CERN Accelerating science

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Tuning the CERN Proton Synchrotron to Full Design Intensity / Cornacchia, M (CERN) ; Lauckner, R (CERN) ; Mills, W (CERN) ; Stiening, R (CERN) ; Von Holtey, G (CERN) ; Wilson, E J N (CERN)
1977 - 7 p. Published version: PDF;
In : 10th International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Protvino, USSR, 11 - 17 Jul 1977, pp.16-22
Correction of Chromaticity and a Cure for the Resistive Wall Intensity / Cornacchia, M ; Lauckner, R ; Mills, W ; Stiening, R ; van der Meer, S ; Von Holtey, G ; Wilson, Edmund J N
- 1976. - 2 p.
Non linear fields in the SPS and their compensation / Cornacchia, M (CERN) ; Lauckner, R J (CERN) ; Mills, W (CERN) ; Stiening, R F (CERN) ; Von Holtey, G (CERN) ; Wilson, Edmund J N (CERN)
CERN-SPS-DI-PA-77-2.- Geneva : CERN, 1977 - 3 p. Report Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : 7th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 16 - 18 Mar 1977, pp.1482 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Correction of chromaticity and a cure for the resistive wall instability
CERN-SPS-Commissioning-Report-5 ; CERN-SPS-DI-EJNW-bl - 1976. - 8 p.
Non linear fields in the SPS and their compensation
CERN-SPS-DI-PA-77-2 - 1977. - 5 p.
Scan of Working Diamond at Injection with RF off / Cornacchia, M ; Lauckner, R ; Mills, W ; Stiening, R ; van der Meer, S ; Von Holtey, G ; Wilson, Edmund J N
- 1976. - 3 p.
A Measurement of Chromaticity and its Compensation during Acceleration / Wilson, Edmund J N ; Cornacchia, M ; Lauckner, R ; Mills, W ; Stiening, R ; Von Holtey, G ; Linnecar, Trevor Paul R ; Millich, Antonio ; Bossart, Rudolf ; Chapman-Hatchett, A et al.
- 1976. - 6 p.
Further Study of Q-Dependent Beam Loss and High Intensity Instabilities / Stiening, R ; Lauckner, R ; Mills, W ; Von Holtey, G
- 1976. - 2 p.
The Effect of Betatron Resonances on the Injection Process / Stiening, R ; Lauckner, R ; Mills, W ; Von Holtey, G
- 1976. - 1 p.
Nonlinear fields in the SPS and their compensation / Cornacchia, M ; Lauckner, R ; Mills, W ; Stiening, R ; Von Holtey, G ; Wilson, Edmund J N
Tight tolerances were placed upon non-linearities in the SPS magnet system and sextupoles installed to adjust the chromaticity of the machine. These sextupoles together with octupoles and active damping were used to adjust the SPS beam dynamics and to damp and suppress both multibunch and single bunch transverse instabilities up to 10/sup 13/ protons per pulse. [...]
1977 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 24 (1977) 1482-4
In : 7th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 16 - 18 Mar 1977, pp.1482-4

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