CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 9 записей найдено  Поиск длился 0.53 секунд. 
Resonance compensation at the CERN PS booster aided by Bayesian optimization and BOBYQA / Gonzalez-Ortiz, Cristhian (Michigan State U.) ; Asvesta, Foteini (CERN) ; Ainsworth, Robert (Fermilab) ; Prebibaj, Tirsi (CERN)
The CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) operation involves the crossing of multiple resonance lines in the tune diagram. Loss maps from dynamic tune scans are a helpful way to visualize and quantify the strength of such resonances. [...]
FERMILAB-CONF-24-0668-AD.- 2024 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2024 (2024) MOPS17 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, United States, 19 - 24 May 2024, pp.MOPS17
Sub-micron scale transverse electron beam size diagnostics methodology based on the analysis of optical transition radiation source distribution / Aryshev, A (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Ainsworth, R (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Aumeyr, T (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Bergamaschi, M (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Boogert, S T (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Karataev, P (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Kieffer, R (CERN) ; Kruchinin, K (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Lefevre, T (CERN) ; Mazzoni, S (CERN) et al.
Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) appearing when a charged particle crosses a boundary between two media with different dielectric properties has widely been used as a tool for transverse profile measurements of charged particle beams in numerous facilities worldwide. The resolution of the conventional monitors is defined by the dimensions of the Point Spread Function (PSF) distribution, i.e. [...]
2020 - 18 p. - Published in : JINST 15 (2020) P01020 Fulltext: PDF;
Experimental Validation of a Novel Compact Focusing Scheme for Future Energy-Frontier Linear Lepton Colliders / White, G R (SLAC) ; Ainsworth, R (Oxford U., JAI) ; Akagi, T (Hiroshima U.) ; Alabau-Gonzalvo, J (CERN) ; Angal-Kalinin, D (Daresbury) ; Araki, S (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Aryshev, A (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Bai, S (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Bambade, P (Orsay, LAL) ; Bett, D R (Oxford U., JAI) et al. /ATF2
A novel scheme for the focusing of high-energy leptons in future linear colliders was proposed in 2001 [ P. Raimondi and A. [...]
2014 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) 034802
The Influence of Tuners and Temperature on the Higher Order Mode Spectrum for 1.3 GHz SCRF Cavities / Ainsworth, R (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Molloy, S (ESS, Lund) ; Zhang, P (CERN) ; Grecki, M (DESY) ; Baboi, N (DESY) ; Wamsat, T (DESY) ; Eddy, N (Fermilab)
Higher Order Modes (HOMs) are of concern for superconducting cavities as they can drive instabilities and so are usually damped and monitored. With special dedicated electronics, HOMs can provide information on the position on the beam. [...]
2013 - 3 p. Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 16th International Conference on RF Superconductivity, Paris, France, 23 - 27 Sep 2013, pp.thp048
Simulation Studies of Diffraction Radiation / Aumeyr, Thomas (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Ainsworth, Robert (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Karataev, Pavel (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Billing, Michael (Cornell U., CLASSE) ; Bobb, Lorraine (CERN) ; Bolzon, Benoit (CERN) ; Lefèvre, Thibaut (CERN) ; Mazzoni, Stefano (CERN)
Transition Radiation (TR) and Diffraction Radiation (DR) are produced when a relativistic charged particle moves through a medium or in the vicinity of a medium respectively. The target atoms are polarised by the electric field of the charged particle, which then oscillate thus emitting radiation with a very broad spectrum. [...]
2014 - 3 p. - Published in : , pp. THPME189 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Dresden, Germany, 15 - 20 Jun 2014, pp.THPME189
Status of the CLIC-UK R&D; Programme on Design of Key Systems for the Compact Linear Collider / Burrows, Philip (Oxford U., JAI) ; Ainsworth, Robert (Oxford U., JAI) ; Aumeyr, Thomas (Oxford U., JAI) ; Bett, Douglas (Oxford U., JAI) ; Blaskovic Kraljevic, Neven (Oxford U., JAI) ; Bobb, Lorraine (Oxford U., JAI) ; Boogert, Stewart (Oxford U., JAI) ; Bosco, Alessio (Oxford U., JAI) ; Christian, Glenn (Oxford U., JAI) ; Corner, Laura (Oxford U., JAI) et al.
Six UK institutes are engaged in a collaborative R&D; programme with CERN aimed at demonstrating key aspects of technology feasibility for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). We give an overview and status of the R&D; being done on: 1) Drive-beam components: quadrupole magnets and the beam phase feed-forward prototype. [...]
2014 - 4 p. - Published in : , pp. TUPME008 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Dresden, Germany, 15 - 20 Jun 2014, pp.TUPME008
HOM Coupler Optimisation for the Superconducting RF Cavities in ESS / Ainsworth, R (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Molloy, S (ESS, Lund) ; Calaga, R (CERN)
The European Spallation Source (ESS) will be the world’s most powerful next generation neutron source. It consists of a linear accelerator, target, and instruments for neutron experiments. [...]
2012 - 3 p. - Published in : Conf. Proc.: C1205201 (2012) , pp. WEEPPB008
External link: Published from JaCoW
In : 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 20 - 25 May 2012, pp.2182-2184
CAVITY BEAM POSITION MONITOR SYSTEM FOR ATF2   / Boogert, S T (JAI at RHUL) ; Ainsworth, R (JAI at RHUL) ; Boorman, G (JAI at RHUL) ; Molloy, S (JAI at RHUL) ; Ross, M (FNAL) ; Aryshev, A (KEK) ; Honda, Y (KEK) ; Terunuma, N (KEK) ; Urakawa, J (KEK) ; Kim, E S (KNU) et al.
WP: 9: Technology for normal conducting higher energy linear accelerators
Task: 9.4: BDS

The Accelerator Test Facility 2 (ATF2) in KEK, Japan, is a prototype scaled demonstrator system for the final focus required for a future high energy lepton linear collider. [...]
- 2010.
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Development of the C-Band BPM System for ATF2   / Lyapin, A (UCL London) ; Maiheu, B (UCL London) ; Wing, M (UCL London) ; Shin, S (Fermilab) ; Honda, Y (KEK) ; Tauchi, T (KEK) ; Terunuma, N (KEK) ; Heo, A (Kyungpook National University) ; Kim, E (Kyungpook National University) ; Kim, K (Kyungpook National University) et al.
WP: 9: Technology for normal conducting higher energy linear accelerators
Task: 9.4: BDS

The ATF2 international collaboration is intending to demonstrate nanometre beam sizes required for the future Linear Colliders. [...]
- 2010.
Access to fulltext document - Published version from PAC09

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1 Ainsworth, R A
1 Ainsworth, R C E
1 Ainsworth, R L
1 Ainsworth, R.
8 Ainsworth, Rachael E
3 Ainsworth, Robert
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