CERN Accelerating science

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Computing in ST : evaluation of the present situation and plans for the future / Sánchez-Corral, E
A general overview of the current situation will help to define plans for the future in order to obtain maximum profit of the resources we have and to better plan future investments. The main computing issues for 1998 are presented and their effects evaluated: Migration of QuickMail towards the CERN central mail server, in parallel with a migration of MAC to PC when needed; -rationalization of the ST desktop inventory and analysis of needs for the near future; migration from RAPIER (the Computerized Maintenance system) to its latest version R5, and re-organization of the different databases concerned; extensive use of the WWW as common communication system. [...]
CERN-ST-98-029.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 8 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : 1st ST Workshop, Chamonix, France, 3 - 6 Feb 1998, pp.194-201 - CERN library copies
Computerized asset management and maintenance systems in ST / Sánchez-Corral, E
The ST division manages and therefore maintains the CERN technical installations. A maintenance database application exists for every technical domain. [...]
CERN-ST-99-015.- Geneva : CERN, 1999 - 6 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : 2nd ST Workshop, Chamonix, France, 2 - 5 Feb 1999, pp.87-92 - CERN library copies
The re-organization of the PS Division
Published in: CERN Courier Volume 1, Number 6-7, January-February 1960
Geneva : CERN, 1960
Software Support for Industrial Controls Contract / Sánchez-Corral, E ; Ninin, P
The contract covers the development and the operation and maintenance (O&M;) of the monitoring and control systems used for supervising CERN's technical infrastructure. The contract involves those responsible for equipment in any current or future technical installation. [...]
CERN-ST-2001-054.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 9 p. Access to fulltext document: DOC PDF;
In : 4th ST Workshop, Chamonix, France, 30 Jan - 2 Feb 2001, pp.501-510 - CERN library copies
The Challenges of the "Software Support for Industrial Controls" Contract / Ninin, P ; Sánchez-Corral, E
ST division is currently specifying a 'Software Support for Industrial Controls' contract. The application of this contract and its success will require several changes in our habits for specifying, designing, and maintaining control systems. [...]
CERN-ST-2000-006.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 5 p. Access to fulltext document: DOC PDF;
In : 3rd ST Workshop, Chamonix, France, 25 - 28 Jan 2000, pp.131 - CERN library copies
1st ST Workshop   3 - 6 Feb 1998  - Chamonix, France  / Sánchez-Corral, E (ed.) (CERN); Lafouge, E (ed.) (CERN)
Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 242 p.
The RD13 data acquisition system / Aguer, M ; Ambrosini, G ; Bee, C P ; Buono, S ; Duval, P Y ; Etienne, F ; Ferrari, R ; Ferrato, D ; Fumagalli, G ; Huet, M et al.
In : Conference on Computing in High-energy Physics, San Francisco, CA, USA, 21 - 27 Apr 1994, pp.104-108
Modelling of data acquisition systems / Buono, S ; Gaponenko, I A ; Jones, R ; Mapelli, Livio P ; Mornacchi, Giuseppe ; Prigent, D ; Sánchez-Corral, E ; Spiwoks, R ; Skiadelli, M ; Ambrosini, G et al.
In : Conference on Computing in High-energy Physics, San Francisco, CA, USA, 21 - 27 Apr 1994, pp.109-113
Safety Commission databases support / Petit, S ; Sánchez-Corral, E
A collaboration project between the Safety Commission (SC) and the Controls, Safety and Engineering databases group (TS/CSE) started last year. [...]
CERN-TS-Note-2005-035 ; TS-Note-2005-035.
- 2005.
CERN Equipment Management Integrates Safety Aspects / Delamare, Christophe ; Esono, D ; Mallon Amerigo, S ; Manola-Poggioli, E ; Martel, P ; Petit, S ; Petersson, T ; Sahakyan, M ; Sánchez-Corral, E ; Vercoutter, B
In : 15th International Conference on Computing In High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Mumbai, India, 13 - 17 Feb 2006, pp.439-442

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