CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Znaleziono 13 rekordów  1 - 10następny  skocz do rekordu: Szukanie trwało 0.55 sekund. 
Radiation Hard 3D Silicon Pixel Sensors for use in the ATLAS Detector at the HL-LHC / Heggelund, Andreas Løkken (Oslo U.) ; Huiberts, Simon (Bergen U.) ; Dorholt, Ole (Oslo U.) ; Read, Alexander Lincoln (Oslo U.) ; Røhne, Ole (Oslo U.) ; Sandaker, Heidi (Oslo U.) ; Lauritzen, Magne (Bergen U.) ; Stugu, Bjarne (Bergen U.) ; Kok, Angela (U. Oslo (main)) ; Koybasi, Ozhan (U. Oslo (main)) et al.
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade requires the planned Inner Tracker (ITk) of the ATLAS detector to tolerate extremely high radiation doses. Specifically, the innermost parts of the pixel system will have to withstand radiation fluences above $1\times10^{16}$$n_{eq}cm^{-2}$. [...]
arXiv:2202.10271.- 2022-08-03 - 18 p. - Published in : JINST 17 (2022) P08003 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2202.10271 - PDF;
Production and Integration of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer / ATLAS IBL Collaboration
During the shutdown of the CERN Large Hadron Collider in 2013-2014, an additional pixel layer was installed between the existing Pixel detector of the ATLAS experiment and a new, smaller radius beam pipe. The motivation for this new pixel layer, the Insertable B-Layer (IBL), was to maintain or improve the robustness and performance of the ATLAS tracking system, given the higher instantaneous and integrated luminosities realised following the shutdown. [...]
arXiv:1803.00844; FERMILAB-PUB-18-826-V.- 2018-05-16 - 90 p. - Published in : JINST 13 (2018) T05008 Fulltext: 1803.00844 - PDF; pdf - PDF; 915f919fb4ff01d19bc67dd5a6b9cd70 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Development of enhanced double-sided 3D radiation sensors for pixel detector upgrades at HL-LHC / Povoli, Marco
The upgrades of High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will call for new radiation hard technologies to be applied in the next generations of tracking devices that will be required to withstand extremely high radiation doses [...]
CERN-THESIS-2013-379 - 354 p.

server - Fulltext - Full text
3D active edge silicon sensors: Device processing, yield and QA for the ATLAS-IBL production / Da Via, Cinzia (Manchester U.) ; Boscardil, Maurizio (Fond. Bruno Kessler, Povo) ; Dalla Betta, GianFranco (INFN, Trento ; Trento U.) ; Fleta, Celeste (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Giacomini, Gabriele (Fond. Bruno Kessler, Povo) ; Hansen, Thor-Erik (SINTEF, Oslo) ; Hasi, Jasmine (SLAC) ; Kok, Angela (SINTEF, Oslo) ; Micelli, Andrea (INFN, Udine ; Udine U.) ; Povoli, Marco (INFN, Trento ; Trento U.) et al.
3D silicon sensors, where plasma micromachining is used to etch deep narrow apertures in the silicon substrate to form electrodes of PIN junctions, were successfully manufactured in facilities in Europe and USA. In 2011 the technology underwent a qualification process to establish its maturity for a medium scale production for the construction of a pixel layer for vertex detection, the Insertable B-Layer (IBL) at the CERN-LHC ATLAS experiment. [...]
SLAC-REPRINT-2013-039.- 2013 - 4 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 699 (2013) 18-21

In : The 8th international "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Taipei, Taiwan, 5 - 8 Dec 2011, pp.18-21
3D silicon sensors: irradiation results / Dalla Betta, G-F (U. Trento ; INFN, Padua) ; Povoli, M (U. Trento ; INFN, Padua) ; Da Via, C (U. Manchester) ; Grinstein, S (Barcelona, IFAE ; ICREA, Barcelona) ; Micelli, A (Barcelona, IFAE ; ICREA, Barcelona) ; Tsiskaridze, S (Barcelona, IFAE ; ICREA, Barcelona) ; Grenier, P (SLAC) ; Darbo, G (INFN, Genoa) ; Gemme, C (INFN, Genoa) ; Boscardin, M (Fond. Bruno Kessler, Trento) et al.
Owing to their unique architecture, that allows the inter-electrode distance to be decoupled from the substrate thickness, 3D silicon sensors are intrinsically radiation hard devices. [...]
- 2014.
Full text
Testbeam and Laboratory Characterization of CMS 3D Pixel Sensors / Bubna, M. (Purdue U.) ; Bortoletto, D. (Purdue U.) ; Alagoz, E. (Purdue U.) ; Krzywda, A. (Purdue U.) ; Arndt, K. (Purdue U.) ; Shipsey, I. (Purdue U.) ; Bolla, G. (Purdue U.) ; Hinton, N. (Purdue U.) ; Kok, A. (SINTEF, Oslo) ; Hansen, T.-E. (SINTEF, Oslo) et al.
The pixel detector is the innermost tracking device in CMS, reconstructing interaction vertices and charged particle trajectories. The sensors located in the innermost layers of the pixel detector must be upgraded for the ten-fold increase in luminosity expected with the High- Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) phase. [...]
arXiv:1402.6384.- 2014 - 10 p. - Published in : JINST 9 (2014) C07019 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 14th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors , Siena, Italy, 3 - 6 Oct 2016, pp.C07019
Prototype ATLAS IBL Modules using the FE-I4A Front-End Readout Chip / ATLAS IBL Collaboration
The ATLAS Collaboration will upgrade its semiconductor pixel tracking detector with a new Insertable B-layer (IBL) between the existing pixel detector and the vacuum pipe of the Large Hadron Collider. The extreme operating conditions at this location have necessitated the development of new radiation hard pixel sensor technologies and a new front-end readout chip, called the FE-I4. [...]
arXiv:1209.1906; AIDA-PUB-2012-010.- 2012 - 45 p. - Published in : JINST 7 (2012) P11010 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Characterization of proton irradiated 3D-DDTC pixel sensor prototypes fabricated at FBK / La Rosa, A. (CERN) ; Boscardin, M. (Fond. Bruno Kessler, Povo) ; Cobal, M. (Udine U. ; INFN, Udine) ; Dalla Betta, G.F. (INFN, Trento ; Trento U.) ; Da Via, C. (Manchester U.) ; Darbo, G. (INFN, Genoa) ; Gallrapp, C. (CERN) ; Gemme, C. (INFN, Genoa) ; Huegging, F. (Bonn U.) ; Janssen, J. (Bonn U.) et al.
In this paper we discuss results relevant to 3D Double-Side Double Type Column (3D-DDTC) pixel sensors fabricated at FBK (Trento, Italy) and oriented to the ATLAS upgrade. Some assemblies of these sensors featuring different columnar electrode configurations (2, 3, or 4 columns per pixel) and coupled to the ATLAS FEI3 read-out chip were irradiated up to large proton fluences and tested in laboratory with radioactive sources. [...]
arXiv:1112.2854.- 2012 - 11 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 681 (2012) 25-33 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Test Beam Results of 3D Silicon Pixel Sensors for the ATLAS upgrade / ATLAS 3D Collaboration
Results on beam tests of 3D silicon pixel sensors aimed at the ATLAS Insertable-B-Layer and High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)) upgrades are presented. Measurements include charge collection, tracking efficiency and charge sharing between pixel cells, as a function of track incident angle, and were performed with and without a 1.6 T magnetic field oriented as the ATLAS Inner Detector solenoid field. [...]
arXiv:1101.4203; SLAC-PUB-14401.- 2011 - 7 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 638 (2011) 33-40 Fulltext: PDF; External link: SLAC Document Server
3D-FBK Pixel sensors: recent beam tests results with irradiated devices / The ATLAS collaboration
The Pixel detector is the innermost part of the ATLAS experiment tracking device at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and plays a key role in the reconstruction of the primary and secondary vertices of short-lived particles. [...]
- 2011. - 6 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text

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