CERN Accelerating science

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New measurement of (g-2) of the muon / Bailey, J ; Borer, K ; Combley, F ; Drumm, H ; Eck, C ; Farley, F J M ; Field, J H ; Flegel, W ; Hattersley, P M ; Krienen, F et al.
The g-factor anomaly, a identical to (q-2)/2, has been measured for mu /sup +/ in the new Muon Storage Ring at CERN. The result is a= (1165895+or-27)*10/sup -9/. [...]
1975 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 55 (1975) 420-424
In : American Physical Society Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 28 Apr - 1 May 1975
The anomalous magnetic moment of positive and negative muons / Bailey, J (Daresbury) ; Borer, K (Bern U.) ; Combley, F (Sheffield U.) ; Drumm, H (Mainz U.) ; Farley, F J M (Royal Military Coll., England) ; Field, J H (Birmingham U.) ; Flegel, W (Birmingham U.) ; Hattersley, P M (Birmingham U.) ; Krienen, F (Mainz U.) ; Lange, F (Mainz U.) et al.
The anomalous g-factor a identical to (g-2)/2 has been measured for muons of both charges in the Muon Storage Ring at CERN. The two results, a/sub mu +/=1165910(12)*10/sup -9/ and a/sub mu -/=1165936 (12)*10/sup -9/, are in good agreement with each other, and combine to give a mean a/sub mu /=1165922(9)*10/sup -9/, which is very close to the most recent theoretical prediction 1165921(10)*10/sup -9/. [...]
1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 67 (1977) 225-230
- Published in : Phys. Lett. B 68 (1977) 191-196 Fulltext: PDF;
Pulsed electrostatic quadrupole focusing for the CERN muon storage ring / Flegel, W ; Krienen, F
In order to improve the precision in the measurement of the g-factor anomaly a=(g-2)/2, it is desirable to have the polarized muons circulating in a uniform magnetic field (B.v=0). Vertical focusing of the muons can be done with an electrostatic quadrupole field. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods 113 (1973) 549-560
On the muon g-factor / Petermann, Andreas (CERN)
In : Summer Course on Nuclear Geology, Varenna, Italy, 1960, pp.403-406
Hadronic contributions to the muon g-factor / Gourdin, M ; De Rafael, E
CERN-TH-986.- 1969 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 10 (1969) 667-674 Fulltext: PDF;
Measurements of relativistic time dilatation for positive and negative muons in a circular orbit / Bailey, J ; Borer, K ; Combley, F ; Drumm, H ; Farley, F J M ; Field, J H ; Flegel, W ; Hattersley, P M ; Krienen, F ; Lange, F et al.
The lifetimes of both positive and negative relativistic ( gamma =29.33) muons have been measured in the CERN Muon Storage Ring with the results tau /sup +/=64.419 (58) mu s, tau /sup -/=64.368 (29) mu s. The value for positive muons is in accordance with special relativity and the measured lifetime at rest: the Einstein time dilation factor agrees with experiment with a fractional error of 2*10 /sup -3/ at 95% confidence. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nature 268 (1977) 301-305
First results from the new muon (g-2) experiment / Grossmann, A ; Brown, H N ; Bunce, G M ; Carey, R M ; Cushman, P B ; Danby, G T ; Debevec, P T ; Deng, H ; Deninger, W J ; Dhawan, S K et al.
A new and improved experiment for measuring the muon magnetic anomaly at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) was successfully started and has yielded first results. New major components of the experiment include a superferric storage ring, a superconducting inflector, electrostatic quadrupoles, lead-scintillating fiber electron calorimeters and a high precision NMR magnetic held measurement and control system. [...]
In : Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Related Fundamental Physics, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 31 Aug - 4 Sep 1998, pp.52-6
On Sixth-Order Radiative Corrections to the Muon g-Factor / Lautrup, B (Brookhaven) ; De Rafael, E. (CERN)
The contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from the Feynman diagrams shown in Fig. 1 is found to be (απ)3{(1192749π2)log(mμme)61162+127π2+0[(memμ)2]}..
CERN-TH-1042.- 1969 - Published in : Nuovo Cimento 64 (1969) 322-324 Fulltext: PDF;
The measurement of G-2 for the muon / Farley, F J M (Royal Military Coll of Sci, Swindon, UK)
Following the success of the 1979 CERN experiments using the 3.1 GeV storage ring, the author asks whether there is any way of improving the accuracy by a factor of 15 to enable contributions from weak interactions to be detected. (7 refs)..
In : Symposium on Present Status and Aims of Quantum Electrodynamics, Mainz, 9 - 10 May 1980, pp.91-6
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon / Hughes, V W ; Carey, R M ; Earle, W ; Efstathiadis, E F ; Hare, M ; Hazen, E S ; Krienen, F ; Miller, J P ; Rind, O ; Roberts, B L et al.
A new experiment is underway at Brookhaven National Laboratory to measure the g-2 value of the muon to a precision of 0.35 ppm, which would improve our present knowledge by a factor of 20. In its initial run the muon anomalous g-value was found to be a/sub mu //sup + /=1165925(15)*10/sup -9/ [13 ppm], in good agreement with the previous CERN measurements and with approximately the same uncertainty. [...]
In : Workshop on Frontier Tests of Quantum Electrodynamics and Physics of the Vacuum : QED '98, Sandansky, Sofia, Bulgaria, 9 - 15 Jun 1998, pp.97-116

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