CERN Accelerating science

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Exploring the Variability of the Flat Spectrum Radio Source 1633+382. I. Phenomenology of the Light Curves / Algaba, Juan-Carlos ; Lee, Sang-Sung (KASI, DaeJeon ; Gangneung-Wonju Natl. U.) ; Kim, Dae-Won (Gangneung-Wonju Natl. U.) ; Rani, Bindu ; Hodgson, Jeffrey ; Kino, Motoki (KASI, DaeJeon ; Natl. Astron. Observ. of Japan) ; Trippe, Sascha (Unlisted, KR) ; Park, Jong-Ho ; Zhao, Guang-Yao ; Byun, Do-Young et al.
We present multi-frequency simultaneous VLBI radio observations of the flat spectrum radio quasar 1633+382 (4C~38.41) as part of the interferometric monitoring of gamma-ray bright active galactic nuclei (iMOGABA) program combined with additional observations in radio, optical, X-rays and $\gamma-$rays carried out between the period 2012 March - 2015 August. The monitoring of this source reveals a significant long-lived increase in its activity since approximately two years in the radio bands, which correlates with a similar increase on all other bands from sub-millimeter to $\gamma-$rays. [...]
arXiv:1711.10120.- 2018-01-03 - 16 p. - Published in : Astrophys. J. 852 (2018) 30 Preprint: PDF;

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55 Kino, M
1 Kino, M.
13 Kino, Masaru
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