CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 17 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästa  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 1.44 sekunder. 
First Observations Of High-energy Cosmic Ray Events Obtained In Coincidence Between Eas-top And Lvd At Gran Sasso / Aglietta, M ; Alpat, B ; Alyea, E D ; Alessandro, B ; Antonioli, P ; Anzivino, Giuseppina ; Arneodo, F ; Badino, G ; Ban, Y ; Bari, G et al.
- 2000.
Present status of the LVD experiment in the Gran Sasso Laboratory / LVD Collaboration
1994 - Published in : Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys.: 58 (1994) , pp. 2063-2066
Search for point sources with muons observed by LVD / LVD Collaboration
- 1997. - 5 p.
Access to fulltext document - Access to fulltext document
Upper limit on the prompt muon flux derived from the LVD data / LVD Collaboration
INFN-AE-97-35.- Italy : INFN, 1997 - 6 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 25th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, v.1-7, Durban, South Africa, 28 Jul - 8 Aug 1997, pp.341
An energy signature for very deep underground muons observed by the LVD experiment / LVD Collaboration
INFN-AE-97-34.- Italy : INFN, 1997 - 6 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 25th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, v.1-7, Durban, South Africa, 28 Jul - 8 Aug 1997, pp.337-340
Study of neutrinos from stellar collapses with the LVD experiment in the Gran Sasso Laboratory / LVD Collaboration
INFN-AE-97-33.- Italy : INFN, 1997 - 6 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 25th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, v.1-7, Durban, South Africa, 28 Jul - 8 Aug 1997, pp.33-36
Description and operational characteristics of the LVD experiment / LVD Collaboration
In : 24th International Conference on Cosmic Rays, v.1, Rome, Italy, 28 Aug - 8 Sep 1995, pp.1035-1042
Results of the LVD experiment at Gran Sasso / LVD Collaboration
In : Vulcano Workshop, Lentia, Italy, 23 - 28 May 1994, pp.451-459
Neutrino-induced and atmospheric single-muon fluxes measured over five decades of intensity by LVD at Gran Sasso laboratory / LVD Collaboration
Gran Sasso : Gran Sasso Nat. Lab. INFN, 1995 - 29 p. - Published in : Astropart. Phys. 3 (1995) 311-320 Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF; - CERN library copies
Single muon angular distributions observed in the LVD particle astrophysics experiment / LVD Collaboration
1994 - Published in : Astropart. Phys. 2 (1994) 103-116

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