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Intruder configurations in $^{29}$Ne at the transition into the island of inversion: Detailed structure study of $^{28}$Ne / Wang, H. (RIKEN (main)) ; Yasuda, M. (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) ; Kondo, Y. (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) ; Nakamura, T. (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) ; Tostevin, J.A. (Tokyo Inst. Tech. ; Surrey U.) ; Ogata, K. (Kyushu U., Fukuoka (main) ; Osaka U., Res. Ctr. Nucl. Phys.) ; Otsuka, T. (CERN ; Nishina Ctr., RIKEN) ; Poves, A. (Madrid, Autonoma U.) ; Shimizu, N. (Tsukuba U.) ; Yoshida, K. (JAEA, Ibaraki) et al.
Detailed $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy of the exotic neon isotope $^{28}$Ne has been performed for the first time using the one-neutron removal reaction from $^{29}$Ne on a liquid hydrogen target at 240~MeV/nucleon. Based on an analysis of parallel momentum distributions, a level scheme with spin-parity assignments has been constructed for $^{28}$Ne and the negative-parity states are identified for the first time. [...]
arXiv:2306.16189.- 2023-06-20 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 843 (2023) 138038 Fulltext: PDF;
Transfer reactions induced with $^{56}$Ni: shell gaps and np pairing / Georgiadou, A (Orsay, IPN ; U. Paris-Sud 11, Dept. Phys., Orsay ; Paris, IN2P3) ; Assié, M (Orsay, IPN ; Paris, IN2P3) ; Blumenfeld, Y ; Crom, B Le ; Guillot, J ; Flavigny, F ; Achouri, L ; Aouadi, M ; Bastin, B ; Benitez, A et al.
The structure of the unstable doubly magic nucleus $^{56}$Ni has been investigated by measuring one-and two-nucleon transfer reactions. The radioactive beam of $^{56}$Ni was produced at GANIL-Caen, France at 30 MeV/u by means of the LISE spectrometer. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2019 - 6 p. - Published in : CERN Proc. (2019) , pp. 95-100 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 15th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, Italy, 11 - 15 Jun 2018, pp.95-100
Spectroscopy of 21O through (d,p) reaction with the TIARA-MUST2-VAMOS-EXOGAM set-up / Fernández-DomÍnguez, B (Liverpool U.) ; Achouri, N. L (Caen U.) ; Al-Falou, H (Caen U.) ; Delaunnay, F (Caen U.) ; Orr, N. A (Caen U.) ; le Prince, A (Caen U.) ; Chartier, M (Liverpool U.) ; Pietras, B (Liverpool U.) ; Beaumel, D (Orsay, IPN) ; Curtis, N (Birmingham U.) et al.
Spectroscopy of 21O through (d,p) reaction with the TIARA-MUST2-VAMOS-EXOGAM set-up
- 07/04/08.
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Structure and spectroscopy of the exotic nucleus $^{8}He$ via direct reactions / Lapoux, V ; Skaza, F ; Keeley, N ; Alamanos, N ; Auger, F ; Drouart, A ; Gillibert, A ; Nalpas, L ; Pollacco, E C ; Raabe, R et al.
- 2008.
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Shell gap reduction in neutron-rich N=17 nuclei / Obertelli, A ; Jurado, B ; De France, G ; Rejmund, F ; Savajols, H ; Rejmund, M ; Roussel-Chomaz, P ; Pakou, A ; Mittig, W ; Theisen, C et al.
- 2005. - 11 p.
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MUST II : Large solid angle light charged particle telescope for studies with radioactive beams / Pollacco, E ; Atkin, E ; Auger, F ; Baron, P ; Baronick, J ; Beaumel, D ; Blumenfeld, Y ; Boujrad, A ; Drouart, A ; Druillole, F et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 831 (2006) , pp. 337-341 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structures, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 12 - 17 Sep 2005, pp.337-341
Study of sub-barrier and near-barrier fusion of halo nuclei / Alamanos, N (DSM, DAPNIA, Saclay ; SPhN, DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Sida, J L (DSM, DAPNIA, Saclay ; SPhN, DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Lapoux, V (DSM, DAPNIA, Saclay ; SPhN, DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Pakou, A (Ioannina U.) ; Trotta, M (INFN, Legnaro)
DAPNIA-SPHN-2000-63.- Saclay : DAPNIA, 2002 - 8 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 65 (2002) 054606 Access to fulltext document: PDF;
The role played by the polarization potential in the elastic scattering of light exotic nuclei on protons and carbon / Lapoux, V ; Alamanos, N ; Auger, F ; Fékou-Youmbi, V ; Gillibert, A ; Marie, F ; Ottini-Hustache, S ; Sida, J L ; Khoa, D T ; Casandjian, J M et al.
DAPNIA-SPHN-2000-21.- Saclay : DAPNIA, 2000 Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : RIKEN Symposium on Quasiparticle and Phonon Excitations in Nuclei : Festschrift Soloviev (Vadim Georgievich), 1925 - 1998, Wako, Japan, 4 - 7 Dec 1999, pp.159-166
Elastic and inelastic proton scattering on the unstable $^{20}O$ nucleus measured with the "MUST" detector array / Khan, E U ; Blumenfeld, Y ; Suomijärvi, T ; Nguyen Van Giai ; Alamanos, N ; Auger, F ; Colò, G ; Frascaria, N ; Gillibert, A ; Glasmacher, T et al.
IPNO-DR-99-04.- Orsay : Paris 11. Inst. Phys. Nucl., 1999 Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 37th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, 25 - 30 Jan 1999, pp.448-454

2 Lapoux, V.
1 Lapoux, Valérie
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