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A comparative study between the imaging system and the optical tracking system in proton therapy at CNAO / Desplanques, Maxime (CNAO, Pavia ; CERN) ; Tagaste, Barbara (CNAO, Pavia) ; Fontana, Giulia (CNAO, Pavia) ; Pella, Andrea (CNAO, Pavia ; Milan Polytechnic) ; Riboldi, Marco (CNAO, Pavia ; Milan Polytechnic) ; Fattori, Giovanni (Milan Polytechnic) ; Donno, Andrea (U. Pavia (main)) ; Baroni, Guido (CNAO, Pavia ; Milan Polytechnic) ; Orecchia, Roberto (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milano ; CNAO, Pavia)
The synergy between in-room imaging and optical tracking, in co-operation with highly accurate robotic patient handling represents a concept for patient-set-up which has been implemented at CNAO (Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica). In-room imaging is based on a double oblique X-ray projection system; optical tracking consists of the detection of the position of spherical markers placed directly on the patient’s skin or on the immobilization devices. [...]
2013 - Published in : J. Radiat. Res. 54 (2013) i129-i135 Oxford Univ. Press Open Access article: PDF;
In : PARTNER, pp.i129-i135

1 Desplanques, M
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