CERN Accelerating science

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Thermal Performance of the SNS Cryomodule / Daly, E F (Jefferson Lab) ; Hogan, J P (Jefferson Lab) ; Campisi, I E (Jefferson Lab) ; Drury, M (Jefferson Lab) ; Machie, D (Jefferson Lab) ; Preble, J (Jefferson Lab) ; Rode, C H (Jefferson Lab) ; Whitlatch, T (Jefferson Lab) ; Wilson, K M (Jefferson Lab) ; Wiseman, M (Jefferson Lab)
2004 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc. 710 (2004) 531-537
In : 2003 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Anchorage, AK, USA, 22 - 26 Sep 2003, pp.531-537

See also: similar author names
18 Hogan, J
5 Hogan, J M
1 Hogan, J T
18 Hogan, J.
1 Hogan, J. M.
12 Hogan, J.M.
1 Hogan, JA
6 Hogan, Jason
14 Hogan, Jason M
2 Hogan, Jason M.
2 Hogan, Jeffrey A
9 Hogan, Jenny
3 Hogan, John
1 Hogan, Joseph W
41 Hogan, Julie
842 Hogan, Julie Managan
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