CERN Accelerating science

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Presence and absence of scaling violations in inclusive leptoproduction / Nelson, C A (Dept of Phys, State Univ of New York, Binghamton, NY, USA)
In the standard model, the heavy-quark-parton scaling variable is used to study the effects of the color-octet piece of the integrally- charged-quark-parton electromagnetic current which would violate scaling in deep-inelastic leptoproduction. With spin-1/2 partons it is found that sigma /sub L// sigma /sub T/ would deviate significantly from zero since ( sigma /sub L// sigma /sub T/)/sub mu N/ approximately=4m/sub c//sup 2/f/sub nu /(z)/ 5Q/sup 2/f/sub nu /(x), where f/sub nu /(z)=u/sub nu / (z)+d/sub nu /(z), m/sub c//sup 2 /=effective mass-squared of quark-parton in color-excited hadron, and z approximately=x+m/sub c//sup 2//2ME gamma . [...]
1978 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 18 (1978) 2345-55
Investigation of direct photon production at Fermilab / Alverson, G ; Baker, W ; Bromberg, C ; Carey, D ; Chandlee, C ; Cleland, W ; Desoi, W ; Dröge, T ; Eartly, D ; Engels, E et al.
In : 18th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.11 : HE ; EA ; MN, late papers, Bangalore, India, 22 Aug - 3 Sep 1983, pp.1-4
Neutrino physics - new flavors? or charm, then color, excitation? / Nelson, C A
- 1976. - 12 p.
Production thresholds for quark and for diquark pairs in $\overline{e}e$ annihilation as tests of charm, then color, excitation / Nelson, C A
- 1976. - 34 p.
O(4) family for the psions an update / Chang, N P ; Nelson, C A
SUNY-BING-76-5-31 ; CCNY-HEP-76-340.
- 1976. - 8 p.
Relativistic dispersion analysis of R in 4 GeV region / Chang, N P ; Nelson, C A
SUY-BING-76-5-31 ; CCNY-HEP-76-341.
- 1976. - 11 p.
Elastic photoproduction of $\omega$ mesons from hydrogen, deuterium, and complex nuclei / Abramson, J ; Harvey, J ; Lobkowicz, F ; May, E N ; Nelson, C A ; Singer, M ; Thorndike, E H ; Nordberg, M
- 1976. - 12 p.
Excitation of charm, then color, in ? hadrons / Nelson, C A
- 1975. - 12 p.
An improved upper limit for photoproduction of ?(93105) near threshold / Andrews, D E ; Harvey, J ; Lobkowicz, F ; May, E N ; Nelson, C A ; Nordberg, M ; Thorndike, E H
- 1975. - 15 p.
Use of $\Lambda_{b}$ Polarimetry in Top Quark Spin-Correlation Functions / Nelson, C A (SUNY, Binghamton)
Due to the absence of hadronization effects and the large top mass, top quark decay will be uniquely sensitive to fundamental electroweak physics at the Tevatron, at the LHC, and at a future linear collider. A complete measurement of the four helicity amplitudes in top decay is possible by the combined use of Lambda_b and W polarimetry in stage-two spin-correlation functions (S2SC). [...]
hep-ph/0101303; SUNY-BING-2000-12-22.- Binghamton, NY : New York State Univ. Dept. Phys. Astron., 2001 - 34 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 19 (2001) 323-37 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: hep-ph/0101303 PDF

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461 NELSON, Christina
194 Nelson, C
1 Nelson, C B
15 Nelson, C H
10 Nelson, C J
1 Nelson, C R
16 Nelson, C S
2 Nelson, C W
10 Nelson, C.
1 Nelson, Carl A
1 Nelson, Carl E
1 Nelson, Cecil
1 Nelson, Cecil L
7 Nelson, Charles
4 Nelson, Charles A
2 Nelson, Charles H
461 Nelson, Christina
2 Nelson, Christopher
2 Nelson, Craig
3 Nelson, Craig W
1 Nelson, Cyns
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