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Photoemission of two nucleons from 9Be in the DELTA(1232) resonance region / Homma, S ; Kanazawa, M ; Koike, M ; Murata, Y ; Okuno, H ; Soga, F ; Yoshikawa, N ; Sasaki, A
- 1984. - 14 p.
CERN library copies
The (gamma,p) reaction on light nuclei in the DELTA(1232) resonance region / Homma, S ; Kanazawa, M ; Koike, M ; Murata, Y ; Okuno, H ; Soga, F ; Sudo, M ; Torikoshi, M ; Yoshikawa, N ; Sasaki, A et al.
- 1984. - 13 p.
CERN library copies
Photoproduction of eta meson from hydrogen at photon energies below 1 GeV / Kanazawa, M ; Homma, S ; Maruyama, K ; Murata, Y ; Okuno, H ; Sasaki, A ; Taniguchi, T
- 1981. - 18 p.
CERN library copies
Photodisintegration of quasi-free two-nucleon-system inside nucleus / Homma, S ; Kanazawa, M ; Maruyama, K ; Murata, Y ; Okuni, H ; Sasaki, A ; Taniguchi, T
- 1980. - 6 p.
CERN library copies
Photodisintegration of two-nucleon system in helium nucleus / Homma, S ; Koike, M ; Okuno, H ; Sudo, M ; Torikoshi, M ; Sasaki, A ; Fujii, Y
- 1985. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
Photoemission of protons from beryllium and carbon in the energy range from 180 to 580 MeV / Jomma, S ; Kanazawa, M ; Maruyama, K ; Murata, Y ; Okuno, H ; Sasaki, A ; Taniguchi, T
- 1982. - 36 p.
CERN library copies
The (pi+,K+) reaction on 12C and 56Fe / Akei, M ; Amann, J F ; Chiba, J ; Ejiri, H ; Iseki, Y ; Fukuda, M ; Fukuda, T ; Hashimoto, O ; Higashi, A ; Homma, S et al.
INS-854 ; OULNS-90-17.
- 1990. - 21 p.
CERN library copies
A broad range spectrometer PIK for medium-energy meson spectroscopy / Akei, M ; Amann, J F ; Chiba, J ; Ejiri, H ; Fukuda, M ; Fukuda, T ; Hashimoto, O ; Homma, S ; Irie, T ; Iseki, Y et al.
INS-739 ; OULNS-88-11.
- 1989. - 39 p.
CERN library copies
Medium-energy spectrometer (PIK) and study of LAMBDA hypernuclei via (pi+,K+) reactions / Akei, M ; Amann, J F ; Chiba, J ; Ejiri, H ; Iseki, Y ; Fukuda, M ; Fukuda, T ; Hashimoto, O ; Homma, S ; Irie, T et al.
INS-722.- Tokyo : Tokyo Univ., 1988 - 7 p.
In : 4th International Symposium on Mesons and Light Nuclei, Bechyne, Czech Republic, 5 - 10 Sep 1988, pp.78-79 - CERN library copies
Study of hypernuclei via (pi+,K+) reactions at KEK / Akei, M ; Amann, J F ; Chiba, J ; Ejiri, H ; Iseki, Y ; Fukuda, M ; Fukuda, T ; Hashimoto, O ; Homma, S ; Irie, T et al.
- 1989. - 10 p.
CERN library copies

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