CERN Accelerating science

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Testing of the ESS MB-IOT Prototypes / Jensen, Morten (ESS, Lund) ; Bel, Claude (Thales Electron Devices, Velizy) ; Beunas, Armel (Thales Electron Devices, Velizy) ; Boyle, Michael (Unlisted, US) ; Bussiere, Denis (Thales Electron Devices, Velizy) ; Cacheux, Philippe (Thales Electron Devices, Velizy) ; Cipolla, Gino (CERN) ; Hermann, Virgile (Thales Electron Devices, Velizy) ; Kimura, Takuji (CPI, Palo Alto) ; Kirshner, Mark (Los Alamos) et al.
ESS is considering the use of MB-IOTs for parts of the high-beta linac. Two prototypes have been built by indus-try, namely L3 and CPI/Thales and have passed the factory acceptance test with excellent results. [...]
2018 - 6 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-WEXGBF1 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr - 4 May 2018, pp.WEXGBF1

See also: similar author names
1 Hermann, V
1 Hermann, Verena
1 Hermann, Vincent
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