CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 找到 12 笔记录  1 - 10下一个  跳到记录: 检索需时 0.63 秒. 
200 keV Polarized Electron Source for Linear Collider / Yamamoto, M ; Wada, K ; Nakanishi, T ; Okumi, S ; Suzuki, C ; Furuta, F ; Nishitani, T ; Miyamoto, M ; Kuwahara, M ; Hirose, T et al.
2002 External link: Published version
In : 21st International Linear Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 19 - 23 Aug 2002, pp.e-proc. TH435
Measurement of Field Emission Dark Current from The Titanium, Copper, and Stainless Steel Electrodes Under The High DC-Field Gradient Condition / Furuta, F ; Suzuki, C ; Nakanishi, T ; Okumi, S ; Gotou, T ; Wada, K ; Yamamoto, M ; Nishitani, T ; Miyamoto, M ; Kuwahara, M et al.
2002 External link: Published version
In : 21st International Linear Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 19 - 23 Aug 2002, pp.e-proc. TU449
Development Of 200 Kev Polarized Electron Source / Wada, K
2001 External link: Published version
In : 18th International Conference on High-energy Accelerators, Tsukuba, Japan, 26 - 30 Mar 2001, pp.P1lc13
Manufacturing of superconducting cable for the LHC-Key technology and statistical analysis / Shimada, T ; Sugimoto, M ; Nagasu, Y ; Takagi, A ; Wada, K ; Shimizu, H ; Kimura, A ; Meguro, S
Manufacturing of superconducting cable for the LHC main dipole magnet is in progress at The Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. (here after referred to as "FEC"). [...]
2002 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 12 (2002) 1075-8
In : 17th International Conference on Magnet Technology, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 24 - 28 Sep 2001, pp.1075-8
Jlc Design Study / Akasaka, N ; Akemoto, M ; Anami, S ; Chin, Y ; Fukuda, S ; Fujii, Y ; Fujimoto, J ; Funahashi, Y ; Hashimoto, Y ; Hayano, H et al.
- 1997.
Development Towards Ultra-thin Superconducting Solenoid Magnets For High Energy Particle Detectors / Yamamoto, A ; Makida, Y ; Tanaka, K I ; Doi, Y ; Kondo, T ; Wada, K ; Meguro, S I
- 1999.
Progress In Atlas Central Solenoid Magnet / Yamamoto, A ; Doi, Y ; Makida, Y ; Tanaka, K ; Haruyama, T ; Yamaoka, H ; Kondo, T ; Mizumaki, S ; Mine, S ; Wada, K et al.
- 1999.
International Study Group Progress Report On Linear Collider Development / Adolphsen, C E
KEK-REPORT-2000-7 ; LCC-2000-42 ; SLAC-559 ; SLAC-R-559. - Tsukuba : KEK, 2000. - 286 p.

Progress in ATLAS central solenoid magnet / Yamamoto, A ; Doi, Y ; Makida, Y ; Tanaka, K ; Haruyama, T ; Yamaoka, H ; Kondo, T ; Mizumaki, S ; Mine, S ; Wada, K et al.
The ATLAS central solenoid magnet is being developed to provide a magnetic field of 2 Tesla in the central tracking volume of the ATLAS detector under construction at the CERN/LHC project. The solenoid coil design features high-strength aluminum stabilized superconductor to make the coil thinnest while maintaining its stability and the pure-aluminum strip technique for quench protection and safety. [...]
2000 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 10 (2000) 353-6
Development of high-strength and high-RRR aluminum-stabilized superconductor for the ATLAS thin solenoid / Wada, K ; Meguro, S ; Sakamoto, H ; Shimada, T ; Nagasu, Y ; Inoue, I H ; Tsunoda, K ; Endo, S ; Yamamoto, A ; Makida, Y et al.
The ATLAS central solenoid magnet is being constructed to provide a magnetic field of 2 Tesla in the central tracking part of the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Since the solenoid coil is placed in front of the liquid-argon electromagnetic calorimeter, the solenoid coil must be as thin (and transparent) as possible. [...]
2000 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 10 (2000) 373-6

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2 Wada, Kazuya
23 Wada, Keiichi
1 Wada, Kensuke
9 Wada, Kentaro
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4 Wada, Koichi
6 Wada, Koji
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