CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 188 записей найдено  1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи: Поиск длился 0.56 секунд. 
Modelling the interaction of a relativistic beam particle with an electron cloud / Iadarola, Giovanni (CERN)
We study the transverse and longitudinal forces acting on a relativistic beam particle due to the interaction with an electron cloud present in the beam pipe. [...]
- 2019. - 16 p.
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Properties of the electromagnetic fields generated by a circular-symmetric e-cloud pinch in the ultra-relativistic limit / Iadarola, Giovanni (CERN)
The electromagnetic fields generated by an electron cloud in the beam pipe of a particle accelerator introduce additional forces in the dynamics of the particle beams, which can be responsible of beam instabilities, beam losses and transverse emittance blow-up [...]
- 2019. - 10 p.
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Report from MD380: Nonlinear errors in experimental insertions and off-momentum dynamic aperture / Maclean, Ewen Hamish (CERN) ; Persson, Tobias Hakan Bjorn (CERN) ; Solfaroli Camillocci, Matteo (CERN) ; Skowronski, Piotr Krzysztof (CERN) ; Tomas Garcia, Rogelio (CERN)
Nonlinear errors in low-¯¤ insertions can have a significant impact upon the beam dynamics. [...]
- 2015. - 8 p.
Full text
BEAMPARAM - a program for computing beam dynamics and performance of e$^{+}e$^{-}$ storage rings / Hanney, M ; Keil, E
- 1979 - 30.
On the coupling impedance for particles with opposite velocities / Davino, D (Sannio U.) ; Dôme, Georges (CERN) ; Verolino, L (Naples U.)
As already shown by several authors, the reciprocity theorem can be rewritten as a simple formula connecting the longitudinal coupling impedances of a particle travelling in the positive and negative directions of an infinitely long vacuum chamber crossing a scattering structure (cavity, step junction, iris, etc.) of general shape. The formula is valid for any particle velocity [...]
2003 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 27 (2003) 609-621 Source files restricted to CERN users: ZIP;
Proton drivers for neutrino factories: The CERN approach / Schönauer, Horst Otto
The paper describes the CERN approach for a proton driver for a Neutrino Factory. Two main layouts are presented: the so-called CERN Reference Scenario, based on a 2.2 GeV linac and an alternative one, based on a 30 GeV synchrotron. [...]
2001 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 472 (2001) 504-510
Scaling laws for e sup + /e sup - linear colliders / Delahaye, J P ; Guignard, Gilbert (CERN) ; Raubenheimer, T O ; Wilson, Ian H (CERN)
Design studies of a future TeV e sup + e sup - Linear Collider (TLC) are presently being made by five major laboratories within the framework of a world-wide collaboration. A figure of merit is defined which enables an objective comparison of these different designs. [...]
1999 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 421 (1999) 369-405
Industrial high power electron accelerator for the energy 5-10 MeV / Auslender, V L ; Karliner, M M ; Makarov, I G ; Tkachenko, V O
This paper presents the project of an industrial accelerator of the modular structure.Accelerating structure consists of the chain of coaxial ILU cavities, connected by the coupling cavities.Two designs of accelerating structure,differing by a version of coupling cavities, are presented. Main parameters of the accelerator are:energy of electrons 5-10 MeV, average beam power up to 150 kW, operating frequency 176 MHz, duty factor 10%..
2001 - Published in : Vopr. At. Nauki Teh., Âd.-Fiz. Issled.: 3/38/ (2001) , pp. 18-20 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 2nd Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, Beijing, China, 17 - 21 Sep 2001, pp.THP080
Betatron oscillation frequencies calculation program description (Betatron Oscillation Research Program - BORP) / Kiyan, I N ; Tarashkevich, R ; Vorozhtsov, S B
The Betatron Oscillation Research Program (BORP) written in C++ with the use of Visual C++ is described. [...]
- 2002. - 12 p.
Study of laser plasma interactions in the relativistic regime / Umstadter, D
We discuss the first experimental demonstration of electron acceleration by a laser wakefield over instances greater than a Rayleigh range (or the distance a laser normally propagates in vacuum). [...]
1997. - 17 p.

CERN Document Server : 188 записей найдено   1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи:
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