CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 134 records found  1 - 10próximoend  jump to record: Search took 0.68 seconds. 
Installation and performance of the 3rd Veto plane at the SND@LHC detector / SND@LHC Collaboration
During 2022/2023 the optimal inefficiency of the Veto system of the SND@LHC detector was measured to be $(7.8\pm2.8)\times10^{-8}$. [...]
- 13.
An integrated flux-symmetric spectrometer-magnet system for the SND@LHC experiment upgrade / SND@LHC Collaboration
The proposed upgrade of the SND@LHC experiment for the High Luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) will strongly benefit from the presence of a magnetized region, allowing for muon momentum and chargemeasurement. In this paper we describe an iron core magnet system that is partly integrated with the calorimeter and that is designed to respect the strict constraints from the available space in the experimental cavern, power consumption, and field requirements.Semi-analytical tools are introduced to explore the parameter space, in order to define the primary design options. [...]
2024 - 26 p. - Published in : JINST 19 (2024) P12002 Fulltext: PDF;
Observation of collider neutrinos without final state muons with the SND@LHC experiment / Abbaneo, D. (CERN) ; Ahmad, S. (PINSTECH, Islamabad) ; Albanese, R. (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Alexandrov, A. (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Alicante, F. (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Androsov, K. (Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne) ; Anokhina, A. ; Asada, T. (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Asawatangtrakuldee, C. (Chulalongkorn U.) ; Ayala Torres, M.A. (Andres Bello Natl. U.) et al. /SND@LHC
We report the observation of neutrino interactions without final state muons at the LHC, with a significance of 6.4\,$\sigma$. A data set of proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 13.6$\,TeV collected by \SND in 2022 and 2023 is used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 68.6\,fb$^{-1}$. [...]
arXiv:2411.18787; CERN-EP-2024-316.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 7 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: Observation_of_electron_neutrino_or_neutral_current_collider_events - PDF; CERN-EP-2024-316 - PDF; 2411.18787 - PDF;
Measurements of hadron production in 90 GeV/c proton-carbon interactions / NA61/SHINE Collaboration
This paper presents the multiplicity of neutral and charged hadrons produced in 90 GeV$/c$ proton-carbon interactions from a dataset taken by the NA61/SHINE experiment in 2017. [...]
arXiv:2410.23098 ; FERMILAB-PUB-24-0798-AD.
- 19.
Fermilab Library Server - Fulltext - Fulltext
Measurement of the mass-changing, charge-changing and production cross sections of $^{11}$C, $^{11}$B and $^{10}$B nuclei in $^{12}{\rm C}+p$ interactions at 13.5 GeV/$c$ per nucleon. / Adhikary, H. (Jan Kochanowski U.) ; Adrich, P. (NCBJ, Warsaw) ; Allison, K.K. (Colorado U.) ; Amin, N. (KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Andronov, E.V. (Unlisted) ; Arsene, I.-C. (Oslo U.) ; Bajda, M. (Jagiellonian U.) ; Balkova, Y. (Silesia U.) ; Battaglia, D. (Notre Dame U.) ; Bazgir, A. (Jan Kochanowski U.) et al.
We report results from a 2018 pilot run to study the feasibility of nuclear fragmentation measurements with the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS. These results are important for the interpretation of the production of light secondary cosmic-ray nuclei (Li, Be, and B) in the Galaxy. [...]
arXiv:2410.18273; CERN-EP-2024-278; FERMILAB-PUB-24-0788-AD.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 36 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-EP-2024-278 - PDF; 2410.18273 - PDF; 077054e2f57a40a2bfcd7d3fe56cd888 - PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Addendum to the AdvancedSND LoI / Abbaneo, D ; Albanese, R ; Alexandrov, A ; Alicante, F ; Androsov, K ; Anokhina, A ; Asada, T ; Asawatangtrakuldee, C ; Ayala Torres, M A ; Battilana, C et al.
Over the six months since the submission of the AdvSND LoI \cite{ADVSND_LOI}, the Collaboration has been intensively discussing with the CERN civil engineering team and the High Luminosity LHC (HL LHC) planning officers to fully understand the constraints related to the civil engineering modifications required for TI18 [...]
CERN-LHCC-2024-014 ; LHCC-I-040-ADD-1.
- 2024.
Original Document (LHCC-I-040) - Full text
Exploring atmospheric neutrino oscillations at ESSnuSB / ESSnuSB Collaboration
This study provides an analysis of atmospheric neutrino oscillations at the ESSnuSB far detector facility. The prospects of the two cylindrical Water Cherenkov detectors with a total fiducial mass of 540 kt are investigated over 10 years of data taking in the standard three-flavor oscillation scenario. [...]
arXiv:2407.21663.- 2024-10-25 - 14 p. - Published in : JHEP 2410 (2024) 187 Fulltext: 2407.21663 - PDF; document - PDF;
Search for Leptonic CP Violation with the ESSnuSBplus Project / ESSnuSB Collaboration
ESSνSB is a design study for a next-generation long-baseline neutrino experiment that aims at the precise measurement of the CP-violating phase, δCP, in the leptonic sector at the second oscillation maximum. The conceptual design report published from the first phase of the project showed that after 10 years of data taking, more than 70% of the possible δCP range will be covered with 5σ C.L. [...]
2024 - 5 p. - Published in : LHEP 2024 (2024) 517 Fulltext: PDF;
Decoherence in Neutrino Oscillation at the ESSnuSB Experiment / ESSnuSB Collaboration
Neutrino oscillation experiments provide a unique window in exploring several new physics scenarios beyond the standard three flavour. One such scenario is quantum decoherence in neutrino oscillation which tends to destroy the interference pattern of neutrinos reaching the far detector from the source. [...]
arXiv:2404.17559.- 2024-08-08 - 30 p. - Published in : JHEP 2408 (2024) 063 Fulltext: 2404.17559 - PDF; document - PDF;
AdvSND, The Advanced Scattering and NeutrinoDetector at High Lumi LHC Letter of Intent / Abbaneo, D ; Albanese, R ; Alexandrov, A ; Alicante, F ; Androsov, K ; Anokhina, A ; Asada, T ; Asawatangtrakuldee, C ; Ayala Torres, M A ; Battilana, C et al.
The SND@LHC experiment has been taking data at the LHC since the beginning of Run3 [...]
CERN-LHCC-2024-007 ; LHCC-I-040.
- 2024.

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