CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 43 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.64 sekunder. 
11th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors (formerly 'Elmau Conference') - New Developments in Radiation Detectors   7 - 11 Jun 2009  - Wildbad Kreuth, Germany  / Andricek, L (ed.); Holl, P (ed.); Schopper, F (ed.); Strueder, L (ed.); Wunstorf, R (ed.); Masciocchi, S (ed.); Castoldi, A (ed.); Fiorini, C (ed.); Guazzoni, C (ed.)
2010 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 624 (2010)
e+e--pair production in Pb-Au collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon / CERES Collaboration
We present the combined results on electron-pair production in 158 GeV/n {Pb-Au} ($\sqrt{s}$= 17.2 GeV) collisions taken at the CERN SPS in 1995 and 1996, and give a detailed account of the data analysis. The enhancement over the reference of neutral meson decays amounts to a factor of 2.31$\pm0.19 (stat.)\pm0.55 (syst.)\pm0.69 (decays)$ for semi-central collisions (28% $\sigma/\sigma_{geo}$) when yields are integrated over $m>$ 200 MeV/$c^2$ in invariant mass. [...]
nucl-ex/0506002.- 2005 - 39 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 41 (2005) 475-513 Fulltext: PDF; External link: nucl-ex/0506002 PDF
10th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors (formerly 'Elmau Conference') - New Developments in Radiation Detectors   12 - 16 Jun 2005  - Wildbad Kreuth, Germany  / Andricek, Laci (ed.); Holl, Peter (ed.); Schopper, Florian (ed.); Strüder, Lothar (ed.); Masciocchi, Silvia (ed.); Fiorini, Carlo (ed.); Guazzoni, Chiara (ed.)
2006 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 568 (2006)
Operational experience with a large detector system using silicon strip detectors with double sided readout
/ Batagnani, G ; Bauer, C ; Becker, H ; Bloch-Devaux, B ; Boudreau, J ; Brown, D ; Bosi, F ; Bosisio, L ; Carpinelli, M ; Carr, J et al.
CERN-ALEPH-92-091; CERN-ALEPH-MINIV-92-002.- Geneva : CERN, 1992 Fulltext: PDF;
Recent Results and Running Experience of the New ALEPH Vertex Detector
/ Batignani, G ; Bauer, C ; Becker, H ; Bloch-Devaux, B ; Boudreau, J ; Brown, D ; Bosi, F ; Bosisio, L ; Carpinelli, M ; Carr, J et al.
CERN-ALEPH-91-158; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSIC-91-136.- Geneva : CERN, 1991 Fulltext: PDF;
First results from the CERES radial TPC / Marin, A ; Agakichiev, G ; Appelshäuser, H ; Baur, R ; Belaga, V ; Bell, R ; Braun-Munzinger, P ; Ceretto, F ; Cherlin, A ; Damjanovic, S et al.
The CERES/NA45 experiment at the CERN SPS was upgraded in 1998 by the addition of a cylindrical Time Projection Chamber. The aim is to improve the mass resolution of e sup + e sup - pairs in the rho/omega/phi region to DELTA m/m < 2%. [...]
1999 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 661 (1999) 673-676
In : 14th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Turin, Italy, 10 - 15 May 1999, pp.673-676
New results on low-mass lepton pair production in Pb-Au collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon / Lenkeit, B C ; Agakichiev, G ; Appelshäuser, H ; Baur, R ; Braun-Munzinger, P ; Cherlin, A ; Ceretto, F ; Drees, A ; Esumi, S ; Faschingbauer, U et al.
The CERES/NA45 experiment at the CERN-SPS is dedicated to study the production of e sup + e sup - -pairs in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. Compared to extrapolations from results obtained in proton-induced reactions, it has previously observed an enhanced production in S-Au and Pb-Au collisions. [...]
1999 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 654 (1999) 627c-630c
Novel digital K-edge imaging system with transition radiation from an 855-MeV electron beam / Hagenbuck, F ; Backe, H ; Clawiter, N ; Euteneuer, H ; Görgen, F ; Holl, P ; Johann, K ; Kiser, K H ; Kemmer, J ; Kerschner, T et al.
A novel K-edge imaging method has been developed at the Mainz Microtron MAMI aiming at a very efficient use of the transition radiation (TR) flux generated by the external 855-MeV electron beam in a foil stack. A fan-like quasi-monochromatic hard X-ray beam is produced from the +or-1-mrad-wide TR cone with a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) crystal. [...]
2001 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 48 (2001) 843-8
9th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors : New Developments in Radiation Detectors   23 - 27 Jun 2002  - Elmau, Germany  / Holl, Peter (ed.); Lutz, Gerhard (ed.); Schopper, Florian (ed.); Strüder, Lothar (ed.); Masciocchi, Silvia (ed.); Fiorini, Carlo (ed.); Longoni, Antonio (ed.); Sampietro, Marco (ed.)
2002 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 512 (2003)
The beam trajectory monitor for the TTF-FEL at DESY / Hillert, S ; Holl, P ; Lechner, P ; Ischebeck, R ; Karstensen, S ; Müller, U C ; Ng, J S T ; Roth, S ; Petzold, G ; Thom, H
DESY-M-2000-04-ZD.- Hamburg : DESY, 2000 - 3 p.
In : 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Vienna, Austria, 26 - 30 Jun 2000, pp.e-proc. 1803

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