CERN Accelerating science

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Timepix3 detector network at ATLAS experiment / Burian, P (Pilsen U. ; IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Broulím, P (Pilsen U.) ; Bergmann, B (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Georgiev, V (Pilsen U.) ; Pospíšil, S (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Pušman, L (Pilsen U.) ; Zich, J (Pilsen U.)
We describe the technical design and show results of first measurements of a network based on the Timepix3 and the Katherine readout (with Gigabit Ethernet interface) installed in the ATLAS cavern in the LHC in January 2018. The network consists of four Timepix3 detectors, arranged in two two-layer telescopes. [...]
2018 - 16 p. - Published in : JINST 13 (2018) C11024
In : 20th International Workshop On Radiation Imaging Detectors, Sundsvall, Sweden, 24 - 28 Jun 2018, pp.C11024
Particle tracking and radiation field characterization with Timepix3 in ATLAS / Bergmann, B (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Billoud, T (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Burian, P (IEAP CTU, Prague ; Pilsen U.) ; Leroy, C (Montreal U.) ; Mánek, P (IEAP CTU, Prague ; University Coll. London) ; Meduna, L (IEAP CTU, Prague ; Pilsen U.) ; Pospíšil, S (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Suk, M (IEAP CTU, Prague) /ATLAS Collaboration
Four hybrid pixel detectors of Timepix3 technology, installed in the ATLAS experiment, were continuously taking data from April 2018 until the end of the Run-2 data taking period (December 2019). These detectors are synchronized with each other and the LHC orbit clock. [...]
2020 - 5 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 978 (2020) 164401
In : 12th international "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors (HSTD), Hiroshima, Japan, 14 - 18 Dec 2019, pp.164401
Determination of Luminosity With Thermal Neutron Counting Using TPX Detectors in the ATLAS Cavern in LHC Proton-Proton Collisions at 13 TeV / Sopczak, André (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Ali, Babar (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Begera, Jakub (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Bergmann, Benedikt (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Billoud, Thomas (Montreal U.) ; Biskup, Bartoloměj (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Burian, Petr (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Caforio, Davide (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Heijne, Erik (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Janeček, Josef (IEAP CTU, Prague) et al.
A network of Timepix (TPX) devices installed in the ATLAS cavern has the unique capability of measuring the luminosity with thermal neutron counting in Large Hadron Collider proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV. Compared with the hit-counting method, the method of thermal neutron counting has the advantage that it is not affected by induced radioactivity. [...]
2018 - 6 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 65 (2018) 1378-1383 Fulltext: PDF;
Registration of the transition radiation with GaAs detector: Data/MC comparison / Alozy, J (CERN) ; Belyaev, N ; Bergmann, B L (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Billoud, T R V (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Broulim, P (Pilsen, Coll. Mech. Elect. Eng.) ; Burian, P (IEAP CTU, Prague ; Pilsen, Coll. Mech. Elect. Eng.) ; Campbell, M (CERN) ; Chelkov, G (Dubna, JINR) ; Cherry, M (Louisiana State U.) ; Dachs, F (CERN) et al.
New developments of pixel detectors based on GaAs sensors offer effective registration of the transition radiation (TR) X-rays and perform simultaneous measurements of their energies and emission angles. This unique feature opens new possibilities for particle identification on the basis of maximum available information about generated TR photons. [...]
2020 - 8 p. - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1690 (2020) 012041 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 5th International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA), Moscow, Russian Federation, 5 - 9 Oct 2020, pp.012041
Measurement of the radiation environment of the ATLAS cavern in 2017–2018 with ATLAS-GaAsPix detectors / Boyko, I (Dubna, JINR) ; Burian, P (IEAP CTU, Prague ; Pilsen U.) ; Campbell, M (CERN) ; Chelkov, G (Dubna, JINR ; Moscow, MIPT) ; Cherepanova, E (Dubna, JINR) ; Girolamo, B Di (CERN) ; Gongadze, A (Dubna, JINR) ; Janecek, J (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Kharchenko, D (Dubna, JINR) ; Kruchonak, U (Dubna, JINR) et al.
A network of ten GaAs:Cr semiconductor Timepix detectors with GaAs:Cr sensors was installed in the ATLAS cavern at CERN's LHC during the shutdown periods 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 in the framework of a cooperation between ATLAS and the Medipix2 Collaboration. The purpose was to augment the existing system of measuring and characterising the radiation environment in the ATLAS cavern that is based on ATLAS-TPX devices with pixelated silicon sensors. [...]
2021 - 14 p. - Published in : JINST 16 (2021) P01031 Fulltext: PDF;
Estimate of the neutron fields in ATLAS based on ATLAS-MPX detectors data / Bouchami, J (Montreal U.) ; Dallaire, F (Montreal U.) ; Gutierrez, A (Montreal U.) ; Idarraga, J (Montreal U.) ; Kral, V (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Leroy, C (Montreal U.) ; Picard, S (Montreal U.) ; Pospisil, S (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Scallon, O (Montreal U.) ; Solc, J (IEAP CTU, Prague) et al.
2011 - Published in : JINST 6 (2011) C01042

In : 12th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Cambridge, UK, 11 - 15 Jul 2010, pp.C01042
Luminosity from thermal neutron counting with MPX detectors and relation to ATLAS reference luminosity at $\sqrt s =$ 8 TeV proton-proton collisions / Sopczak, A (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Ali, B (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Asbah, N (Montreal U.) ; Bergmann, B (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Bekhouche, K (Biskra U.) ; Caforio, D (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Campbell, M (CERN) ; Heijne, E (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Leroy, C (Montreal U.) ; Lipniacka, A (Bergen U.) et al.
A luminosity determination based on thermal neutron counting with six MPX silicon pixel devices installed in the ATLAS cavern is presented. Recently, the ATLAS Collaboration published final √s=8 TeV luminosity results. [...]
2017 - 8 p. - Published in : JINST 12 (2017) P09010 Fulltext: PDF;
Induced radioactivity in ATLAS cavern measured by MPX detector network / Campbell, M (CERN) ; Heijne, E (IEAP CTU, Prague ; CERN) ; Leroy, C (Montreal U.) ; Nessi, M (CERN) ; Pospisil, S (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Solc, J (IEAP CTU, Prague ; Czech Metrology Inst., Brno) ; Suk, M (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Turecek, D (IEAP CTU, Prague ; CESNET, Praha) ; Vykydal, Z (IEAP CTU, Prague ; Czech Metrology Inst., Brno)
An application of the use of MPX detectors for the measurement of induced radioactivity in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment environment is presented. The sixteen ATLAS-MPX detectors measured the associated photon ambient dose equivalent rate (H$^*$(10) rate) in ATLAS due to the LHC operation. [...]
2019 - 13 p. - Published in : JINST 14 (2019) P03010 Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
Precision Measurements of Induced Radioactivity and Absolute Luminosity Determination with TPX Detectors in LHC Proton–Proton Collisions at 13 TeV / Sopczak, André (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Ali, Babar (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Begera, Jakub (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Bergmann, Benedikt (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Billoud, Thomas (Montreal U.) ; Biskup, Bartoloměj (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Burian, Petr (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Caforio, Davide (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Heijne, Erik (IEAP CTU, Prague) ; Janeček, Josef (IEAP CTU, Prague) et al.
A network of Timepix (TPX) devices installed in the ATLAS cavern measures the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) luminosity as a stand-alone system. The data were recorded from 13-TeV proton-proton collisions in 2016. [...]
2018 - 7 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 65 (2018) 1371-1377 Fulltext: PDF;
In : IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Strasbourg, France, 29 Oct - 6 Nov 2016, pp.1371-1377
Ethernet Embedded Readout Interface for Timepix2—Katherine readout for Timepix2 / Burian, P (Pilsen U. ; Prague, Tech. U.) ; Broulím, P (Pilsen U.) ; Bergmann, B (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Tlustos, L (CERN ; Prague, Tech. U. ; Freiburg U. ; U. Houston (main))
This paper introduces a readout system for the Timepix2. Firstly, this chip is described and the readout modes are discussed in detail. [...]
2020 - 17 p. - Published in : JINST 15 (2020) C01037
In : 21st International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Kolympari, Chania, Greece, 7 - 12 Jul 2019, pp.C01037

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