reactors, the High-Flux Reactor (Réacteur à haut flux, RHF) at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and the MARIA reactor at the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ). [...]
2024 - 8 p.
- Published in : Appl. Radiat. Isot. 205 (2024) 111174
Fulltext: PDF;
Magnetic moment of 11Be with ppm accuracy
/ Antusek, A (Faculty of Materials Science and Technology Slovak University of Technology) ; Azaryan, N (CERN) ; Baranowski, M (Faculty of Physics Adam Mickiewicz University) ; Bissell, ML (CERN) ; Chojnacki, MJ (CERN) ; de Groote, RP (Instituut voor Kern- en Stalingsfysica, KU Leuven) ; Hurajt, A (University in Bratislava) ; King, G (Department of Physics Washington University) ; Kowalska, M (CERN) ; Pastore, S (Department of Physics, Washington University) et al.
CERN-INTC-2023-014 ; INTC-P-655.
First β-decay spectroscopy of $^{135}$In and new $β$-decay branches of $^{134}$In
/ IDS Collaboration
The $\beta$ decay of the neutron-rich $^{134}$In and $^{135}$In was investigated experimentally in order to provide new insights into the nuclear structure of the tin isotopes with magic proton number $Z=50$ above the $N=82$ shell. The $\beta$-delayed $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy measurement was performed at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, where indium isotopes were selectively laser-ionized and on-line mass separated. [...]
2021-10-26 - 19 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. C 104 (2021) 044328
Fulltext: 2110.13988 - PDF; PhysRevC.104.044328 - PDF;
$\beta$ decay studies of neutron-deficient gallium isotopes with Lucrecia
/ Guadilla, Victor (University of Warsaw) ; Agramunt, Jorge (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular) ; Algora, Alejandro (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular) ; Araszkiewicz, Martyna (University of Warsaw) ; Au, Mia (ISOLDE, CERN) ; Bernerd, Cyril (ISOLDE, CERN) ; Briz, Jose Antonio (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) ; Chrysalidis, Katerina (ISOLDE, CERN) ; Fijałkowska, Alexandra (University of Warsaw) ; Fraile, Luis Mario (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) et al.
CERN-INTC-2024-063 ; INTC-P-718.
Full text
Beta-delayed neutron emission of $^{134}In$ and search for $i_{13/2}$ single particle neutron state in $^{133}Sn$
/ Grzywacz, R (Dept of Physics and Astronomy University of Tennessee Knoxville Tennessee 37996 USA) ; Madurga, M (Dept of Physics and Astronomy University of Tennessee Knoxville Tennessee 37996 USA) ; Karny, M (Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw PL 00-681 Warsaw Poland) ; Algora, A (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular Edificio de Institutos de Paterna E-46071 Valencia Spain) ; Allmond, J M (Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge Tennessee 37830 USA) ; Bardayan, D (Institute for Structure and Nucl Astrophysics Department of Physics Notre Dame Indiana 46556 USA) ; Benito, J (Grupo de Física Nuclear Universidad Complutense de Madrid 28040 Madrid Spain) ; Brewer, N (Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge Tennessee 37830 USA) ; Fijałkowska, A (Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw PL 00-681 Warsaw Poland) ; Gaffney, LP (The University of Liverpool Liverpool L69 7ZE United Kingdom) et al.
CERN-INTC-2020-027 ; INTC-P-554.
$^{133}$In: A Rosetta Stone for decays of r-process nuclei
/ Xu, Z.Y. (U. Tennessee, Knoxville) ; Madurga, M. (U. Tennessee, Knoxville) ; Grzywacz, R. (U. Tennessee, Knoxville ; Oak Ridge) ; King, T.T. (U. Tennessee, Knoxville ; Oak Ridge) ; Algora, A. (Valencia U., IFIC ; Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Andreyev, A.N. (York U., England ; JAERI, Tokai) ; Benito, J. (Madrid U.) ; Berry, T. (Surrey U.) ; Borge, M.J.G. (CSIC, Madrid) ; Costache, C. (Bucharest, IFIN-HH ; Leuven U.) et al.
The $\beta$ decays from both the ground state and a long-lived isomer of $^{133}$In were studied at the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). With a hybrid detection system sensitive to $\beta$, $\gamma$, and neutron spectroscopy, the comparative partial half-lives (logft) have been measured for all their dominant $\beta$-decay channels for the first time, including a low-energy Gamow-Teller transition and several First-Forbidden (FF) transitions. [...]
2023-07-14 - 8 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 (2023) 022501
Fulltext: Publication - PDF; 2306.01842 - PDF;