CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 29 záznamov nájdených  1 - 10ďalšíkoniec  skoč na záznam: Hľadanie trvalo 0.73 sekúnd. 
Evidence for sudden of rotational structure in heavy Sr nuclides / Azuma, R E ; Borchert, G L ; Carraz, L C ; Hansen, P G ; Jonson, B ; Mattsson, S ; Nielsen, O B ; Nyman, G H ; Ravn, H L
The authors give evidence for rotational 2/sup +/ and 4/sup +/ levels in /sup 100/Sr. The nuclide /sub 37//sup 100/Rb with half-life of 55 ms was produced by mass separation at the ISOLDE Facility by bombarding a uranium carbide target with 600 MeV protons. [...]
In : International Conference on the Structure of Medium-heavy Nuclei, Rhodes, Greece, 1 - 4 May 1979, pp.244-5
Study of the charge radii of the stable lead isotopes / Borchert, G L ; Hansen, P G ; Jonson, B ; McGrory, J B ; Ravn, H L ; Schult, O W B ; Speth, J
Isotope shifts have been measured of the K alpha /sub 1/ X-ray lines emitted after photo ionization of /sup 204/Pb, /sup 206/Pb, /sup 207 /Pb and /sup 208/Pb samples. The results are compared with theoretical values for delta (r/sup 2/) calculated with a microscopic model. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.56-61 (CERN-1981-009)
Proposal to the PSCC : high resolution spectroscopy of x-rays from antiprotonic hydrogen and helium isotopes using a crystal-89-12 spectrometer / Gotta, D ; Elsener, K ; Borchert, G L ; Schult, O W B (et al.)
CERN-PSCC-89-12 ; PSCC-S-117.
- 1989. - 3 p.
Proposal to the PSCC : high resolution spectroscopy of x-rays from antiprotonic hydrogen and helium isotopes using a crystal-89-11 spectrometer / Gotta, D ; Elsener, K ; Borchert, G L ; Schult, O W B (et al.)
CERN-PSCC-89-11 ; PSCC-P-117.
- 1989. - 34 p.
Letter of intent : high resolution spectroscopy of p-atoms with a focussing crystal spectrometer at LEAR / Borchert, G L ; Koch, H R ; Schult, O W B
CERN-PSCC-84-59 ; PSCC-I-69.
- 1984. - 1 p.
High resolution X-ray spectroscopy in light antiprotonic atoms / Borchert, G L ; Anagnostopoulos, D F ; Augsburger, M A ; Castelli, C M ; Chatellard, D ; Egger, J P ; El-Khoury, P ; Elble, M ; Gorke, H ; Gotta, D et al.
At the LEAR facility, CERN, antiprotonic L alpha transitions in light elements have been investigated with a focussing crystal spectrometer. The high resolution of the experiment allowed for the first time to resolve in pH/pH the 2/sup 3/P/sub 0/ state from the close-lying states 2/sup 3/P/sub 2/, 2/sup 1/P/sub 1/, and 2/sup 3/P /sub 1/. [...]
2000 - Published in : Hyperfine Interact. 127 (2000) 149-55
New results on strong-interaction effects in antiprotonic hydrogen / Gotta, D ; Anagnostopoulos, D F ; Augsburger, M A ; Borchert, G L ; Castelli, C M ; Chatellard, D ; El-Khoury, P ; Egger, J P ; Gorke, H ; Hauser, P R et al.
Lyman and Balmer transitions of antiprotonic hydrogen and deuterium have been measured at the low-energy antiproton ring LEAR at CERN in order to determine the strong interaction effects. The X-rays were detected using charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and a reflection type crystal spectrometer. [...]
1999 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 655 (1999) 305-311
Measurement of strong interaction parameters in antiprotonic hydrogen and deuterium / Augsburger, M A ; Anagnostopoulos, D F ; Borchert, G L ; Chatellard, D ; Egger, J P ; El-Khoury, P ; Gorke, H ; Gotta, D ; Hauser, P R ; Indelicato, P J (LKB - Jussieu) et al.
In the PS207 experiment at CERN, X-rays from antiprotonic hydrogen and deuterium have been measured at low pressure. The strong interaction shift and the broadening of the K/sub alpha / transition in antiprotonic hydrogen were $9 determined. [...]
1999 - Published in : Hyperfine Interact. 118 (1999) 59-62
Feasibility to study the inclusive production of fast nuclear fragments at the ANKE spectrometer / Borchert, G L ; Kacharava, A K ; Komarov, V I ; Kulikov, A V ; Nioradze, M S ; Macharashvili, G G ; Müller, H ; Petrus, A Yu ; Yaschenko, S V
E1-98-342 ; JINR-E1-98-342.
- 1998. - 18 p.
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Protonium x-ray spectroscopy / PS207 Collaboration
1996 - Published in : Phys. At. Nucl. 59 (1996) 1503-1508
In : 3rd International Conference on Nucleon-Antinucleon Physics, Moscow, Russian Federation, 11 - 16 Sep 1995, pp.1503-1508

CERN Document Server : 29 záznamov nájdených   1 - 10ďalšíkoniec  skoč na záznam:
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