CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 7 journaler efter:  Sökningen tog 0.54 sekunder. 
Honeycomb Strip Chambers for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer / Bakker, F ; Bobbink, Gerjan J ; De Boer, R ; Brouwer, G ; Daum, C ; Gotink, W ; van der Graaf, H ; Groenstege, H L ; Korporaal, A ; Kuilman, W et al.
ATL-MUON-94-035 ; ATL-M-PN-35.
- 1994.
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Proposal of muon trigger an the ATLAS end-cup region / Ammosov, V ; Denisov, A ; Gutnikov, Yu E ; Makeev, V V ; Melnikov, E A ; Usachev, A
ATL-MUON-93-014 ; ATL-M-PN-14.
- 1993.
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Estimation of the muon range with low efficiency hodoscopic counters / Gutnikov, Yu E ; Pitukhin, P V ; Semenov, V K
- 1999. - 7 p.
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Studies of topological distributions of inclusive three- and four-jet events in $p \to{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt s$= 1800 GeV with the D0 detector / Abachi, S ; Abbott, B ; Abolins, M ; Acharya, B S ; Adam, I ; Adams, D L ; Adams, M ; Ahn, S ; Aihara, H ; Alitti, J et al.
- 1996. - 25 p.
Search for anomalous WW and WZ production in $p \to{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt s$= 1.8 TeV / Abachi, S ; Abbott, B ; Abolins, M ; Acharya, B S ; Adam, I ; Adams, D L ; Adams, M ; Ahn, S ; Aihara, H ; Alitti, J et al.
- 1996. - 4 p.
The isolated photon cross section in the central and forward rapidity regions in $p \to{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt s$= 1.8 TeV / Abachi, S ; Abbott, B ; Abolins, M ; Acharya, B S ; Adam, I ; Adams, D L ; Adams, M ; Ahn, S ; Aihara, H ; Alitti, J et al.
- 1996. - 6 p.
On the use of the LA spectrometer BARS for horizontal muon spectrum measurements / Belikov, S V ; Gurzhev, S N ; Gutnikov, Yu E ; Denisov, A G ; Denisov, S P ; Dushkin, A Yu ; Ekimov, A V ; Kochetkov, V I ; Lipaev, V V ; Los, S V et al.
- 1996. - 14 p.
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2 Gutnikov, Y
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