CERN Accelerating science

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Präzisionsmessung der Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Asymmetrie schwerer Quarks mit dem DELPHI-Detektor / Brand, Klaus D
WUB-DIS-96-3 ; WUB-DIS-1996-03 ; CERN-THESIS-96-021 - 109 p.

Wuppertal U. - Fulltext - Full text
Runs 1116, 1118 and 1125 - Ring 2 - 26 GeV/c - FP and TW, Measurement of Luminosity Bumps with the Magnetic Beam Position Monitor in Intersection 2 / Brand, K ; Brun, G ; Bryant, P ; Potter, K
1980 - 7.
Run 921 - 31 March 1978, Ring 2, Investigation of Closed Orbits for the Low-B Acceleration Working Line / Brand, K
1978 - 7.
Run 888 - 28 October 1977, Rings 1 and 2 - GeV, Orbit distortion due to sextupole fields with the low-beta insertion - part 2 / Brand, K ; Gourber, J P
1978 - 9.
Run 882 - Physics run (26.8 A - 27.0 A), Adjustment of the magnetic beam detector / Brand, K ; Brun, G
1977 - 1.
Run 847 17.6.1977, Run 850 20.6.1977, Run 859 01.8.1977, Run 863 08.8.1977, Run 870 02.9.1977 / Brand, K ; Fischer, C ; Wyss, C
1977 - 35.
ISR performance report, Run 836 26 GeV, ELSA, R1 + R2 and Run 838 26 GeV, low-$\beta$, R1 : Switching off the I1 solenoid and maintaining circulating beams in the ISR / Brand, K ; Gamble, J ; Lewis, D
1977 - 8.
Influence of the Booster on the ISR Circulating Beams, Test 22nd December 1976 / Brand, K ; Gourber, J P
1977 - 18.
Run 783 - 29 November 1976, Ring 2 - 26 GeV/c, Test of the magnetic beam detector / Brand, K ; Brun, G ; Gourber, J P
1976 - 5.
Run 772 - 8.11.1976, Run 776 - 19.11.1976, Run 779 - 22.11.1976, Rings 1 and 2 - 26 GeV/c, Tests of the low-B insertion in I1 / Brand, K ; Gourber, J P ; Kantardjian, G
1977 - 15.

CERN Document Server : 194 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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159 Brand, K D
9 Brand, Kate
1 Brand, Kim
1 Brand, Klaus D
1 Brand, Klaus Georg
2 Brand, Koen
1 Brand, Kyle E
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