CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 14 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästa  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.69 sekunder. 
Coherent production of K$^{*{+}}$(890) on nuclei and determination of an upper limit for the radiative decay width $\Gamma$( K$^{*{+}}/rightarrow$K$^{+}\gamma$) / Bemporad, C ; Beusch, W ; Dufey, J P ; Polgar, E ; Websdale, D M ; Wilson, J D ; Zaimidoroga, O A ; Freudenreich, Klaus ; Frosch, R ; Gentit, F X et al.
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 51 (1973) 1-15
Coherent production of $K^{+} \pi^{+} \pi^{-}$ on nuclei and determination of the $K^{+} \pi^{+} \pi^{-}$ - nucleon cross section / Bemporad, C (CERN) ; Beusch, Werner (CERN) ; Dufey, J P (CERN) ; Polgar, E (CERN) ; Websdale, D M (CERN) ; Zaimidoroga, O A (CERN) ; Freudenreich, Klaus (ETH Zurich) ; Gentit, F X (ETH Zurich) ; Mühlemann, P (ETH Zurich) ; Astbury, P (Imperial College, London) et al.
In : 5th International Conference on High-energy Physics and Nuclear Structure, Uppsala, Sweden, 18 - 22 Jun 1973, pp.55-61
Energy dependence of coherent production of three pions on nuclei between 9 and 5 GeV and comparison with diffractive three-pion production on hydrogen / Mühlemann, P (ETH Zurich) ; Freudenreich, Klaus (ETH Zurich) ; Gentit, F X (ETH Zurich) ; Bellini, G (INFN Milano) ; Di Corato, M (INFN Milano) ; Vegni, G (INFN Milano) ; Bemporad, C (CERN) ; Beusch, Werner (CERN) ; Polgár, E (CERN) ; Websdale, D M (CERN) et al.
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 59 (1973) 106-127
The charge exchange $\bar{p}p \rightarrow \bar{n}n$ at 5.0 and 7.76 GeV/c near the forward direction / Lee, J G (Imperial College, London) ; Harckham, A (Imperial College, London) ; Letheren, M (Imperial College, London) ; Beusch, Werner (CERN) ; Bourgeois, F (CERN) ; Polgár, E (CERN) ; Websdale, D M (CERN) ; Freudenreich, Klaus (ETH Zürich) ; Frosch, R (ETH Zürich) ; Gentit, F X (ETH Zürich) et al.
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 52 (1973) 292-300
Coherent production of $K^{*+}(890)$ on nuclei and determination of an upper limit for the radiative decay width $\Gamma (K^{*+} \rightarrow K^{+}\gamma )$ / Bemporad, C ; Astbury, P ; Beusch, Werner ; Codling, J ; Dufey, J P ; Freudenreich, Klaus ; Frosch, R ; Gentit, F X ; Lee, J G ; Letheren, M et al.
The authors have observed the coherent production of K*/sup +/ (890) on nuclei ranging from C to Pb at 10, 13 and 16 GeV/c. Fitting a model of coherent production, including strong and electromagnetic interactions and their interference, to the measured coherent production cross section they find the strong contribution to the dominant and determine the upper limit of the radiative decay width Gamma (K*/sup +/ to K/sup +/ gamma )<80 keV with 95% confidence. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 51 (1973) 1-15
Antiproton-Proton Ladungsaustausch bei 8 GeV/c / Beusch, Werner ; Freudenreich, Klaus ; Frosch, R ; Gentit, F X ; Harckham, A ; Lee, J G ; Mühlemann, P ; Polgar, E ; Websdale, D M
Abstract only given, substantially as follows: An analysis of 7000 of the charge exchange events p+p to n+n at 8 GeV/c is presented. The high angle resolution ( Delta theta <1 mrad) permits an exact investigation of the differential cross section in the vicinity of the forward direction. [...]
1972 - Published in : Helv. Phys. Acta: 45 (1972) , no. 6, pp. 950 External link: Fulltext
In : Swiss Physical Society Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, 21 - 22 Apr 1972, pp.950
Differential cross section for coherent production of three-pion systems on nuclei at 15.1 GeV/c / Bemporad, C ; Bellini, G ; Beusch, Werner ; Codling, J ; Di Corato, M ; Dufey, J P ; Freudenreich, Klaus ; Frosch, R ; Gentit, F X ; Lee, J G et al.
The measured differential cross sections d/sup 2/ sigma /dt' dm/sub 3 pi / of three- pion production on nine different nuclei (based on 40000 events) are presented. The corrections due to the background of incoherent reactions and due to the limited angular resolution of the experiment are discussed. [...]
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 42 (1972) 627-643
Memorandum : Intentions for experiments using the polarised target in the CERN-ETH magnet / London(IC)-CERN Collaboration
- 1971. - 4 p.
Proposal for a $\equiv$* experiment in the Omega spectrometer / Astbury, P (Imperial College) ; Barnett, M (Imperial College) ; Binnie, D (Imperial College) ; Camilleri, L L (Imperial College) ; Duane, A (Imperial College) ; Gallivan, J (Imperial College) ; Garbutt, D (Imperial College) ; Jafar, J (Imperial College) ; Jones, W G (Imperial College) ; Lee, J G (Imperial College) et al.
- 1971. - 14 p.
Evidence that absorption in the $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{-}$ system in nuclear matter is stronger in the $J^{P}=0^{-}$ than in the $J^{P}=1^{+}$ state / Beusch, Werner ; Astbury, P ; Bellini, G ; Di Corato, M ; Freudenreich, Klaus ; Gentit, F X ; Lee, J G B ; Letheren, M F ; Mühlemann, P ; Palombo, F et al.
In the reaction pi /sup -/+A to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup -/+A at 15.1 GeV/c the coherently produced 3 pi mass spectrum has a broad peak around 1.1 GeV which consists mainly of a J/sup P/=1/sup +/ state and of a smaller fraction of 0/sup -/. Comparing the observed dependence of the production of these diffractive states on the atomic weight A of the target nuclei with the optical model, the authors have studied the absorption of the produced states in nuclear matter, and have found the following values of the absorption cross-sections: sigma /sub 2/(0/sup -/)=49/sub -7//sup +9/ mb and sigma /sub 2/(1/sup +/) =15.8/sub -1.3//sup +1.5/ mb. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1974 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 55 (1975) 97-100

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