CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,048 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενοτέλος  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.19 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Diffractive photoproduction of a b$_{1}$pi system / OMEGA Photon Collaboration
CERN-EP-86-185.- Geneva : CERN, 1987 - 15 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 34 (1987) 157-162 Fulltext: PDF;
Observation of a peak at 1.28 GeV in the eta$\pi$pi system in the reaction gamma.p --> eta.pi+pi-p / Bonn-CERN-Glasgow-Lancaster-Manchester-Paris(VI)-Rutherford-Sheffield Collaboration
CERN-EP-83-179.- Geneva : CERN, 1984 - 23 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 242 (1984) 269-281 Fulltext: PDF;
Photoproduction of pi+pi-pi0 on hydrogen with linearly polarized photons of energy 20-70 GeV / Bonn-CERN-Glasgow-Lancaster-Manchester-Paris(VI)-Rutherford-Sheffield Collaboration
CERN-EP-83-85.- Geneva : CERN, 1984 - 47 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 231 (1984) 15-39 Fulltext: PDF;
The reaction gamma.p --> p$\omega$pi+pi- for photon energies of 25-50 GeV / Bonn-CERN-Glasgow-Lancaster-Manchester-Paris(VI)-Rutherford-Sheffield Collaboration
CERN-EP-83-28.- Geneva : CERN, 1983 - 24 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 229 (1983) 269-283 Fulltext: PDF;
A peak in the mass spectrum from diffractive photoproduction / OMEGA Photon Collaboration
CERN-EP-86-199.- Geneva : CERN, 1987 - 9 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 34 (1987) 303-306 Fulltext: PDF;
Photon diffractive dissociation to rho$\varrho$pi and rho$\pi$pi.pi states / OMEGA Photon Collaboration
CERN-EP-88-40.- Geneva : CERN, 1988 - 17 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 38 (1988) 535-541 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Inclusive photoproduction of phi, K%(890) and K%(1420) in the photon energy range 20 to 70 GeV / Bonn-CERN-Glasgow-Lancaster-Manchester-Paris(VI)-Rutherford-Sheffield Collaboration
CERN-EP-85-170.- Geneva : CERN, 1986 - 34 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 30 (1986) 521-530 Fulltext: PDF;
Evidence for a omega.rho$\pm$pi$\mp$ state in diffractive photoproduction / Bonn-CERN-Glasgow-Lancaster-Manchester-Paris(VI)-Rutherford-Sheffield Collaboration
CERN-EP-85-89.- Geneva : CERN, 1985 - 25 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 29 (1985) 333-338 Fulltext: PDF;
Photoproduction of multiparticle states in the beam fragmentation region for photon energies in the range 50-70 GeV / Bonn-CERN-Glasgow-Lancaster-Manchester-Paris(VI)-Rutherford-Sheffield Collaboration
CERN-EP-84-124.- Geneva : CERN, 1984 - 29 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 26 (1984) 19-26 Fulltext: PDF;
Photoproduction of phi mesons by linearly polarized photons of energy 20-40 GeV and further evidence for a photoproduced high-mass KK enhancement / Bonn-CERN-Glasgow-Lancaster-Manchester-Paris(VI)-Rutherford-Sheffield Collaboration
CERN-EP-84-106.- Geneva : CERN, 1985 - 18 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 27 (1985) 233-238 Fulltext: PDF;

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