CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 11 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästa  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.85 sekunder. 
Total Neutron Cross-Section Measurement on CH with a Novel 3D-Projection Scintillator Detector / Riccio, Ciro (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Agarwal, Anushka (UPenn, Philadelphia) ; Budd, Howard (Rochester U.) ; Capó, Jordi (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Chong, Pooi (UPenn, Philadelphia) ; Christodoulou, Georgios (CERN) ; Danilov, Mikhail (Lebedev Inst.) ; Dergacheva, Anna (NSI, Moscow) ; De Roeck, Albert (CERN) ; Dokania, Neha (SUNY, Stony Brook) et al.
Long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments rely on detailed models of neutrino interactions on nuclei. These models constitute an important source of systematic uncertainty, partially because detectors to date have been unable to detect final state neutrons. [...]
2023 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Sci. Forum 8 (2023) 29 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 23rd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NuFact 2022), Snowbird, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 30 Jul - 6 Aug 2022, pp.29
Quantum computing of the $^6$Li nucleus via ordered unitary coupled cluster / Kiss, Oriel (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Grossi, Michele (CERN) ; Lougovski, Pavel (Unlisted, US, WA) ; Sanchez, Federico (Geneva U.) ; Vallecorsa, Sofia (CERN) ; Papenbrock, Thomas (Oak Ridge ; U. Tennessee, Knoxville)
The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is an algorithm to compute ground and excited state energy of quantum many-body systems. A key component of the algorithm and an active research area is the construction of a parametrized trial wavefunction -- a so called variational ansatz. [...]
arXiv:2205.00864.- 2022-09-29 - 9 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 106 (2022) 034325 Fulltext: Publication - PDF; 2205.00864 - PDF;
Latin American HECAP Physics Briefing Book / Aihara, Hiroaki (Tokyo U.) ; Aranda, Alfredo (Colima U.) ; Camacho Toro, Reina (Paris U., VI-VII) ; Cambiaso, Mauro (Andres Bello Natl. U.) ; Carena, Marcela (Fermilab ; Chicago U.) ; Carrera, Edgar (San Francisco de Quito U.) ; Carlos D'Olivo, Juan (Mexico U.) ; Gago, Alberto (Lima, Pont. U. Catolica) ; Goncalves, Thiago (NRAO, Socorro) ; Herrera, Gerardo (CINVESTAV, Monterrey) et al.
For the first time the scientific community in Latin America working at the forefront of research in high energy, cosmology and astroparticle physics (HECAP) have come together to discuss and provide scientific input towards the development of a regional strategy. [...]
arXiv:2104.06852 ; FERMILAB-FN-1127-T.
- 89 p.
Graph neural network for 3D classification of ambiguities and optical crosstalk in scintillator-based neutrino detectors / Alonso-Monsalve, Saúl (CERN ; UC3M - Dept. Math., Madrid) ; Douqa, Dana (Geneva U.) ; Jesús-Valls, César (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Lux, Thorsten (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Pina-Otey, Sebastian (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Sánchez, Federico (Geneva U.) ; Sgalaberna, Davide (Zurich, ETH) ; Whitehead, Leigh H. (Cambridge U.)
Deep learning tools are being used extensively in high energy physics and are becoming central in the reconstruction of neutrino interactions in particle detectors. In this work, we report on the performance of a graph neural network in assisting with particle flow event reconstruction. [...]
arXiv:2009.00688.- 2021-02-22 - 24 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) 032005 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Constraint on the matter-antimatter symmetry-violating phase in neutrino oscillations by the T2K experiment / Sanchez, Federico (speaker) (Universite de Geneve (CH))
The T2K Collaboration has published recently in Nature very exciting results showing the strongest constraint yet on the parameter that governs the breaking of the symmetry between matter and antimatter in neutrino oscillations. T2K has studied how beams of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos transition into electron neutrinos and electron antineutrinos, respectively [...]
2020 - 5164. EP Seminar External link: Event details In : Constraint on the matter-antimatter symmetry-violating phase in neutrino oscillations by the T2K experiment
Research and Development for Near Detector Systems Towards Long Term Evolution of Ultra-precise Long-baseline Neutrino Experiments / Alvarez Ruso, Luis (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Asaadi, Jonathan (Texas U., Arlington) ; Bolognesi, Sara (Saclay) ; Bordoni, Stefania (CERN) ; de Roeck, Albert (CERN) ; Diwan, Milind Vaman (Brookhaven) ; Lux, Thorsten (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Meloni, Davide (Rome III U.) ; Nessi, Marzio (CERN) ; Popov, Boris (Dubna, JINR ; Paris U., VI-VII) et al.
With the discovery of non-zero value of $\theta_{13}$ mixing angle, the next generation of long-baseline neutrino (LBN) experiments offers the possibility of obtaining statistically significant samples of muon and electron neutrinos and anti-neutrinos with large oscillation effects. [...]
- 2019. - 11 p.
Future Opportunities in Accelerator-based Neutrino Physics / Dell'Acqua, Andrea (CERN) ; Aduszkiewicz, Antoni (Warsaw U.) ; Ahlers, Markus (Bohr Inst.) ; Aihara, Hiroaki (Tokyo U.) ; Alion, Tyler (Sussex U.) ; Alonso Monsalve, Saul (CERN) ; Ruso, Luis Alvarez (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Antonelli, Vito (INFN, Milan Bicocca ; Milan U.) ; Babicz, Marta (CERN ; Warsaw, Inst. Math.) ; Barbano, Anastasia Maria (Geneva U.) et al.
This document summarizes the conclusions of the Neutrino Town Meeting held at CERN in October 2018 to review the neutrino field at large with the aim of defining a strategy for accelerator-based neutrino physics in Europe. [...]
arXiv:1812.06739 ; FERMILAB-CONF-18-688-ND.
- 2018 - 16.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext
Panel 4 report, discussion / Sanchez, Federico (speaker) (The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))
2018 - 2111. Conferences; European Neutrino "Town" meeting and ESPP 2019 discussion External links: Talk details; Event details In : European Neutrino "Town" meeting and ESPP 2019 discussion
JENNIFER Summer School on Particle Physics and Detectors - JENNIFER School 2016   25 - 29 Jul 2016  - Grünberg, Germany  / Berardi, Vincenzo (ed.); Di Lodovico, Francesca (ed.); Moser, Hans-Günther Moser (ed.); Passeri, Antonio (ed.); Sanchez, Federico (ed.); Schwanda, Christoph (ed.)
New results from T2K / Sanchez, Federico (speaker) (Institut de Fìsica d'Altes Energies (IFAE), Barcelona)
The Tokai to Kamioka (T2K) experiment is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment situated in Japan. A high intensity neutrino beam is produced at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, in Tokai, Japan [...]
2013 - 3907. EP Seminar External link: Event details In : New results from T2K

CERN Document Server : Sök i 11 journaler efter:   1 - 10nästa  gå till journal:
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263 Sanchez, F
4 Sanchez, F E
4 Sanchez, F J
1 Sanchez, F J Munoz
3 Sanchez, F J Gonzalez
6 Sanchez, F M
4 Sanchez, F Mueller
1 Sanchez, F Muller
61 Sanchez, F.
1 Sanchez, F.J.
6 Sanchez, F.J. Gonzalez
15 Sanchez, Federico
1 Sanchez, Francisco Mueller
263 Sánchez, F
4 Sánchez, F J
61 Sánchez, F.
1 Sánchez, Filomeno
2 Sánchez, Francisco
1 Sánchez, Francisco Javier
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