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CERN Document Server 1 записей найдено  Поиск длился 0.55 секунд. 
Charged Particle Tracking in Real Time using Full-Mesh Data Delivery Architecture and Associative Memory Techniques / Ajuha, Sudha (Sao Paulo State U.) ; Shinoda, Ailton Akira (Sao Paulo State U.) ; Ramalho, Lucas Arruda (Sao Paulo State U.) ; Baulieu, Guillaume (IP2I, Lyon) ; Boudoul, Gaelle (IP2I, Lyon) ; Casarsa, Massimo (INFN, Trieste) ; Cascadan, Andre (Sao Paulo State U.) ; Clement, Emyr (Bristol U.) ; de Paiva, Thiago Costa (Sao Paulo State U.) ; Das, Souvik (Florida U.) et al.
We present a flexible and scalable approach to address the challenges of charged particle track reconstruction in real-time event filters (Level-1 triggers) in collider physics experiments. The method described here is based on a full-mesh architecture for data distribution and relies on the Associative Memory approach to implement a pattern recognition algorithm that quickly identifies and organizes hits associated to trajectories of particles originating from particle collisions. [...]
arXiv:2210.02489; FERMILAB-PUB-22-776-PPD; CERN-CMS-NOTE-2022-011; CERN-CMS-NOTE-2022-011.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-12-05 - 33 p. - Published in : JINST 17 (2022) P12002 Fulltext: NOTE2022_011 - PDF; 628d29ac594cad21c9fdf690e3f3fc02 - PDF; 2210.02489 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: HTM; External link: Fermilab Library Server

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