CERN Accelerating science

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Particle physics using reactor antineutrinos / CHANDLER Collaboration
Nuclear reactors are uniquely powerful, abundant, and flavor-pure sources of antineutrinos that continue to play a vital role in the US neutrino physics program. The US reactor antineutrino physics community is a diverse interest group encompassing many detection technologies and many particle physics topics, including Standard Model and short-baseline oscillations, BSM physics searches, and reactor flux and spectrum modeling. [...]
arXiv:2203.07214; FERMILAB-CONF-22-853-PPD-SCD.- 2024-06-26 - 50 p.
- Published in : J. Phys. G Fulltext: c8e12e623ffdea56add50e6e3de8fdab - PDF; 2203.07214 - PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server; eConf
In : 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp.080501
Chronology of the three-body dissociation of $^8$He / Laurent, B. (Caen U.) ; Marqués, F.M. (Caen U.) ; Angulo, C. (Cathol. U. Louvain (main)) ; Ashwood, N.I. (Birmingham U.) ; Borge, M.J.G. (CSIC, Madrid) ; Bouchat, V. (U. Brussels (main)) ; Catford, W.N. ; Clarke, N.M. (Birmingham U.) ; Curtis, N. (Birmingham U.) ; Freer, M. (Birmingham U.) et al.
The space and time configurations of the dissociation of $^8$He into $^6$He+$n$+$n$, on C and Pb targets, have been explored simultaneously for the first time. The final-state interactions in the $n$-$n$ and $^6$He-$n$ channels are successfully described within a model that considers independent emission of neutrons from a Gaussian volume with a given lifetime. [...]
arXiv:1801.01333.- 2019-02-12 - 11 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 46 (2019) 03LT02 Fulltext: 1801.01333 - PDF; arXiv:1801.01333 - PDF;
In-source laser spectroscopy of $^{75, 77, 78}$Cu : Direct evidence for a change in the quasiparticle energy sequence in $^{75, 77}$Cu and an absence of longer-lived isomers in $^{78}$Cu / Koster, U (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Volkov, Y M (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Serot, O (CEA Cadarache) ; Fedosseev, V N (CERN) ; Kratz, K L (Mainz U.) ; Stone, N J (Oxford U., Ctr. Quantum Comp. ; Tennessee U.) ; Sjodin, A M (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Materna, T (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Flanagan, K T (Manchester U.) ; Molkanov, P L (St. Petersburg, INP) et al.
This paper describes measurements on the isotopes (75,77,78)Cu by the technique of in-source laser spectroscopy, at the ISOLDE facility, CERN. The role of this technique is briefly discussed in the context of this and other, higher resolution, methods applied to copper isotopes in the range (57-78)Cu [...]
2011 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 84 (2011) 034320 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Nuclear Spins and Magnetic Moments of 71,73,75Cu: Inversion of π2p3/2 and π1f5/2 Levels in 75Cu / Flanagan, K T (Leuven U. ; Orsay, IPN) ; Vingerhoets, P (Leuven U.) ; Avgoulea. M (Leuven U.) ; Billowes, J (Manchester U.) ; Bissell, M L (Leuven U.) ; Blaum, K (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Cheal, B (Manchester U.) ; De Rydt, M (Leuven U.) ; Fedosseev, V N (CERN) ; Forest, D H (Birmingham U.) et al.
2009 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 142501 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
$\beta$-decay study of $^{77}$Cu / Patronis, N. (Leuven U.) ; De Witte, H. (Leuven U.) ; Gorska, M. (Leuven U.) ; Huyse, M. (Leuven U.) ; Kruglov, K. (Leuven U.) ; Pauwels, D. (Leuven U.) ; Van de Vel, K. (Leuven U.) ; Van Duppen, P. (Leuven U.) ; Van Roosbroeck, J. (Leuven U.) ; Thomas, J.-C. (GANIL) et al.
A beta-decay study of Cu-77 has been performed at the ISOLDE mass separator with the aim to deduce its beta-decay properties and to obtain spectroscopic information on Zn-77. Neutron-rich copper isotopes were produced by means of proton- or neutron-induced fission reactions on U-238. [...]
arXiv:0909.0152.- 2009 - 17 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 034307 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
The Peculiarities of the Production and Decay of Superheavy Nuclei / Itkis, M G ; Beghini, S ; Behera, B R ; Bogachev, A A ; Bouchat, V ; Corradi, L ; Dorvaux, O ; Fioretto, E ; Hanappe, F ; Itkis, I M et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 853 (2006) , pp. 231-238 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference On Reaction Mechanisms And Nuclear Structure At The Coulomb Barrier, San Servolo, Italy, 19 - 23 Mar 2006, pp.231-238
Capture and Fusion Fission Processes in Heavy Ion Induced Reactions / Itkis, M G ; Beghini, S ; Behera, B R ; Bogatchev, A A ; Bouchat, V ; Corradi, L ; Dorvaux, O ; Fioretto, E ; Gadea, A ; Hanappe, F et al.
2005 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 798 (2005) , pp. 305-314 External link: Published version from AIP
In : 3rd International Workshop on Nuclear Fission and Fission-Product Spectroscopy, Cadarache, France, 11 - 14 May 2005, pp.305-314
Heavy element sensitive tomographies using synchrotron radiation / Materna, T ; Honkimaki, V ; Jolie, J ; Koch, A ; Masschaele, B ; Mondelaers, W ; Tschentscher, T
In : 15th International Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, USA, 4 - 7 Nov 1998, pp.615-617

3 Materna, T.
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