CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 257 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.67 sekunder. 
Precision electroweak measurements on the $Z$ resonance / ALEPH Collaboration
We report on the final electroweak measurements performed with data taken at the Z resonance by the experiments operating at the electron-positron colliders SLC and LEP. The data consist of 17 million Z decays accumulated by the ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL experiments at LEP, and 600 thousand Z decays by the SLD experiment using a polarised beam at SLC. [...]
hep-ex/0509008; SLAC-R-774; CERN-PH-EP-2005-041; SLAC-R-774; CERN-L3-304.- Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 302 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Rep. 427 (2006) 257 Fulltext: phep-2005-041 - PDF; arXiv:hep-ex_0509008 - PDF; External link: SLAC Document Server
Amplitude analysis for the process K/sup -/p to ( pi /sup +/ pi /sup - /)/sub s-wave/ Sigma /sup 0/(1385) / Barreiro, F ; Aguilar-Benítez, M ; Hemingway, R J ; Holmgren, S O ; Kluyver, J G ; Losty, Michael J ; Massaro, G G G ; Timmermans, J ; Van de Walle, R T ; Zalewski, K
Transversity amplitudes and spin density matrix elements are determined for the process K/sup -/p to ( pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/) Sigma /sup 0/(1385)/sub s-wave/. Predictions of the additive quark model and of duality diagrams are tested and found consistent with the data; this is the first information about the applicability of these models to processes where a scalar object is produced at the mesonic vertex. [...]
1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 66 (1977) 197-201
Production and decay properties of f'(1514) in K/sup -/p interactions at 42 GeV/c / Barreiro, F ; Díaz, J ; Gay, J B ; Grossmann, P ; Hemingway, R J ; Holmgren, S O ; Jongejans, B ; Kluyver, J C ; Losty, Michael J ; Massaro, G G G et al.
Results are presented for the hypercharge exchange reaction K/sup -/p to f'(1514) Lambda at a beam momentum of 4.15 GeV/c. Total and differential cross sections have been determined. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 121 (1977) 237-50
Xi */sup -/(2030) production in K/sup -/p reactions at 42 GeV/c / Hemingway, R J ; Armenteros, Rafael ; Bergé, J P ; Díaz, J ; Gay, J B ; Heinen, P M ; Jongejans, B ; Lamb, P R ; Massaro, G G G ; McDowell, W L et al.
Significant production of Xi */sup -/(2030) is observed in the channel K/sup -/p to ( Sigma K)/sup -/K/sup +/ from a high statistics bubble chamber exposure at 4.2 GeV/c. The mass and width are determined to be 2024+or-2 MeV and 16+or-5 MeV respectively. [...]
1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 68 (1977) 197-201
The reactions K/sup -/p to lambda pi /sup 0/, Lambda eta , Lambda eta ' at 42 GeV/c / Marzano, F ; Blokzijl, R ; Hemingway, R J ; Hoogland, W ; Kluyver, J C ; Loverre, P F ; Maréchal, B ; Massaro, G G G ; Schrempp, Barbara ; Tiecke, H G et al.
In a high statistics CERN 2 m bubble chamber experiment the different cross sections and polarizations of the Lambda for the reactions K/sup -/p to Lambda pi /sup 0/, Lambda eta , lambda eta ' at 4.2 GeV/c have been measured. The reaction K/sup -/p to Lambda eta exhibits a pronounced dip around -t approximately 0.5 (GeV/c)/sup 2/ and all three reactions show a significant backward peaking (-u<1.0 (GeV/c) /sup 2/). [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 123 (1977) 203-22
Backward production of a spin parity 1/sup +/ rho pi enhancement at 104 GeV / Gavillet, P ; Bergé, P ; Blokzijl, R ; De van de Walle, R ; Engeler, J ; Ferrando, A ; Foster, B ; Grossman, P ; Hemingway, R J ; Holmgren, S O et al.
A spin-parity 1/sup +/ rho pi enhancement is observed for the 3 pi mass spectrum in the reaction K/sup -/p to Sigma /sup -/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ where events with a small (K/sup -/ to Sigma /sup - /) momentum transfer are selected. The mass (1040 MeV) and width (230 MeV) of this enhancement are reminiscent of the A/sub 1/ to rho pi bump which has mainly been observed in the diffractive-like processes. [...]
1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 69 (1977) 119-24
A measurement of the eta ' spin parity / Cerrada, M ; Blokzijl, R ; Chaloupka, V ; Foster, B ; Hemingway, R J ; Holmgren, S O ; Jongejans, B ; Losty, Michael J ; Loverre, P F ; Marzano, F et al.
The spin parity of the eta '(958) is studied in the reaction K/sup -/p to eta ' Lambda at 4.2 GeV/c, using bubble chamber data with a statistical sensitivity of 128 events/ mu b. The data unambiguously prefer the 0/sup -/ assignment. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 126 (1977) 189-202
A partial-wave analysis of the 3 pi system in the reaction K/sup -/p to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/ Lambda at 42 GeV/c / Cerrada, M ; Blokzijl, R ; Chaloupka, V ; Foster, B ; Heinen, P M ; Hemingway, R J ; Holmgren, S O ; Kittel, E W ; Losty, Michael J ; Massaro, G G G et al.
A partial-wave analysis of the (3 pi )/sup 0/ system produced peripherally in the reaction K/sup -/p to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/ Lambda at 4.2 GeV/c is presented. The observation of the weak Lambda decay allows a determination of all the transverse production amplitudes except for two phases. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 126 (1977) 241-65
The reactions K/sup -/p to pi /sup -or+/ Sigma /sup +or-/(1385) at 42 GeV/c / Holmgren, S O ; Aguilar-Benítez, M ; Barreiro, F ; Hemingway, R J ; Kittel, E W ; Kluyver, J C ; Losty, Michael J ; Massaro, G G G ; Van de Walle, R T ; Worden, R P et al.
The total and differential cross sections are presented. Amplitude analyses are performed and the complete sigma /sup +or-/(1385) helicity spin density matrices are extracted. [...]
1977 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 119 (1977) 261-91
Production and decay of Xi *(1820) in K/sup -/p reactions at 42 GeV /c / Gay, J B ; Armenteros, Rafael ; Bergé, J P ; Blokzijl, R ; Gavillet, P ; Heinen, P M ; Hemingway, R J ; Massaro, G G G ; Metzger, W J ; Schotanus, D J et al.
Using a high statistics sample of K/sup -/p interactions at 4.2 GeV/c the production and decay properties of the Xi *(1820) are discussed. The mass and width are found to be M=(1823+or-2) MeV and Gamma = (21+or-7) MeV. [...]
1976 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 62 (1976) 477-80

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10 Massaro, G
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