CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 9 záznamov nájdených  Hľadanie trvalo 1.14 sekúnd. 
As$^{\textrm{III}}$ Selectively Induces a Disorder-to-Order Transition in the Metalloid Binding Region of the AfArsR Protein / Tóth, Annamária ; Sajdik, Kadosa ; Gyurcsik, Béla ; Nafaee, Zeyad H ; Wéber, Edit ; Kele, Zoltan ; Christensen, Niels Johan ; Schell, Juliana (CERN) ; Correia, Joao Guilherme (CERN) ; Clauss, Kajsa G V Sigfridsson et al.
Arsenic is highly toxic and a significant threat to human health, but certain bacteria have developed defense mechanisms initiated by AsIII binding to AsIII-sensing proteins of the ArsR family. The transcriptional regulator AfArsR responds to AsIII and SbIII by coordinating the metalloids with three cysteines, located in a short sequence of the same monomer chain. [...]
2024 - 14 p. - Published in : J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146 (2024) 17009-17022 Fulltext: PDF;
Revisiting the hydrolysis of ampicillin catalyzed byTemoneira-1β-lactamase, and the effect of Ni(II), Cd(II)and Hg(II) / Nafaee, Zeyad H (Szeged U. ; Unlisted, IQ) ; Egyed, Viktoria (Szeged U.) ; Jancso, Attila (Szeged U.) ; Toth, Annamaria (Szeged U.) ; Gerami, Adeleh Mokhles (IPM, Tehran ; CERN) ; Dang, Thanh Thien (Duisburg-Essen U.) ; Heiniger-Schell, Juliana (CERN ; Duisburg-Essen U.) ; Hemmingsen, Lars (Bohr Inst.) ; Hunyadi-Gulyas, Eva (Budapest, RMKI) ; Peintler, Gabor (Szeged U.) et al.
β-Lactamases grant resistance to bacteria against β-lactam antibiotics. The active center of TEM-1 β-lactamase accommodates a Ser-Xaa-Xaa-Lys motif. [...]
2023 - 20 p. - Published in : Protein Sci. 32 (2023) e4809 Fulltext: PDF;
C‐terminal Cysteines of CueR Act as Auxiliary Metal Site Ligands upon Hg$^{II}$ Binding—A Mechanism To Prevent Transcriptional Activation by Divalent Metal Ions? / Balogh, Ria K (Szeged U.) ; Gyurcsik, Béla (Szeged U.) ; Hunyadi‐Gulyás, Éva (Szeged U., Cybernetics Lab) ; Schell, Juliana (CERN ; Duisburg-Essen U.) ; Thulstrup, Peter W (Copenhagen U.) ; Hemmingsen, Lars (Copenhagen U.) ; Jancsó, Attila (Szeged U.)
Intracellular CuI is controlled by the transcriptional regulator CueR, which effectively discriminates between monovalent and divalent metal ions. It is intriguing that HgII does not activate transcription, as bis-thiolate metal sites exhibit high affinity for HgII. [...]
2019 - 6 p. - Published in : Chemistry – A European Journal 25 (2019) 15030-15035 Fulltext: PDF;
A reference compound for $^{199m}$ Hg perturbed angular correlation of $\gamma$ -rays spectroscopy / Jancsó, Attila (Szeged U.) ; Correia, Joao G (Lisbon, IST ; CERN) ; Balogh, Ria K (Szeged U.) ; Schell, Juliana (Duisburg-Essen U. ; CERN) ; Jensen, Marianne L (Bohr Inst.) ; Szunyogh, Daniel (Copenhagen U.) ; Thulstrup, Peter W (Copenhagen U.) ; Hemmingsen, Lars (Copenhagen U.)
$^{199m}$ Hg is a very useful probe for perturbed angular correlation of $\gamma$ -rays (PAC) spectroscopy. Here we present $^{199m}$ Hg PAC data for a Hg $^{2+}$ containing compound, Hg(Cys)$_{2}$(s), giving one unique nuclear quadrupole interaction (NQI). [...]
2021 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1002 (2021) 165154
Nanosecond Dynamics at Protein Metal Sites: An Application of Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) of $\gamma$-Rays Spectroscopy / Chakraborty, Saumen (Mississippi U.) ; Pallada, Stavroula (CERN ; U. Copenhagen (main)) ; Pedersen, Jeppe T (U. Copenhagen (main)) ; Jancso, Attila (Szeged U.) ; Correia, Joao G (CERN ; IST, Lisbon (main)) ; Hemmingsen, Lars (U. Copenhagen (main))
Metalloproteins are essential to numerous reactions in nature, and constitute approximately one-third of all known proteins. Molecular dynamics of proteins has been elucidated with great success both by experimental and theoretical methods, revealing atomic level details of function involving the organic constituents on a broad spectrum of time scales. [...]
2017 - 8 p. - Published in : Account Chem. Res. 50 (2017) 2225-2232 Fulltext: PDF;
TDPAC and β-NMR applications in chemistry and biochemistry / Jancso, Attila (Szeged U.) ; Correia, Joao G (CERN ; IST/ITN, Lisbon) ; Gottberg, Alexander (TRIUMF) ; Schell, Juliana (CERN ; Duisburg-Essen U.) ; Stachura, Monika (TRIUMF) ; Szunyogh, D (Szeged U. ; Copenhagen U.) ; Pallada, Stavroula (CERN ; Bohr Inst. ; Democritus U., Thrace) ; Lupascu, Doru C (Duisburg-Essen U.) ; Kowalska, Magdalena (CERN) ; Hemmingsen, Lars (Bohr Inst.)
Time differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) of γ-rays spectroscopy has been applied in chemistry and biochemistry for decades. Herein we aim to present a comprehensive review of chemical and biochemical applications of TDPAC spectroscopy conducted at ISOLDE over the past 15 years, including elucidation of metal site structure and dynamics in proteins and model systems. [...]
2017 - 25 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 44 (2017) 064003
Specificity of the Metalloregulator CueR for Monovalent Metal Ions: Possible Functional Role of a Coordinated Thiol? / Szunyogh, Dániel (MTA‐SZTE Bioinorganic Chemistry Research Group, Hungary) ; Szokolai, Hajnalka (Szeged U.) ; Thulstrup, Peter W (Copenhagen U.) ; Larsen, Flemming H (Copenhagen U.) ; Gyurcsik, Béla (Szeged U.) ; Christensen, Niels Johan (Copenhagen U.) ; Stachura, Monika (CERN ; TRIUMF) ; Hemmingsen, Lars (Copenhagen U.) ; Jancsó, Attila (Szeged U.)
Metal-ion-responsive transcriptional regulators within the MerR family effectively discriminate between mono- and divalent metal ions.Herein we address the origin of the specificity of the CueR protein for monovalent metal ions.Several spectroscopic techniques were employed to study $Ag^I$ ,$Zn^{II}$ ,and $Hg^{II}$ binding to model systems encompassing the metal-ion-binding loop of CueR from E. coli and V. [...]
2015 - 6 p. - Published in : Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54 (2015) 15756-15761
111Ag-Perturbed Angular Correlation of γ-rays (PAC) spectroscopy during the long shutdown 2019-2020: Function of proteins in Cu+ homeostasis and transport / Hemmingsen, Lars (University of Copenhagen) ; Jancsó, Attila (University of Szeged) ; Köster, Ulli (Institut Laue-Langevin) ; Schell, Juliana (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and University Duisburg-Essen) ; Lupascu, Doru Constantin (University Duisburg-Essen) ; Huffman, David (Western Michigan University) ; Martins Correia, Joao Guilherme (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN))
CERN-INTC-2017-042 ; INTC-P-512.
- 2017.
β-NMR of copper isotopes in ionic liquids / Stachura, Monika (CERN) ; Hemmingsen, Lars (Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark) ; Gottberg, Alexander (CERN) ; Kowalska, Magdalena (CERN) ; Bissell, Mark L (Institute for Nuclear and Radiation Physics, KU Leuven, Belgium) ; Bjerrum, Morten J (Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark) ; Flanagan, Kieran (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, United Kingdom) ; Garcia Ruiz, Ronald F (Institute for Nuclear and Radiation Physics, KU Leuven, Belgium) ; Georgiev, Georgi (CSNSM, Orsay, France) ; Jancso, Attila (Department of Chemistry, University of Szeged, Hungary) et al.
CERN-INTC-2013-034 ; INTC-P-393.
- 2013.

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10 Jancsó, Attila
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