CERN Accelerating science

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A measurement of the lifetimes of Xi /sup 0/ and Lambda hyperons / Zech, G ; Dydak, F ; Geweniger, C ; Kleinknecht, K ; Navarria, Francesco Luigi ; Overseth, O E ; Steffen, P ; Taureg, H ; Wahl, H ; Williams, E G H
The mean lifetimes of the Lambda and Xi /sup 0/ hyperons have been measured in a short neutral beam at the CERN Proton Synchrotron. Lambda and Xi /sup 0/ decays have been identified by measuring their decay products in a magnetic spectrometer and in a lead glass hodoscope. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 124 (1977) 413-25
A new determination of the Λ0 mean life / Althoff, K H ; Brown, R M ; Freytag, D ; Heard, K S ; Heintze, J ; Mundhenke, R ; Rieseberg, H ; Soergel, Volker ; Stelzer, H ; Wagner, A
From 6582 kinematically-reconstructed Lambda /sup 0/ to p pi decays observed in an optical spark chamber, the Lambda /sup 0/ lifetime was evaluated to be tau /sub Lambda /=(2.69+or-0.05)*10/sup -10/ sec. This value is a factor of 1.067+or-0.020 higher than the present world average. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 66 (1973) 29-35
Upper limits for the production cross-section of Xi /sub c//sup 0/ and Xi /sub c//sup +/ in 340 GeV/c Sigma /sup -/-nucleon / Busch, C
Experiment WA89 at CERN-SPS investigates the production of charmed Baryons in 340 GeV/c Sigma /sup -/-nucleon interactions [...]
MPI-H-98-V-39. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck Inst. Kernphys., 1998. - 114 p.
Search for ΔS=2 decays of neutral Ξ-hyperons / Geweniger, C ; Eisele, F ; Gjesdal, S ; Kleinknecht, K ; Lüth, V ; Presser, G ; Steffen, P ; Steinberger, J ; Vanucci, F ; Wahl, H et al.
A search for the decay Xi /sup 0/ to p pi /sup -/ has been performed in a neutral hyperon beam derived from the 24 GeV/c external proton beam at CERN. The experiment gives as a 90% confidence upper limit for the branching ratio Gamma ( Xi /sup 0/ to p pi /sup -/)/ Gamma ( Xi /sup 0/ to Lambda pi /sup 0/) <3.6*10/sup -5/. [...]
1975 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 57 (1975) 193-196
A measurement of the OMEGA lifetime / Bristol-Geneva-Heidelberg-Orsay-Rutherford-Strasbourg Collaboration
In an experiment at the CERN-SPS charged-hyperon beam, a sample of 2500 Omega /sup -/ to Lambda K/sup -/ decays has been collected at Omega /sup -/ momenta at 98.5 and 115 GeV/c. The Omega /sup -/ lifetime is found to be tau /sub Omega /=(0.822+or-0.028)*10/sup -10/ s. [...]
CERN-EP-79-93.- Geneva : CERN, 1979 - 14 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 87 (1979) 297-302 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Recent results from CLEO : excited charmed baryons / Ehrlich, R D
Using data recorded by the CLEO detector at CESR, we report preliminary evidence for previously unknown charmed baryons. In the charm-strange sector, we find two states, one decaying into Xi /sub c //sup 0/' pi /sup +/ with the subsequent decay Xi /sub c//sup 0/' to Xi /sub c//sup 0/ gamma , and its isospin partner decaying into Xi /sub c//sup +/' pi /sup -/ followed by Xi /sub c//sup +/' to Xi /sub c //sup +/ gamma . [...]
In : 30th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Osaka, Japan, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2000, pp.391-3 (vol.1)
On Y(1327) hyperon / Kopeliovich, V B ; Nikolaev, N N ; Okun, Lev Borisovich
Possible decay channels and quantum numbers are discussed of the hyperon with mass 1327 MeV, that has been recently suggested in an experiment at Dubna. It is shown that in case J/sup P/=/sup 1///sub 2 //sup -/ one would expect comparable probabilities for the decays Y to Lambda pi /sup 0/ gamma and Y to Lambda gamma . [...]
1970 - Published in : Yad. Fiz.: 12 (1970) , no. 3, pp. 649-54
Hyperon decays and QCD / Gaillard, J M ; Basdevant, J L ; Gastmans, Raymond ; Jacob, Maurice René Michel ; Speiser, D ; Weyers, J
In an experiment in the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) charged hyperon beam, 2400 Omega /sup -/ decays have been collected. The analysis of the Omega /sup -/ sample has given an accurate measurement of the Omega /sup -/ lifetime ( tau ( Omega /sup -/)=(0.822+or-0.028) *10/sup -10/ s) and the first determination of the Omega /sup -/ decay branching ratios. [...]
In : Cargese Summer Institute, Cargese, France, 9 - 29 Jul 1979, pp.639-52
Measurement of the Michel parameters and the ντ helicity in τ decays in the ALEPH experiment / Wunsch, M (Inst fur Hochenergiephys Phys)
A new measurement of the Michel parameters and the mean nu /sub tau / helicity in tau lepton decays with the ALEPH detector at LEP is described. The analysed data corresponds to a total integrated luminosity of 155 pb/sup -1/. [...]
1999 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 76 (1999) 159-64
Production of Ξ resonances in Σ induced reactions at 345 GeV/c / WA89 Collaboration
We report on a measurement of the differential and total cross sections of inclusive production of Xi * resonances in Sigma /sup -/- nucleus collisions at 345 GeV/c. The cross section for inclusive Xi /sub 1530//sup 0/ production is about a factor of 5 below that of Xi /sub 1320//sup -/ hyperons. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1999 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 11 (1999) 271-8

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