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Analysis of diffractive pd to Xd and pp to Xp interactions and test of the finite-mass sum rule / Akimov, Y ; Cool, R ; Golovanov, L B ; Goulianos, K ; Gross, D ; Malamud, E ; Melissinos, A C ; Mukhin, S ; Nitz, D ; Olsen, S et al.
The first moment finite mass sum rule is tested by utilising cross- sections for pp to Xp extracted from recent Fermilab data on pd to Xd and also comparing with CERN ISR data. The dependences on M/sub x//sup 2/, t and s are also discussed. [...]
1976 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 14 (1976) 3148-52
Analysis of diffractive pd $\to$ Xd and pp $\to$ Xp interactions and test of the finite mass sum rule / Akimov, Y ; Golovanov, L B ; Mukhin, S ; Tsarev, V A ; Malamud, E ; Yamada, R ; Zimmerman, P D ; Cool, R ; Goulianos, K ; Sticker, H et al.
COO-2232-A-31 ; FERMILAB-PUB-76-36 ; FERMILAB-PUB-76-36-EXP ; UR-572.
- 1976. - 13 p.
Liquid Argon Pollution Tests of the ATLAS Detector Materials at IBR-2 Reactor in Dubna / Leroy, C ; Borzunov, Yu T ; Cheplakov, A P ; Chumakov, V ; Golikov, V ; Golovanov, L B ; Golubyh, S M ; Kukhtin, V ; Kulagin, E ; Luschikov, V et al.
A cold test facility has been in operation since October 1998 at the IBR-2 reactor of JINR, Dubna. [...]
- 1999. - 17 p.
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Work of the Liquid Deuterium Target of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at the Yerevan Electron Acceleration Ring / Golovanov, L B ; Borzunov, Yu T ; Panebratsev, Yu A ; Tsvinev, A P ; Chumakov, V F ; Shimansky, S S ; Babayan, K Z ; Mirzoyan, A E ; Movsesyan, G D ; Sirunyan, A M
A cryogenic installation with a target filled with liquid hydrogen (deuterium), developed in the LHE JINR is described. [...]
JINR-P8-2003-27 ; P8-2003-27.
- 2003. - 12 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Liquid argon pollution tests of ATLAS detector materials at the IBR-2 reactor in Dubna / Leroy, C (Montreal U.) ; Cheplakov, A P ; Golubyh, S M ; Kukhtin, V ; Merkulovm L ; Minashkin, V F ; Golikov, V V ; Kulagin, E N ; Luschikov, V ; Golovanov, L B et al.
aA cold irradiation test facility operated at the IBR-2 reactor of JINR, Dubna, is used to investigate the behaviour under neutron and gamma irradiations of samples of materials and equipments to be used in the ATLAS forward (FCAL) and the hadronic end cap (HEC) liquid argon calorimeters. The samples under study are immersed in a liquid argon cryostat and exposed to fast neutron (E/sub n/ >or= 100 keV) fluences of about 10/sup 16/ n cm/sup -2/ equivalent to the neutron fluence accumulated in FCAL during ten years of LHC operation. [...]
In : 7th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics, Como, Italy, 15 - 19 Oct 2001, pp.800-805
URAM-2 Cryogenic Irradiation Facility / Shabalin, E P ; Golikov, V V ; Kulikov, S A ; Kulagin, E N ; Melihov, V V ; Belyakov, A A ; Golovanov, L B ; Borzunov, Yu T ; Konstantinov, V I ; Androsov, A V
The URAM-2 irradiation facility has been built and mounted at the channel No. [...]
E13-2002-143 ; JINR-E13-2002-143.
- 2002. - 12 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Radiation hardness studies of components of the ATLAS forward and Hadronic End Cap calorimeters at Dubna / Leroy, C ; Cheplakov, A P ; Golubyh, S M ; Kukhtin, V V ; Minashkin, V F ; Golikov, V V ; Kulagin, E N ; Luschikov, V ; Golovanov, L B ; Borzunov, Yu T et al.
In : 8th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 - 19 Jun 1999, pp.653-660
Excitation of the proton to low mass states at 180 and 270 GeV / Akimov, Yu K ; Cool, R ; Golovanov, L B ; Goulianos, K ; Gross, D ; Malamud, E ; Melissinos, A C ; Mukhin, S ; Nitz, D ; Olsen, S et al.
- 1974. - 20 p.
Proton-deuteron elastic scattering and diffraction dissociation from 50 to 400 GeV / Akimov, Yu K ; Cool, R ; Golovanov, L B ; Goulianos, K ; Gross, D ; Malamud, E ; Melissinos, A C ; Mukhin, S ; Nitz, D ; Olsen, S et al.
- 1974. - 26 p.
An analysis of proton-deuteron interactions at FermiLab energies / Akimov, Yu K ; Cool, R ; Golovanov, L B ; Goulianos, K ; Gross, D ; Malamud, E ; Melissinos, A C ; Mukhin, S ; Nitz, D ; Olsen, S et al.
- 1974. - 17 p.

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