CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 61 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.72 sekunder. 
Nucleus-nucleus collisions at 60-GeV/nucleon to 200-GeV/nucleon: Photon measurement results from the WA80 experiment at CERN / Plasil, F (Oak Ridge) ; Albrecht, R (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Awes, T C (Oak Ridge) ; Baktash, C (Oak Ridge) ; Beckmann, P (Munster U.) ; Berger, F (Munster U.) ; Bock, R (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Claesson, G (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Clewing, G (Munster U.) ; Dragon, L (Munster U.) et al. /WA80
1991 - 2 p. - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 2 (1991) , pp. 1104-1105 Published version: PDF;
In : 25th International Conference on High-Energy Physics, Singapore, Singapore, 2 - 8 Aug 1990, pp.1104-1105
International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing algorithms   21 - 23 Mar 2005  - Coimbra, Portugal  / Ribeiro, Bernadete (ed.); Albrecht, Rudolf F (ed.); Dobnikar, Andrej (ed.); Pearson, David W (ed.); Steele, Nigel C (ed.)
Response to questions of SPSC / Gutbrod, H H ; Albrecht, R ; Bock, R ; Kolb, B W (et al.)
CERN-SPSC-88-32 ; SPSC-R-76.
- 1988. - 39 p.
Transverse momentum distributions of neutral pions from nuclear collisions at 200 AGeV / WA80 Collaboration
New results on transverse mass spectra of neutral pions measured at central rapidity are presented for impact parameter selected 200 AGeV S + S and S + Au collisions. The spectra from all systems show a clear power-law like shape with similar curvature. [...]
nucl-ex/9805007; IKP-MS-980501; IKP-MS-98-05-01.- Münster : Münster Univ., 1998 - 13 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 5 (1998) 255-267 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Comparison of $\pi^{0}$ and $\eta$ spectra from S + Au collisions at 200 GeV/c / Lebedev, A ; Albrecht, R ; Antonenko, V G /WA80 Collaboration
In : 10th International Conference on Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-nucleus Collisions, Borlänge, Sweden, 20 - 24 Jun 1993, pp.355c-358c
Study of relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at the CERN SPS : addendum to memorandum M 406 / Albrecht, R ; Böck, R K ; Gutbrod, Hans H (et al.)
CERN-SPSC-88-22 ; SPSC-P-236.
- 1988.
Access to fulltext document - Access to fulltext document - CERN library copies
Single photon production in 200 A.GeV sulphur on gold collisions / WA80 Collaboration
In : NATO Advanced Workshop on Hot Hadronic Matter : Theory and Experiment, Divonne-les-Bains, France, 27 Jun 1994, pp.347-354
Results from CERN experiment WA80 / Plasil, F ; Albrecht, R ; Awes, T C ; Barlag, C ; Berger, F ; Bloomer, M A ; Blume, C ; Bock, D ; Böck, R K ; Bohne, E M et al.
In : 10th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Snowbird, UT, USA, 16 - 22 Jan 1994, pp.119-127
Limits on the production of direct photons in 200 A GeV$^{32}$S + Au collisions / WA80 Collaboration
A search for the production of direct photons in S+Au collisions at 200\cdotA~GeV has been carried out in the CERN-WA80 experiment. For central collisions the measured photon excess at each p_T, averaged over the range 0.5~GeV/c~ \leq p_T \leq 2.5~GeV/c, corresponded to 5.0\% of the total inclusive photon yield with a statistical error of \sigma_{\rm stat}=0.8\% and a systematic error of \sigma_{\rm syst}=5.8\%. [...]
CERN-PPE-95-186.- Geneva : CERN, 1996 - 8 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 3506-3509 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Production of $\eta$ mesons in 200 AGeV S+S and S+Au reactions / WA80 Collaboration
Minimum Bias production cross sections of $\eta$ mesons have been measured in 200AGeV S+Au and S+S collisions at the CERN SPS by reconstructing the $\eta\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ decay. The measurements have been made over the rapidity range $2.1 \leq y \leq 2.9$ using the leadglass spectrometer of WA80. [...]
hep-ex/9507009; IKP-MS-95-07-01.- Münster : Münster Univ., 1995 - 14 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 361 (1995) 14-20 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: DURHAM - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.

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2 Albrecht, R.
2 Albrecht, Ralf
2 Albrecht, Robert L
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4 Albrecht, Rudolf
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