CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 8 записей найдено  Поиск длился 1.01 секунд. 
A multi-use cathode cell MWPC / Delpierre, P A ; Bazan, A ; Bonierbal, P ; Diop, A ; Espigat, P ; Herteault, L ; Jobez, J P ; Saget, G ; Saigne, R ; Sotiras, D et al.
Describes a highly flexible modular design for multiwire proportional chambers used in the CERN-NA3 experiment. The authors illustrate this flexibility by describing the transformation of one chamber into a cathode-cell shower detector and giving its performance as such..
1982 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 197 (1982) 317-24
Test of the per-fluorocarbon cooling system with the Tile Hadron calorimeter of ATLAS / Berry, S ; Bonneau, P ; Bosteels, Michel ; Hallewell, G D ; Bonnefoy, R ; Chadelas, R ; Rosnet, P ; Saigne, R
- 1999.
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Cooling system for the TILECAL hadron calorimeter of the ATLAS detector / Bonneau,P ; Bonnefoy,R ; Bosteels, Michel ; Grenier, P ; Hébrard, C ; Malyukov,S ; Reinmuth,G ; Rosnet, P ; Saigne,R ; Says,LP et al.
ATL-TILECAL-98-139 ; ATL-L-PN-139.
- 1998.
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The drawer system concept for the ATLAS Tilecal readout / Ajaltouni, Ziad J ; Badaud, F ; Bouhemaid, N ; Brette, P ; Brossard, M ; Chadelas, R ; Chevaleyre, JC ; Crouau, M ; Daudon, F ; Dugne, JJ et al.
ATL-TILECAL-94-043 ; ATL-L-PN-43.
- 1994.
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The magnetic field studies of the Tilecal PMTs / Ajaltouni, Ziad J ; Badaud, F ; Bouhemaid, N ; Brette, P ; Brossard, M ; Chadelas, R ; Chevaleyre, JC ; Crouau, M ; Daudon, F ; Dugne, JJ et al.
ATL-TILECAL-94-042 ; ATL-L-PN-42.
- 1994.
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The Tilecal 3-in-1 PMT Base concept and the PMT block assembly / Ajaltouni, Ziad J ; Badaud, F ; Bouhemaid, N ; Brette, P ; Brossard, M ; Chadelas, R ; Chevaleyre, J C ; Crouau, M ; Daudon, F ; Dugne, JJ et al.
ATL-TILECAL-94-041 ; ATL-L-PN-41.
- 1994.
The measurements of magnetic field effects on scintillating tiles / Ajaltouni, Ziad J ; Durand, F ; Fayard, C ; Lentignac, G ; Mayade, S ; Nigon, J ; Pozzobon, F ; Sahuc, E ; Saigne, R ; Savinel, G et al.
ATL-TILECAL-94-040 ; ATL-L-PN-40.
- 1994.
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The Tilecal laser monitoring / Ajaltouni, Ziad J ; Badaud, F ; Bouhemaid, N ; Brette, P ; Brossard, M ; Chadelas, R ; Chevaleyre, JC ; Crouau, M ; Daudon, F ; Dugne, JJ et al.
ATL-TILECAL-94-039 ; ATL-L-PN-39.
- 1994.
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1 Saigne, R.
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