CERN Accelerating science

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Neutral heavy lepton analysis / OPAL Collaboration
- 1990. - 11 p.
High-luminosity modifications required for OPAL : an update / Michelini, Aldo
In : Cogne VI Meeting of the LEP Experiments Committee, Cogne, Italy, 24-29 Sep 1990, pp.471
Future of : LEP accelerator and LEP physics / Michelini, Aldo
In : Cogne VI Meeting of the LEP Experiments Committee, Cogne, Italy, 24-29 Sep 1990, pp.65-80
Proposal : direct photon production in hadron-hadron collisions at the SPS / Michelini, Aldo ; Kienzle, W ; Hagelberg, R ; Hansroul, M (et al.)
CERN-SPSC-80-113 ; SPSC-P-153-S.
- 1980. - 2 p.
LEP Experiments Committee / Steinberger, Jack ; Amaldi, Ugo ; Michelini, Aldo ; Ting, Samuel C C (et al.)
LEPC-83-13 ; LEPC-G-7.
- 1983.
Fulltext - Fulltext - Revised version
Measurement of the mass of the W boson in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions using the fully leptonic channel / OPAL Collaboration
A novel method of determining the mass of the W boson in the W/sup + /W/sup -/ to l nu l' nu ' channel is presented and applied to 667 pb /sup -1/ of data recorded at center-of-mass energies in the range 183-207 GeV with the OPAL detector at LEP. The measured energies of charged leptons and the results of a new procedure based on an approximate kinematic reconstruction of the events are combined to give: M/sub W/=80.41+or-0.41+or-0.13 geV, where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. [...]
2003 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 26 (2003) 321-330
A measurement of the $\tau^{-} \to \mu^{-} \nu_{\mu} \nu_{\tau}$ branching ratio / OPAL Collaboration
The tau /sup -/ to mu /sup -/ nu /sub mu / nu /sub tau / branching ratio has been measured using data collected from 1990 to 1995 by the OPAL detector at the LEP collider. The resulting value of B( tau /sup -/ to mu /sup -/ nu /sub mu / nu /sub tau /) = 0.1734 +or- 0.0009 (stat) +or- 0.0006(syst) has been used in conjunction with other OPAL measurements to test lepton universality, yielding the coupling constant ratios g/sub mu //g/sub e/ = 1.0005 +or- 0.0044 and g/sub tau //g/sub e/ = 1.0031 +or- 0.0048, in good agreement with the Standard Model prediction of unity [...]
2003 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 551 (2003) 35-48
Letter of intent : search for heavy, penetrating and long-lived particles in the NA3 spectrometer / Charpentier, P ; Detoeuf, J F ; Hansroul, M ; Michelini, Aldo (et al.)
CERN-SPSC-84-9 ; SPSC-I-152.
- 1984. - 16 p.
Proposal : search for heavy, penetrating and long-lived particles in the NA3 spectrometer . - Suppl. / Charpentier, P ; Detoeuf, J F ; Hansroul, M ; Michelini, Aldo (et al.)
CERN-SPSC-84-16-Add ; SPSC-P-197-S.
- 1984. - 2 p.
Search for heavy, penetrating and long-lived particles in the NA3 spectrometer / Charpentier, P ; Detoeuf, J F ; Hansroul, M ; Michelini, Aldo (et al.)
CERN-SPSC-84-16 ; SPSC-P-197.
- 1984. - 24 p.

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