CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 64 записей найдено  1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи: Поиск длился 0.64 секунд. 
Production of short-lived particles in nuclear emulsion by $\Pi$ - mesons at 200 GeV/C / Chernyavsky, M M ; Komar, A A ; Orlova, G I ; Salmanova, N A ; Tretyakova, M I
A-79-93 ; LEBEDEV-INST-P-93.
- 1979. - 12 p.
A possible example of the charmed particle decay into the channel $\B_{c} \to e^{+}e^{-}$ + hadrons / Chernyavsky, MM ; Komar, A A ; Orlova, G I ; Tretyakova, M I
A-78-175 ; LEBEDEV-INST-P-175.
- 1978. - 8 p.
Observation of the new short-lived particles in nuclear emulsion exposed to protons with the momentum 400 GeV/c. / Chernyavsky, M M ; Komar, A A ; Orlova, G I ; Salmanova, N A ; Tretyakova, M I
A-78-149 ; LEBEDEV-INST-P-149.
- 1978. - 37 p.
Azimuthal Structures of Particles Produced in Heavy-Ion Interactions / Vokal, S ; Lehocka, S ; Orlova, G I
The angular structures of particles produced in $^{208}$Pb at 158 $A$ GeV/$c$ and $^{197}$Au at 11.6 $A$ GeV/$c$ induced interactions with Ag(Br) nuclei in an emulsion detector have been investigated. [...]
E1-2005-66 ; JINR-E1-2005-66.
- 2005. - 9 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Observation of charmed meson D/sup 0/D/sup 0/-pair photocreation events / Adamovich, M I ; Aleksandrov, Y A ; Atkinson, M ; Bolta-Dzh, M ; Bravo, L ; Brodbek, T ; Bruks, G R ; Byusse, P D ; Chernyavsky, M M ; Dagliana, M G et al.
Describes an event, discovered in experiments on the creation of charmed particles by tagged photons from the supersynchrotron at CERN. The event was simultaneously registered in nuclear photoemulsion as well as in the magnetic spectrometer 'Omega-prim'. [...]
1981 - Published in : Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.: 34 (1981) , no. 8, pp. 477-82
Topology of White Stars in Relativistic Fragmentation of Light Nuclei / Andreeva, N P ; Bradnova, V ; Vokal, S ; Vokalova, A ; Gaitinov, A Sh ; Gerassimov, S G ; Goncharova, L A ; Dronov, V A ; Zarubin, P I ; Zarubina, I G et al.
In the present paper, experimental observation of the multifragmentation processes of light relativistic nuclei carried out by means of emulsions are reviewed. [...]
JINR-P1-2004-91 ; P1-2004-91.
- 2004. - 16 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Peculiarities in produced particles emission in 208Pb + Ag(Br) interactions at 158 A GeV/c / Vokal, S. (Dubna, JINR) ; Vokalova, A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Kravcakova, A. (Kosice U.) ; Lehocka, S. (Kosice U.) ; Orlova, G.I. (Lebedev Inst.)
The angular structures of particles produced in 208Pb induced collisions with Ag(Br) nuclei in an emulsion detector at 158 A GeV/c have been investigated. Nonstatistical ring-like substructures in azimuthal plane of the collision have been found and their parameters have been determined. [...]
hep-ex/0412017; JINR-E1-2004-173.- 2004 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. At. Nucl. 71 (2008) 1395-1402 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: JINR DUBNA Preprint Server
In : International Conference on Hadron Structure 2004, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2004, pp.1395-1402
Factorial moments of $^{28}Si$ induced interactions with Ag(Br) nuclei / Adamovich, M I ; Aggarwal, M M ; Andreeva, N P ; Badyal, S K ; Bakich, A M ; Basova, E S ; Bhalla, K B ; Bhasin, A ; Bhatia, V S ; Bradnova, V et al.
Scaled factorial moment analysis for the multiplicity distributions of shower particles in the pseudorapidity phase space has been done. An evidence for the presence of dynamical fluctuations has been shown for the non-peripheral interactions of /sup 28/Si+Ag(Br) at 14.6 A Ge V/c and 4.5 A GeV/c. [...]
2001 - Published in : Heavy Ion Phys.: 13 (2001) , no. 4, pp. 213-21
Multifractal analysis of particles produced in $^{197}Au, ^{32}S$ and $^{16}O$ induced interactions at high energies / EMU01 Collaboration
1998 - Published in : Europhys. Lett. 44 (1998) 571-7
Nucleus-nucleus collision as superposition of nucleon-nucleus collisions / EMU01 Collaboration
1999 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 71 (1999) 330-4

CERN Document Server : 64 записей найдено   1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи:
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1 Orlova, G
3 Orlova, G A
3 Orlova, G.
3 Orlova, G.I.
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