CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 352 záznamov nájdených  1 - 10ďalšíkoniec  skoč na záznam: Hľadanie trvalo 0.72 sekúnd. 
Search for a new scalar decaying into new spin-1 bosons in four-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A search is conducted for a new scalar boson $S$, with a mass distinct from that of the Higgs boson, decaying into four leptons ($\ell =$ $e$, $\mu$) via an intermediate state containing two on-shell, promptly decaying new spin-1 bosons $Z_\text{d}$: $S \rightarrow Z_\text{d}Z_\text{d} \rightarrow 4\ell$, where the $Z_\text{d}$ boson has a mass between 15 and 300 GeV, and the $S$ boson has a mass between either 30 and 115 GeV or 130 and 800 GeV. [...]
arXiv:2410.16781 ; CERN-EP-2024-248.
- 2024 - 35.
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Search for diphoton resonances in the 66 to 110 GeV mass range using $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A search is performed for light, spin-0 bosons decaying into two photons in the 66 to 110 GeV mass range, using 140 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV produced by the Large Hadron Collider and collected by the ATLAS detector. [...]
arXiv:2407.07546 ; CERN-EP-2024-166.
- 2024 - 44.
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Measurement of differential cross-sections in $ t\overline{t} $ and $ t\overline{t} $+jets production in the lepton+jets final state in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 13 TeV using 140 fb$^{−1}$ of ATLAS data / ATLAS Collaboration
Differential cross-sections for top-quark pair production, inclusively and in association with jets, are measured in $pp$ collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC using an integrated luminosity of 140 fb$^{-1}$. The events are selected with one charged lepton (electron or muon) and at least four jets. [...]
arXiv:2406.19701; CERN-EP-2024-163.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-08-22 - 85 p. - Published in : JHEP 2408 (2024) 182 Fulltext: 2406.19701 - PDF; document - PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Measurements of jet cross-section ratios in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with ATLAS / ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of jet cross-section ratios between inclusive bins of jet multiplicity are performed in 140 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions with $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV center-of-mass energy, recorded with the ATLAS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. Observables that are sensitive the energy-scale and angular distribution of radiation due to the strong interaction in the final state are measured double-differentially, in bins of jet multiplicity, and are unfolded to account for acceptance and detector-related effects. [...]
arXiv:2405.20206; CERN-EP-2024-119.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-10-01 - 41 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 072019 Fulltext: 2405.20206 - PDF; Publication - PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Search for a resonance decaying into a scalar particle and a Higgs boson in the final state with two bottom quarks and two photons in proton–proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A search for the resonant production of a heavy scalar $X$ decaying into a Higgs boson and a new lighter scalar $S$, through the process $X \to S(\to bb) H(\to \gamma\gamma)$, where the two photons are consistent with the Higgs boson decay, is performed. The search is conducted using an integrated luminosity of 140 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. [...]
arXiv:2404.12915; CERN-EP-2024-072.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-11-07 - 44 p. - Published in : JHEP 2411 (2024) 047 Fulltext: 2404.12915 - PDF; document - PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Search for the non-resonant production of Higgs boson pairs via gluon fusion and vector-boson fusion in the $b\bar{b}\tau^+\tau^-$ final state in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A search for the non-resonant production of Higgs boson pairs in the $HH\rightarrow b\bar{b}\tau^+\tau^-$ channel is performed using 140 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $13$ TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The analysis strategy is optimised to probe anomalous values of the Higgs boson self-coupling modifier $\kappa_\lambda$ and of the quartic $HHVV$ ($V = W,Z$) coupling modifier $\kappa_{2V}$. [...]
arXiv:2404.12660; CERN-EP-2024-091.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-08-01 - 35 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 032012 Fulltext: 2404.12660 - PDF; Publication - PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Precise measurements of $W$- and $Z$-boson transverse momentum spectra with the ATLAS detector using $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 5.02$ TeV and $13$ TeV / ATLAS Collaboration
This paper describes measurements of the transverse momentum spectra of $W$ and $Z$ bosons produced in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s}=5.02$ TeV and $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Measurements are performed in the electron and muon channels, $W \to \ell\nu$ and $Z \to \ell\ell$ ($\ell=e$ or $\mu$), and for $W$ events further separated by charge. [...]
arXiv:2404.06204; CERN-EP-2024-080.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-10-30 - 85 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 84 (2024) 1126 Fulltext: 2404.06204 - PDF; document - PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Search for flavour-changing neutral-current couplings between the top quark and the Higgs boson in multi-lepton final states in 13 TeV $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A search is presented for flavour-changing neutral-current interactions involving the top quark, the Higgs boson and an up-type quark ($q=u,c$) with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The analysis considers leptonic decays of the top quark along with Higgs boson decays into two $W$ bosons, two $Z$ bosons or a $\tau^{+}\tau^{-}$ pair. [...]
arXiv:2404.02123; CERN-EP-2024-070; CERN-EP-2024-070.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-07-29 - 62 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 84 (2024) 757 Fulltext: 2404.02123 - PDF; document - PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Search for pair-produced higgsinos decaying via Higgs or $Z$ bosons to final states containing a pair of photons and a pair of $b$-jets with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A search is presented for the pair production of higgsinos $\tilde{\chi}$ in gauge-mediated supersymmetry models, where the lightest neutralinos $\tilde{\chi}_1^0$ decay into a light gravitino $\tilde{G}$ either via a Higgs $h$ or $Z$ boson. The search is performed with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider using 139 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV. [...]
arXiv:2404.01996; CERN-EP-2023-039.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-08-08 - 24 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 856 (2024) 138938 Fulltext: 2404.01996 - PDF; Publication - PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Exploration at the high-energy frontier: ATLAS Run 2 searches investigating the exotic jungle beyond the Standard Model / ATLAS Collaboration
The Large Hadron Collider is at the high-energy frontier of particle physics, having produced proton-proton collisions during Run 2, from 2015 to 2018, at an unprecedented centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. [...]
arXiv:2403.09292 ; CERN-EP-2024-075.
- 2024 - 123.
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