CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Znaleziono 3 rekordów  Szukanie trwało 0.93 sekund. 
Coulomb excitation of pear-shaped nuclei / Butler, Peter (Liverpool U.) ; Gaffney, Liam (Liverpool U. ; CERN) ; Spagnoletti, Pietro (West Scotland U.) ; Konki, Joonas (CERN) ; Scheck, Marcus (West Scotland U.) ; Smith, John (West Scotland U.) ; Abrahams, Kenzo (Western Cape U.) ; Bowry, Michael (TRIUMF) ; Cederkäll, Joakim (Lund U.) ; Chupp, Timothy (Michigan U.) et al.
There is a large body of evidence that atomic nuclei can undergo octupole distortion and assume the shape of a pear. This phenomenon is important for measurements of electric-dipole moments of atoms, which would indicate CP violation and hence probe physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. [...]
2019 - 5 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 223 (2019) 01007 Fulltext: PDF;
In : IV International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (NSD2019), Venice, Italy, 13 -17 May 2019, pp.01007
Evolution of quadrupole and octupole collectivity north-east of $^{132}$Sn: the even $^{140,144}$Xe isotopes / Henrich, Corinna (TU Darmstadt, Germany) ; Kröll, Thorsten (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
CERN-INTC-2021-033 ; INTC-P-604.
- 2021.
Multiple Coulomb excitation of a neutron rich $^{88}$Kr beam to study symmetric and mixed symmetric states in inverse kinematics / Moschner, Kevin (Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany) ; Blazhev, Andrey (Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne) ; Jolie, Jan (Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne) ; Warr, Nigel (Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne) ; De Witte, Hilde (Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, K.U.Leuven) ; Djongolov, Martin (Faculty of Physics, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) ; Fernandez, Guillermo (Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt) ; Gerst, Rosa-Belle (Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne) ; Gladnishki, Kalin (Faculty of Physics, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) ; Hartig, Anna-Lena (Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt) et al.
CERN-INTC-2016-015 ; INTC-P-461.
- 2016.

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15 Henrich, C
8 Henrich, C.
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