CERN Accelerating science

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MuCol Milestone Report No. 5: Preliminary Parameters / MuCoL Collaboration
This document is comprised of a collection of updated preliminary parameters for the key parts of the muon collider. [...]
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Cover not available Interim report for the International Muon Collider Collaboration / Accettura, C.
The International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC) [1] was established in 2020 following the recommendations of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP) and the implementation of the European Strategy for Particle Physics-Accelerator R&D Roadmap by the Laboratory Directors Group [2], [...]
arXiv:2407.12450 ; CERN-2024-002 - Geneva : CERN, 2024-09-30 - 150. (CERN Yellow Reports: Monographs ; 2/2024)

Beam Breakup Instability Studies of Powerful Energy Recovery Linac for Experiments / Setiniyaz, Sadiq (Jefferson Lab ; Lancaster U. ; Daresbury) ; Apsimon, R. (Lancaster U. ; Daresbury) ; Williams, P.H. (Daresbury) ; Barbagallo, C. (IJCLab, Orsay ; IPhT, Saclay ; CERN) ; Bogacz, S.A. (Jefferson Lab) ; Bodenstein, R.M. (Jefferson Lab) ; Deitrick, K. (Jefferson Lab)
The maximum achievable beam current in an Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) is often constrained by Beam Breakup (BBU) instability. [...]
Beam dynamics driven design of powerful energy recovery linac for experiments / Bogacz, S A (Jefferson Lab) ; André, K D J (CERN) ; Brüning, O (CERN) ; Holzer, B J (CERN) ; Hounsell, B R (U. Liverpool (main)) ; Klein, M (U. Liverpool (main)) ; Militsyn, B L (Daresbury) ; Williams, P H (Daresbury) ; Segurana, G Pérez (Lancaster U.) ; Bailey, I (Lancaster U.) et al.
Powerful ERL for experiments (PERLE) is a novel energy recovery linac (ERL) test facility [1], designed to validate choices for a 50 GeV ERL foreseen in the design of the Large Hadron Electron Collider and the Future Circular Collider and to host dedicated nuclear and particle physics experiments. Its main goal is to demonstrate the high current, continuous wave, multipass operation with superconducting cavities at 802 MHz. [...]
2024 - 15 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 27 (2024) 031603 Fulltext: PDF;
Overview of the LHeC and FCC-he accelerator concepts / Holzer, B J (CERN) ; André, K D J (CERN) ; Armesto, N (Santiago de Compostela U., IGFAE) ; Bogacz, S A (Jefferson Lab) ; Hanstock, D (Liverpool U.) ; Hounsell, B (Liverpool U.) ; Klein, M (CERN ; Liverpool U.) ; Kostka, P (CERN ; Liverpool U.) ; Smith, M W R (Liverpool U.) ; von Witzleben, T (CERN)
The Large Hadron–Electron Collider (LHeC) is designed to move the field of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) to the energy and intensity frontier of particle physics. Exploiting energy- recovery technology, it collides a novel, intense electron beam with a proton or ion beam from the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). [...]
2022 - 6 p. - Published in : PoS: ICHEP2022, pp. 057
Fulltext: PDF; External link: JLAB Document Server
In : 41st International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2022), Bologna, Italy, 6 - 13 Jul 2022, pp.057
Strong Interaction Physics at the Luminosity Frontier with 22 GeV Electrons at Jefferson Lab / Accardi, A. (Hampton U.) ; Achenbach, P. (Jefferson Lab) ; Adhikari, D. (Virginia Tech.) ; Afanasev, A. (George Washington U.) ; Akondi, C.S. (Florida State U.) ; Akopov, N. (Yerevan Phys. Inst.) ; Albaladejo, M. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Albataineh, H. (Texas A-M ; HARC, Woodlands) ; Albrecht, M. (Jefferson Lab) ; Almeida-Zamora, B. (Sonora U.) et al.
This document presents the initial scientific case for upgrading the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab (JLab) to 22 GeV. It is the result of a community effort, incorporating insights from a series of workshops conducted between March 2022 and April 2023. [...]
arXiv:2306.09360; JLAB-PHY-23-3840; JLAB-THY-23-3848.- 2024-09-04 - 139 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 60 (2024) 173 Fulltext: PDF; External link: JLab Document Server
Parametrizations of coupled betatron motion for strongly coupled lattices / Vanwelde, Marion (U. Brussels (main)) ; Hernalsteens, Cédric (CERN ; U. Brussels (main)) ; Bogacz, S. Alex (Jefferson Lab) ; Machida, Shinji (Rutherford) ; Pauly, Nicolas (U. Brussels (main))
The coupling of transverse motion is a natural occurrence in particle accelerators, either in the form of a residual coupling arising from imperfections or originating by design from strong systematic coupling fields. While the first can be treated perturbatively, the latter requires a robust approach adapted to strongly coupled optics and a parametrization of the linear optics must be performed to explore beam dynamics in such peculiar lattices. [...]
arXiv:2210.11866.- 2023-10-12 - 23 p. - Published in : JINST 18 (2023) P10012 Fulltext: 2210.11866 - PDF; document - PDF; External link: JLAB Document Server
The present and future of QCD / Achenbach, P. (Jefferson Lab) ; Adhikari, D. (Virginia Tech.) ; Afanasev, A. (George Washington U. ; Jefferson Lab) ; Afzal, F. (Bonn U., HISKP ; Bonn U.) ; Aidala, C.A. (Michigan U.) ; Al-bataineh, A. (Jordan U. Sci. Tech. ; Yarmouk U. ; Kansas U.) ; Almaalol, D.K. (Illinois U., Urbana ; Illinois U., Urbana (main)) ; Amaryan, M. (Old Dominion U. ; Old Dominion U. (main)) ; Androić, D. (Zagreb U.) ; Armstrong, W.R. (Argonne ; Argonne, PHY) et al.
This White Paper presents the community inputs and scientific conclusions from the Hot and Cold QCD Town Meeting that took place September 23-25, 2022 at MIT, as part of the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC) 2023 Long Range Planning process. A total of 424 physicists registered for the meeting. [...]
arXiv:2303.02579; JLAB-PHY-23-3808.- 2024-04-15 - 111 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 1047 (2024) 122874 Fulltext: 2303.02579 - PDF; Publication - PDF; External link: JLab Document Server
Towards a Muon Collider / Accettura, Carlotta (CERN) ; Adams, Dean (Rutherford) ; Agarwal, Rohit (UC, Berkeley (main)) ; Ahdida, Claudia (CERN) ; Aimè, Chiara (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Amapane, Nicola (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Amorim, David (CERN) ; Andreetto, Paolo (INFN, Padua) ; Anulli, Fabio (INFN, Rome) ; Appleby, Robert (Manchester U.) et al.
A muon collider would enable the big jump ahead in energy reach that is needed for a fruitful exploration of fundamental interactions. The challenges of producing muon collisions at high luminosity and 10 TeV centre of mass energy are being investigated by the recently-formed International Muon Collider Collaboration. [...]
arXiv:2303.08533; FERMILAB-PUB-23-123-AD-PPD-T.- 2023-09-26 - 118 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C Fulltext: 2303.08533 - PDF; FERMILAB-PUB-23-123-AD-PPD-T - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: JLab Document Server; Fermilab Library Server
Promising Technologies and R&D Directions for the Future Muon Collider Detectors / Muon Collider Collaboration
Among the post-LHC generation of particle accelerators, the muon collider represents a unique machine with capability to provide very high energy leptonic collisions and to open the path to a vast and mostly unexplored physics programme. [...]
- 31.
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