CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,011 elementer funnet  1 - 10nesteslutt  gå til element: Søket tok 0.39 sekunder. 
New possibilities for improving the accuracy of parameter calculations for cascade gamma-ray decay of heavy nuclei / Sukhovoj, A M
The level density and radiative strength functions which accurately reproduce the experimental intensity of two- step cascades after thermal neutron capture and the total radiative widths of the compound states were applied to calculate the total gamma-ray spectra from the (n,gamma) reaction. [...]
INDC-CCP-432. - 2001.
New technique for a simultaneous estimation of the level density and radiative strength functions of dipole transitions at E sub e sub x<=B sub n -0.5 MeV / Khitrov, V A
The new, model-independent method to estimate simultaneously the level densities excited in the (n,gamma) reaction and the radiative strength functions of dipole transitions is developed. [...]
INDC-CCP-435. - 2001.
Bibliography on the analyses of optical atomic spectra , v.1 : The spectra of hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium, scandium, ; v.2 : The spectra of chromium, manganese, iron, coblt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, krypton, rubidium, strontium, yttrium, zirconium and niobium ; v.3 : The spectra of molybendum, technetium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin, antimony, tellurium, iodine, xenon, cesium, barium, lathanum-hafnium, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, gold ; v.4 The spectra of lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, luthetium-actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium,. / Moore, Charlotte E
NBS-SP-306-1 ; NBS-SP-306-2 ; NBS-SP-306-3 ; NBS-SP-306-4. - Washington, DC : US. Nat. Bureau Stand. Inst. Basic Stand., 1968. - 4 v.

CERN library copies
Half-lives of radionuclides used in nuclear geochronology and cosmochronology (evaluated data) / Chechev, V P
Evaluated half-life values are given for the radionuclides sup 2 sup 6 Al, sup 4 sup 0 K, sup 5 sup 3 Mn, sup 6 sup 0 Fe, sup 8 sup 7 Rb, sup 9 sup 3 Zr, sup 9 sup 8 Tc, sup 1 sup 0 sup 7 Pd, sup 1 sup 2 sup 9 I, sup 1 sup 3 sup 5 Cs, sup 1 sup 4 sup 6 Sm, sup 1 sup 7 sup 6 Lu, sup 1 sup 8 sup 2 Hf, sup 1 sup 8 sup 7 Re, sup 2 sup 0 sup 5 Pb, sup 2 sup 3 sup 2 Th, sup 2 sup 3 sup 5 U, sup 2 sup 3 sup 8 U, sup 2 sup 4 sup 4 Pu and sup 2 sup 4 sup 7 Cm. [...]
INDC-CCP-432. - 2001.
On peculiarities of the cascade gamma-decay of heavy nuclei / Boneva, S T ; Khitrov, V A ; Popov, Yu P ; Sukhovoj, A M ; Vasileva, E V ; Yazvitsky, Yu S
- 1987. - 3 p. CERN library copies
The 196Pt compound-state gamma-decay cascades after thermal neutron capture / Ali, M A ; Khitrov, V A ; Kholnov, Yu V ; Kjostarova, O D ; Sukhovoj, A M ; Vojnov, A V ; Vasileva, E V
E3-94-3 ; JINR-E3-94-3.
- 1994. - 15 p.
Access to document - Access to document - CERN library copies
Thermal neutron capture cross sections resonance integrals and g-factors / Mughabghab, S F
The thermal radiative capture cross sections and resonance integrals of elements and isotopes with atomic numbers from 1 to 83 (as well as sup 2 sup 3 sup 2 Th and sup 2 sup 3 sup 8 U) have been re-evaluated by taking into consideration all known pertinent data published since 1979. [...]
2003. - 32 p.
Delayed neutrons as a probe of nuclear charge distribution in fission of heavy nuclei by neutrons / Isaev, S G
A method of the determination of cumulative yields of delayed neutron precursors is developed. [...]
INDC-CCP-432. - 2001.
Measurement of thermal neutron capture cross section / Huang Xiao Long
The thermal neutron capture cross sections of sup 7 sup 1 Ga(n, gamma) sup 7 sup 2 Ga, sup 9 sup 4 Zr(n, gamma) sup 9 sup 5 Zr and sup 1 sup 9 sup 1 Ir(n, gamma) sup 1 sup 9 sup 2 Ir sup m sup 1 sup + sup g sup , sup m sup 2 reactions were measured by using activation method and compared with other measured data [...]
CNDC-0031 ; CNIC-01630. - Beijing : Chin. Nucl. Inform. Cent., 2001.
Spatial distribution of neutrons in paraffin moderator surrounding a lead target irradiated with protons at intermediate energies / Adam, J ; Barabanov, M Y ; Bradnova, V
The distribution of neutrons emitted during the irradiation with 0.65, 1.0 and 1.5 GeV protons from a lead target (O / = 8 cm, l = 20 cm) and moderated by a surrounding paraffin moderator of 6 cm thick was studied with a radiochemical sensor along the beam axis on top of the moderator [...]
- 2002. - 20 p.

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