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CERN’s Balancing Act Between Unity and Disunity: The “Sister Experiments” UA1 and UA2 and CERN’s First Nobel Prize / Panoutsopoulos, Grigoris (Athens U. ; Athens Natl. Capodistrian U.) ; Arabatzis, Theodore (Athens U. ; Athens Natl. Capodistrian U.)
In this paper, we employ Ian Hacking’s insight that “unity” has a double meaning, singleness and harmonious integration, to revisit a major episode from the recent history of CERN: the UA1 and UA2 experiments in the early 1980s, which led to the discovery of the W and Z bosons. CERN is a complex institution, where diverse groups are called upon to cooperate. [...]
2021 - 21 p. - Published in : Phys. Perspect. 23 (2021) 181-201

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