CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 2,051 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.42 segundos. 
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 11th Meeting, held on September 4th, 1981 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-11.- 1981 - 18 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 26th Meeting, held on 4th July 1986 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-26.- 1986 - 2 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 4th Meeting, held on January 29th, 1979 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-4.- 1979 - 26 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 12th Meeting, held on December 7th, 1981 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-12.- 1981 - 16 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 10th Meeting, held on March 30th, 1981 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-10.- 1981 - 30 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 18th Meeting, held on September 5th, 1983 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-18.- 1983 - 30 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 9th Meeting, held on October 6th, 1980 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-9.- 1980 - 16 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 7th Meeting, held on March 3th, 1980 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-7.- 1980 - 24 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 19th Meeting, held on February 14th, 1984 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-19.- 1984 - 21 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU) : Minutes of the 15th Meeting, held on October 28th, 1982 / Blair, W
CERN-ACCU-15.- 1982 - 14 p. Fulltext: PDF;

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