CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 14 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästa  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.68 sekunder. 
CERN Scientific Information Service : Activity report 2023 / Dallmeier-Tiessen, Sünje (CERN) ; Gentil-Beccot, Anne (CERN) ; Kohls, Alexander (CERN) ; Moskovic, Micha (CERN) ; Naim, Kamran (CERN) ; Rohr, Salomé (CERN) ; Tzovanakis, Harris (CERN) ; Vigen, Jens (CERN)
Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 22 p. CERN SIS Annual Activity Report, 2023 Fulltext: PDF;
CERN Scientific Information Service : Activity report 2022 / Dallmeier-Tiessen, Sünje (CERN) ; Gentil-Beccot, Anne (CERN) ; Kohls, Alexander (CERN) ; Moskovic, Micha (CERN) ; Naim, Kamran (CERN) ; Rohr, Salomé (CERN) ; Tzovanakis, Harris (CERN) ; Vigen, Jens (CERN)
Geneva : CERN, 2023 - 22 p. CERN SIS Annual Activity Report, 2022 Fulltext: PDF;
CERN Scientific Information Landscape Project: Project Overview and Identified Needs : Summary of findings during Milestones 1 and 2 / Baranowska, Paulina
Scientific information is the key output of CERN’s activities [...]
CERN-OPEN-2023-006 - 2023. - 50 p.

CERN Scientific Information Service : Activity report 2021 / Basaglia, Tullio (CERN) ; Dallmeier-Tiessen, Sünje (CERN) ; Gentil-Beccot, Anne (CERN) ; Kohls, Alexander (CERN) ; Moskovic, Micha (CERN) ; Naim, Kamran (CERN) ; Tzovanakis, Harris (CERN) ; Vigen, Jens (CERN)
Geneva : CERN, 2022 - 22 p. CERN SIS Annual Activity Report, 2021 SIS Activity Report 2021: PDF;
Developing the Open Days mobile app / Tzovanakis, Harris (speaker) (CERN) ; Iribarren, Alex (speaker) (CERN)
The Open Days mobile app was the primary tool visitors had to navigate the nearly 300 activities, visit points and talks during the 2019 Open Days. It was downloaded by more than 26.000 people from over 100 countries and recorded nearly 6.3 million interactions. [...]
2019 - 520. IT Lightning Talks (ITLT); IT Lightning Talks: session #19 External links: Talk details; Event details In : IT Lightning Talks: session #19
Hybrid app in 2018? / Tzovanakis, Harris (speaker) (CERN)
React Native - one codebase to rule them all..
2018 - 242. IT Lightning Talks (ITLT); IT Lightning Talks: session #15 External links: Talk details; Event details In : IT Lightning Talks: session #15
7. Publication Life Cycle at CERN Document Server
Reference: Poster-2017-593
Keywords:  Open Repositories  Invenio  CDS
Created: 2017. -1 p
Creator(s): Witowski, Sebastian; Gonzalez Lopez, Jose Benito; Costa, Flavio; Gabancho, Esteban; Marian, Ludmila [...]

This presentation guides listeners through all the stages of publication life cycle at CERN Document Server, from the ingestion using one of the various tools, through curation and processing, until the data is ready to be exported to other systems. It describes different tools that we are using to curate the incoming publications as well as to further improve the existing data on CDS. The second part of the talk goes through various challenges we have faced in the past and how we are going to overcome them in the new version of CDS.

Related links:
Open Repositories
© CERN Geneva

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8. CDSLabs: Towards the Next Generation CERN Institutional Repository
Reference: Poster-2017-589
Keywords:  Collaborative tools  Invenio  CDS  CERN Document Server  Institutional Repository
Created: 2016. -1 p
Creator(s): Marian, Ludmila; Gabancho, Esteban; Tzovanakis, Harris; Witowski, Sebastian

CERN Document Server (CDS) is the CERN Institutional Repository, playing a key role in the storage, dissemination and archival for all research material published at CERN, as well as multimedia and some administrative documents. As the CERN’s document hub, it joins together submission and publication workflows dedicated to the CERN experiments, but also to the video and photo teams, to the administrative groups, as well as outreach groups. In the past year, Invenio, the underlying software platform for CDS, has been undergoing major changes, transitioning from a digital library system to a digital library framework, and moving to a new software stack (Invenio is now built on top of the Flask web development framework, using Jinja2 template engine, SQLAlchemy ORM, JSONSchema data model, and Elasticsearch for information retrieval). In order to reflect these changes on CDS, we are launching a parallel service, CDSLabs, with the goal of offering our users a continuous view of the reshaping of CDS, as well as increasing the feedback from the community in the development phase, rather than after release.

© CERN Geneva

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Simple customisations of logo, facets, sort options, query parser and record templating / Martin Montull, Javier (speaker) (CERN) ; Tzovanakis, Harris (speaker) (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
2017 - 3441. Invenio User Group Workshops; Invenio User Group Workshop 2017 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Invenio User Group Workshop 2017
Life after the MVC / Tzovanakis, Harris (speaker) (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
Write scalable, predictable and easy-to-debug web applications with Redux..
2017 - 828. Developers@CERN Forum; 3rd Developers@CERN Forum External links: Talk details; Event details In : 3rd Developers@CERN Forum

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