CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 19 записей найдено  1 - 10следующий  перейти к записи: Поиск длился 0.58 секунд. 
Polarization in hadron-proton elastic scattering at 10, 14, and 17.5 GeV/c / Borghini, M ; Dick, L ; Olivier, J.C ; Aoi, H ; Cronenberger, D ; Grégoire,G ; Jannout, Z ; Kuroda. K ; Michalowicz, A ; Poulet, M et al.
- 1972. - 10 p.
Recent results on the polarization parameter in πp and pp elastic scattering from 6 to 12 GeV/c. / Borghini, M (CERN) ; Coignet, G (Orsay) ; Dick, Louis (CERN) ; Kuroda, K (Orsay) ; Di Lella, L (CERN) ; Macq, P C (Louvain U., Inst. Phys. Nucl.) ; Michalowicz, A (Orsay) ; Olivier, J C (CERN)
We present the final results of a measurement of the polarization parameter P 0 in high-energy n~-p and p-p elastic scattering, performed using a target which contained polarized protons. Data were taken at beam momenta of 6.0, 8.0, 10.0 and 12.0 GeV/c for n-, and of 6.0, 10.0 and 12.0 GeV/c for n+ and p, in the interval of invariant four-momentum transfer squared-t from 0.1 to 0.75 (GeV/c)2..
Gif-sur-Yvette : CEN, Saclay, 1967 - 2 p. - Published in : (1967) , pp. 123-124 Abstract only: PDF;
In : International Conference on Polarized Targets and Ion Sources, Saclay, France, 5 - 9 Dec 1966, pp.123-124
Mesure du paramètre de polarisation dans les réactions élastiques entre 16 et 17,5 GeV/c, à l'aide d'une cible de protons polarisés / Olivier, J C
CERN-NP-Internal-Report-71-18. - Geneva : CERN, 03 Déc 1971. - 115 p.

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Measurement of the polarization parameter in π+p,K+p and p-p elastic scattering at 14 GeV/c / Bell, R T ; Borghini, M ; Dick, Louis ; Grégoire, G ; Di Lella, Luigi ; Olivier, J C ; Poulet, M ; Schardd-Hansen, P
High-Rate Data Acquisition System for Counter Experiments / Bell, R T ; Borghini, M ; Dick, Louis ; Grégoire, G ; Di Lella, Luigi ; Olivier, J C ; Poulet, M ; Schardd-Hansen, P
Proposal for measurements of the polarization parameter P0 in π±p,pp,p¯p, and K±p elastic scattering using a polarized target / Borghini, M (CERN) ; Dick, Louis (CERN) ; Lella di, L (CERN) ; Macq, Pierre C (CERN) ; Olivier, J C (CERN) ; Coignet, G (Inst. du Radium, Orsay) ; Cronenberger, D (Inst. du Radium, Orsay) ; Kuroda, K (Inst. du Radium, Orsay) ; Michalowicz, A (Inst. du Radium, Orsay) ; Poulet, M (Inst. du Radium, Orsay) et al.
- 1966. - 10 p.
Memorandum : Need for a positive high-energy beam and request to modify the d23 beam in the South Hall / Borghini, M ; Coignet, G ; Dick, Louis ; Di Lella, L ; Macq, Pierre C ; Michalowicz, A ; Olivier, J C
- 1966. - 4 p.
Memorandum : Experimental programme to study spin effects in high energy elastic scattering reactions / Bellettini, G ; Bemporad, C ; Beurtey, R ; Borghini, M ; Braccini, Pier Luigi ; Coignet, G ; Cronenberger, D ; Dick, Louis ; Foà, L ; Kuroda, K et al.
- 1966. - 8 p.
Memorandum : Request for a high intensity beam of pions, kaons and protons of both signs / Borghini, M ; Coignet, G ; Dick, Louis ; Di Lella, L ; Macq, Pierre C ; Michalowicz, A ; Olivier, J C
- 1965. - 3 p.
Proposal : Measurement of the recoil proton polarization parameter in the backward π±p elastic scattering at high energies / Borghini, M (CERN) ; Dick, Louis (CERN) ; Olivier, J C (CERN) ; Navarro, A (CERN) ; Caverzasio, C (ORSAY) ; Cronenberger, D (ORSAY) ; Grégoire, G (ORSAY) ; Janout, Z (ORSAY) ; Kuroda, K (ORSAY) ; Michalowicz, A (ORSAY) et al.
- 1969. - 7 p.

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4 Olivier, J
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