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Evading the Goldstone theorem : Nobel lecture, 8 December 2013 / Higgs, Peter
In : Les prix Nobel, pp.29-39 (2013)
The BEH mechanism and its scalar boson : Nobel lecture, 8 December 2013 / Englert, François
In : Les prix Nobel, pp.3-27 (2013)
The cosmic microwave background radiation : Nobel lecture, 8 Dec, 1978 / Wilson, Robert W (Bell Lab. Holmdel, NJ)
In : Les prix Nobel, pp.113-133 (1978)
Electron spectroscopy for atoms, molecules and condensed matter : Nobel lecture, 1981 / Siegbahn, Kai
1982 - Published in : Science 217 (1982) 111-121 - CERN library copies
Recent developments in particle physics : Nobel lecture, Dec 11 1968 / Alvarez, Luis W
CERN library copies

ATLAS Experiment © 2013 CERN
Nobel Prize Reaction During ATLAS Week in Marrakech
Réaction prix Nobel Pendant la Semaine ATLAS à Marrakech

Reaction from the ATLAS Collaboration while watchi [...]
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© 2012-2024 CERN
Visit of the ATLAS cavern by Prof. Murray Gell-Mann, Physics Nobel 1969. With Dr Peter Jenni and Dr Alison Lister
Murray Gell-Mann, well known for proposing the qua [...]
23 Jan 2012
Tirage(s): 9
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The Goldstone-boson equivalence theorem and the Higgs resonance / Valencia, G ; Willenbrock, Scott S D
- 1990. - 23 p.
CERN library copies
Experience of three-dimensional vision in the era of digital interaction : new devices : opportunity and challenges for applied mathematics and visual design / Brunetti, Federico Alberto
It will be soon presented to the public a new version of stereoscopic viewers designed for observing files and video projected images through a system of transparent optical prisms which allow the simultaneous perception of the surrounding environment. The real challenge for applied mathematics and visual design will be to prefigure how to use them and their applications, since these new devices can actually enable a deeper visual experience. [...]
2014 - Published in : 13th Conference on Applied Mathematics (APLIMAT 2014), Bratislava, Slovakia, 4 - 6 Feb 2014, pp. 44-69 - CERN library copies
Cosmic rays and the universe- The Hess Memorial lecture, 1993 / Wolfendale, Arnold Whittaker
In : 23rd International Cosmic-ray Conference, Calgary, Canada, 19 - 30 Jul 1993, pp.143-156

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