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Investigation of Thermal Processes in Two-Layer Materials Exposed to High-Energy Heavy Ions in the Framework of a Thermal Peak Model with Constant Thermal Parameters / Amirkhanov, I V ; Didyk, A Yu ; Muzafarov, D Z ; Puzynin, I V ; Puzynina, T P ; Sarker, N R ; Sarhadov, I ; Sharipov, Z A
A system of equations for temperatures of electronic gas and lattice around and along a trajectory of a 710-MeV heavy ion of bismuth $^{209}$Bi in a two-layer material Ni(2 $\mu $m)/W at constant thermal parameters is solved numerically in an axial-symmetric cylindrical system of coordinates. [...]
JINR-P11-2005-146 ; P11-2005-146.
- 2005. - 12 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Investigation of Thermal Processes in Materials on Irradiation with Heavy Ions of High Energies in the Framework of a General Model of Thermal Peak / Amirkhanov, I V ; Didyk, A Yu ; Muzafarov, D Z ; Puzynin, I V ; Puzynina, T P ; Sarker, N R ; Sarhadov, I ; Sharipov, Z A
A system of equations for temperatures of electronic gas and lattice around and along the trajectory of a 700-MeV heavy ion of uranium in nickel at the values of thermal parameters, depending on temperature with corresponding initial and boundary conditions, is solved numerically in an axially symmetric cylindrical system of coordinates. [...]
JINR-P11-2005-147 ; P11-2005-147.
- 2005. - 14 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Numerical Solution of an Inverse Diffusion Problem for the Moisture Transfer Coefficient in a Porous Material / Amirkhanov, I V ; Pavlusova, E ; Pavlus, M ; Puzynina, T P ; Puzynin, I V ; Sarhadov, I
On the basis of the solution of a nonlinear diffusion equation with initial and boundary conditions, a transport coefficient of moisture in a sample of a porous material is found by minimization of a functional, which expresses diversion of the computed profile of moisture concentration in well-defined time moments from their experimental values for the defined moisture transport coefficient. [...]
JINR-P11-2005-158 ; P11-2005-158.
- 2005. - 12 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Numerical Investigation of a Moisture Evaporation Model in Building Materials / Amirkhanov, I V ; Pavlushova, E ; Pavlish, M ; Puzynina, T P ; Puzynin, I V ; Sarhadov, I
The properties of a model of moisture evaporation in a porous building material of a rectangular form proposed in [1] are investigated. [...]
JINR-P11-2005-28 ; P11-2005-28.
- 2005. - 12 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Superconducting Dipole Magnet for ALICE Dimuon Arm Spectrometer / ALICE Collaboration
Conceptual design of the superconducting dipole magnet for the ALICE dimuon arm spectrometer is presented. The central field is 0.75 T and the bending power is 2.8 T x m...
ALICE-INT-1996-12; CERN-ALICE-INT-1996-12.- Geneva : CERN, 1998
Conceptual design of the warm dipole magnet for the ALICE forward muon spectrometer / ALICE Collaboration
A conceptual design study of a conventional dipole magnet for the forward arm muon spectrometer for ALICE experiment was performed. The aluminium conductor coil of the saddle shape was proposed. [...]
ALICE-INT-1996-26; CERN-ALICE-INT-1996-26.- Geneva : CERN, 1996
Computing models of the L3 magnet and the dipole magnet for the ALICE experiment / Puzynin, I V ; Shishov, Yu A ; Vodopyanov, A S ; Yuldasheva, M B ; Yuldashev, O I /ALICE Collaboration
Computing models of a magnetic system for the ALICE experiment are considered. The 3D computational simulations of a magnetic field for the L3 magnet and the dipole magnet have been performed in the framework of the differential approach (MSFE3D code) and the integral approach (IAMAG3D code). [...]
ALICE-INT-1996-06; CERN-ALICE-INT-1996-06.- Geneva : CERN, 1996
The Second Order Implicit Scheme for the Numerical Study of the Thermoelastic Effects in Metals Irradiated by Pulsed Ion Beams / Amirkhanov, I V ; Zemlyanaya, E V ; Puzynin, I V ; Puzynina, T P ; Sarhadov, I
We study the system of two nonlinear partial differential equations simulating the thermoelastic effects in metals irradiated by pulsed ion beams. [...]
JINR-P11-2002-24 ; P11-2002-24.
- 2002. - 10 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Influence of the Source's Form in the Model of Phase Moves in Metals Exposed to Pulsed Ion Beams / Amirkhanov, I V ; Zemlyanaya, E V ; Puzynin, I V ; Puzynina, T P ; Sarkhadov, I
A numerical study has been performed of the influence of the source's characteristics (intensity, duration, multiplicity of action, etc.) on the form of the interphase \xi(t) that separates the melted and firm parts in a sample irradiated by a high current pulsed ion beam. [...]
JINR-P11-2002-78 ; P11-2002-78.
- 2002. - 18 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Current methods of processing experimental data in high energy physics / Ososkov, G A ; Polanski, A ; Puzynin, I V
Three basic methods that are extensively applied at JINR to process recent experimental data are reviewed, namely, robust methods of mathematical statistics, artificial neural networks including cellular automata, and wavelet analysis. This review primarily covers studies in which scientists from the Laboratory of Informational Technologies participated, in particular, in collaborations with the leading centers of physics such as CERN, DESY, BNL, etc. [...]
2002 - Published in : Phys. Part. Nucl. 33 (2002) 347-82

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