CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 3 записей найдено  Поиск длился 0.56 секунд. 
Large Shape Staggering in Neutron-Deficient Bi Isotopes / Barzakh, A (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Andreyev, A N (JAEA, Ibaraki ; York U., England) ; Raison, C (York U., England) ; Cubiss, J G (York U., England) ; Van Duppen, P (Leuven U.) ; Péru, S (CEA DAM) ; Hilaire, S (CEA DAM) ; Goriely, S (Brussels U., IAA) ; Andel, B (Comenius U.) ; Antalic, S (Comenius U.) et al.
The changes in the mean-square charge radius (relative to 209209Bi), magnetic dipole, and electric quadrupole moments of 187,188,189,191187,188,189,191Bi were measured using the in-source resonance-ionization spectroscopy technique at ISOLDE (CERN). A large staggering in radii was found in 187,188,189187,188,189Big, manifested by a sharp radius increase for the ground state of 188188Bi relative to the neighboring 187,189187,189Big. [...]
2021 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 192501 Fulltext: PDF;
Tin resonance-ionization schemes for atomic- and nuclear-structure studies / Gustafsson, F P (Leuven U.) ; Ricketts, C M (Manchester U.) ; Reitsma, M L (U. Groningen, VSI) ; Garcia Ruiz, R F (CERN ; MIT) ; Bai, S W (Peking U., SKLNPT) ; Berengut, J C (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst. ; New South Wales U.) ; Billowes, J (Manchester U.) ; Binnersley, C L (Manchester U.) ; Borschevsky, A (U. Groningen, VSI) ; Cocolios, T E (Leuven U.) et al.
This paper presents high-precision spectroscopic measurements of atomic tin using five different resonanceionization schemes performed with the collinear resonance-ionization spectroscopy technique. Isotope shifts were measured for the stable tin isotopes from the 5s25p25s25p2 3P0,1,23P0,1,2 and 1S01S0 to the 5s25p6s1P1,3P1,25s25p6s1P1,3P1,2 and 5s25p7s1P15s25p7s1P1 atomic levels. [...]
2020 - 13 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. A 102 (2020) 052812 Fulltext: PDF;
Expanding Nuclear Physics Horizons with the Gamma Factory / Budker, Dmitry (Mainz U. ; Helmholtz Inst., Mainz) ; Berengut, Julian C. (New South Wales U. ; Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Flambaum, Victor V. (New South Wales U. ; Mainz U. ; Helmholtz Inst., Mainz ; Massey U., NZIAS) ; Gorchtein, Mikhail (Mainz U.) ; Jin, Junlan (USTC, Hefei) ; Karbstein, Felix (Helmholtz Inst., Mainz ; Jena U.) ; Krasny, Mieczyslaw Witold (Paris U., VI-VII ; CERN) ; Litvinov, Yuri A. (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Pálffy, Adriana (Erlangen - Nuremberg U., Theorie III) ; Pascalutsa, Vladimir (Mainz U.) et al.
The Gamma Factory (GF) is an ambitious proposal, currently explored within the CERN Physics Beyond Colliders program, for a source of photons with energies up to 400400MeV and photon fluxes (up to 10171017 photons per second) exceeding those of the currently available gamma sources by orders of magnitude. The high-energy (secondary) photons are produced via resonant scattering of the primary laser photons by highly relativistic partially-stripped ions circulating in the accelerator. [...]
arXiv:2106.06584.- 2022-01-31 - 69 p.
- Published in : Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) (2022) , pp. 2100284 Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;

Смотрите также: похожие имена автора
1 Berengut, J
1 Berengut, Julian
3 Berengut, Julian C
1 Berengut, Julian C.
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