CERN Accelerating science

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Measurement of quarkonium production in proton--lead and proton--proton collisions at $5.02$ $\mathrm{TeV}$ with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
The modification of the production of $J/\psi$, $\psi(\mathrm{2S})$, and $\mit{\Upsilon}(n\mathrm{S})$ ($n = 1, 2, 3$) in $p$+Pb collisions with respect to their production in $pp$ collisions has been studied. The $p$+Pb and $pp$ datasets used in this paper correspond to integrated luminosities of $28$ $\mathrm{nb}^{-1}$ and $25$ $\mathrm{pb}^{-1}$ respectively, collected in 2013 and 2015 by the ATLAS detector at the LHC, both at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of 5.02 TeV. [...]
arXiv:1709.03089; CERN-EP-2017-197; CERN-PH-EP-2017-197.- Geneva : CERN, 2018-02-28 - 32 p. Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the lepton+jets channel in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV using the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of differential cross-sections of top-quark pair production in fiducial phase-spaces are presented as a function of top-quark and $t\bar{t}$ system kinematic observables in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$=13 TeV. The data set corresponds to an integrated luminosity of $3.2$ fb${}^{-1}$, recorded in 2015 with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. [...]
arXiv:1708.00727; CERN-EP-2017-058.- Geneva : CERN, 2017-11-28 - 72 p. - Published in : JHEP 11 (2017) 191 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Rivet analyses reference
Measurement of detector-corrected observables sensitive to the anomalous production of events with jets and large missing transverse momentum in $pp$ collisions at $\mathbf {\sqrt{s}=13}$  TeV using the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Observables sensitive to the anomalous production of events containing hadronic jets and missing momentum in the plane transverse to the proton beams at the Large Hadron Collider are presented. The observables are defined as a ratio of cross sections, for events containing jets and large missing transverse momentum to events containing jets and a pair of charged leptons from the decay of a $Z/\gamma^\ast$ boson. [...]
arXiv:1707.03263; CERN-EP-2017-116.- 2017-11-15 - 44 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 765 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Rivet analyses reference
Measurement of jet $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ correlations in Pb+Pb and $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76\textrm{ Te\kern -0.1em V}$ with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of dijet $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ correlations in Pb+Pb and $pp$ collisions at a nucleon--nucleon centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76\textrm{ Te\kern -0.1em V}$ are presented. The measurements are performed with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider using Pb+Pb and $pp$ data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of 0.14 nb$^{-1}$ and 4.0 pb$^{-1}$, respectively. [...]
arXiv:1706.09363; CERN-EP-2017-054.- Geneva : CERN, 2017-11-10 - 24 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 774 (2017) 379-402 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Measurement of the inclusive jet cross-sections in proton--proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}= $8 TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Inclusive jet production cross-sections are measured in proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=$8 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The total integrated luminosity of the analysed data set amounts to $20.2$ fb$^{-1}$. [...]
arXiv:1706.03192; CERN-EP-2017-043.- Geneva : CERN, 2017-09-05 - 54 p. - Published in : JHEP 09 (2017) 020 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Rivet analyses reference
Measurement of jet fragmentation in 5.02 TeV proton--lead and proton--proton collisions with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A measurement of the fragmentation functions of jets into charged particles in $p$+Pb collisions and $pp$ collisions is presented. The analysis utilizes 28 nb$^{-1}$ of $p$+Pb data and 26 pb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ data, both at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV, collected in 2013 and 2015, respectively, with the ATLAS detector at the LHC [...]
arXiv:1706.02859; CERN-EP-2017-065.- Geneva : CERN, 2018-10 - 38 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 978 (2018) 65-106 Fulltext: PDF; Preprint: PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Measurement of multi-particle azimuthal correlations in $pp$, $p$+Pb and low-multiplicity Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Multi-particle cumulants and corresponding Fourier harmonics are measured for azimuthal angle distributions of charged particles in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5.02 and 13 TeV and in $p$+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV, and compared to the results obtained for low-multiplicity Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV. These measurements aim to assess the collective nature of particle production. [...]
arXiv:1705.04176; CERN-EP-2017-048.- Geneva : CERN, 2017-06-26 - 54 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 428 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Measurement of $b$-hadron pair production with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV / ATLAS Collaboration
A measurement of $b$-hadron pair production is presented, based on a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 11.4 fb$^{-1}$ of proton--proton collisions recorded at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events are selected in which a $b$-hadron is reconstructed in a decay channel containing $J/\psi \rightarrow \mu\mu$, and a second $b$-hadron is reconstructed in a decay channel containing a muon. [...]
arXiv:1705.03374; CERN-EP-2017-057.- Geneva : CERN, 2017-11-10 - 49 p. - Published in : JHEP 11 (2017) 062 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Rivet analyses reference
Identification and rejection of pile-up jets at high pseudorapidity with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
The rejection of forward jets originating from additional proton--proton interactions (pile-up) is crucial for a variety of physics analyses at the LHC, including Standard Model measurements and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. The identification of such jets is challenging due to the lack of track and vertex information in the pseudorapidity range $|\eta|>2.5$. [...]
arXiv:1705.02211; CERN-EP-2017-055.- Geneva : CERN, 2017-10-26 - 49 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Studies of $Z\gamma$ production in association with a high-mass dijet system in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
The production of a $Z$ boson and a photon in association with a high-mass dijet system is studied using 20.2fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider. Final states with a photon and a Z boson decaying into a pair of either electrons, muons, or neutrinos are analysed. [...]
arXiv:1705.01966; CERN-EP-2017-046.- Geneva : CERN, 2017-07-21 - 50 p. - Published in : JHEP 07 (2017) 107 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Previous draft version

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3 Vlasak, M
18 Vlasak, M.
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